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Threat of War is Real!

The latest tension across the Lebanese-Israeli border, and by extension the Lebanese-Syrian border, has been generated by a flurry of press reports and statements about the supposed arming of Hizbullah with upgraded weapons, in the form of Scud missiles coming from Damascus.

The focus of this campaign is obviously two countries – Lebanon and Syria – but a more useful place to look for the source of the tension is down south, in Israel.

Israeli forces have been provoking Lebanon of late, whether their forces have been crossing a “technical fence” into no-man’s land, or the actual UN-drawn Blue Line of withdrawal.

The world’s latest “missile crisis” is being generated by the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which is being squeezed, along with the entire political-military establishment of the Jewish state.

The Israelis are being confronted by what they view as extremely serious challenges. First, there is the ongoing demographic threat to their hold over Palestinian territory. Second, there is a serious state-building threat, in the form of Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. Third, the Netanyahu government has cavalierly ignored Washington’s approach to the Middle East by inflaming the settlements issue. Finally, the Israelis are shook up about the situation in Iran, which continues to hold off an international community that can’t agree on what kind of sanctions against Tehran, if any, will be effective against the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program.

It’s a convenient time for Netanyahu and the Israelis to embark on the reckless strategy of turning things upside down, with the threat of military action against whoever is convenient. Amid recent reports about steps by Hamas to control the smuggling tunnels on the border with Egypt, it’s not a big surprise to see the Israelis take aim at Lebanon. It’s a case of ratcheting up military tension and “seeing where things go,” since the alternative, making compromises on the peace front, appears to be unpalatable for Tel Aviv.

It’s a serious threat, since the West, while anxious to see peace break out, is also anxious about Islamists, whether moderate or extremist. There are those who say the “problem,” in the form of failed states, resistance movements, and Al-Qaeda partisans, will be with us for decades, so why not act on it now?

People in the region might be happy to have right on their side, but we can’t expect help from any quarter. An Israeli consensus apparently exists at the highest levels to “do something” about Hizbullah.

For politicians in Lebanon and elsewhere, the threat is real: wars can break out by mistake or by design, and if we remember the example of Iraq, a war over trumped-up accusations of weapons of mass destruction can generate a climate in which anything can happen.


Re: Threat of War is Real!

This article is obviously from a very secular, left-leaning source as it makes Israel look like the bully in the schoolyard. Israel is depicted as picking on Lebanon and Syria and violating the rules by pushing over the UN Lines. This makes me sick.

We know that the real rule-breakers and aggressors are Hezbollah backed by Iran and Iran's co-conspirators Syria (Bashir Assad) and Lebanon, and the Palestinians. Very clever the way the news is reported in a very cleverly twisted manner throwing all blame on Israel who are simply trying to protect themselves and survive the aggression of the islamists who outnumber them 100 to 1.

Re: Threat of War is Real!

Texas Sue
This article is obviously from a very secular, left-leaning source as it makes Israel look like the bully in the schoolyard. Israel is depicted as picking on Lebanon and Syria and violating the rules by pushing over the UN Lines. This makes me sick.

We know that the real rule-breakers and aggressors are Hezbollah backed by Iran and Iran's co-conspirators Syria (Bashir Assad) and Lebanon, and the Palestinians. Very clever the way the news is reported in a very cleverly twisted manner throwing all blame on Israel who are simply trying to protect themselves and survive the aggression of the islamists who outnumber them 100 to 1.

I totally 100% agree w/you on this, T/Sue!!!

Re: Threat of War is Real!

This post was only intended to create controversy. And Thanks Sue, we won't even go there, there is nothing more to be said, we know the truth and thats why we are free.

See folks, the times we are in.

Email: maria callison@hotmail.com

Re: Threat of War is Real!

Under His Shadow,

please don't take my remarks as a reflection on you at all. You didn't write the article after all, just posted it.

I am glad you did as it shows us how the situation is being framed by those who want to position Israel as the rebel and create empathy and support for Israel's enemies. This is a real eye-opener for us and another sign of how close we are to rapture and how close the world is to trying to destroy Israel. God is aware of all that is being said and of all the little hidden plots against Him and His beloved ones. Star saw the Helper Angels positioned around the globe and they are there for a reason.

Re: Threat of War is Real!

Hi All,

The post was linked from Hal Lindsey's website:


I know how news can be biased based on the agency that is putting it out, however I do appreciate Hal Lindsey posting "up to the minute news" for his readers though! I think his news agency was wanting to deliver whatever news they can right now, since the situation is so volatile.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious in the post--I am very sensitive to news with a slant as well.

Hal Lindsey is so very wonderful--I have followed his ministry for years!


Re: Threat of War is Real!

Under His Shadow

Israeli forces have been provoking Lebanon of late, whether their forces have been crossing a “technical fence” into no-man’s land, or the actual UN-drawn Blue Line of withdrawal.

What they are not telling you here is that the Lebanese were crossing into the blue line area to plant flags as if this were there territory...which it is not. Second Israel did not cross into the blue line...they crossed a bufferzone fence that Israel built so that they could remove the flags. The Lebanese farmers think that the bufferzone fence is the Blue Line but it is not. It is within Israeli territory.


SO typical to paint Israel as the aggressor and violator when it is the Muslims who constantly stir up trouble. Whether it is throwing cinder blocks at Israeli soldier's heads, throwing rocks at the worshipers at the Western Wall, inciting riots on the Temple Mount over ridiculous accusations by the Imams which are unfounded, or stockpiling weapons all along the border.

This stuff really makes me mad. But I know that it wont be long before Syria, Lebanon and all the terrorists stockpiling on the border will get their wake up call...namely in the form of Israeli fighter jets dropping off their payloads.

Re: Threat of War is Real!

Yes, this makes me very mad as well. I just re-read the article and could not believe how one-sided it is.

Indeed, it exposes the evil enemies of Israel and the convoluted thinking of the haters of the truth.

But...we know our God reigns and has the victory! Halleluiah -- Praise His Holy Name!

Re: Threat of War is Real!


It's funny you wrote that because as I was reading the article I stopped to see who the author was..

Email: sbell48907@aol.com

Re: Threat of War is Real!

Me too - definitely biased!

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