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Interesting bride dream this morning

Okay, here goes! It was quite the adventure. First, I was in an indoor swimming pool with other people.

Then I went into the locker room to "get ready” with the other women. I don’t remember what clothes I put on, but I do remember applying special lotion on my skin, particularly on my face. I believe it was some sort of self-tanning lotion—the kind that you rub in and don’t notice a difference right away, but after a few hours your skin begins to look a bit tanner. Anyway, I remember it had a very potent, distinctive smell.

After that, me and about six other women left the swimming pool building and began to run. There were bad guys wearing black who were chasing us, and if they caught us they would kidnap us.

We hid at different people’s houses along the way to rest, but just for short periods of time, because we wanted to reach our destination; and of course we didn't want the bad guys to catch us.

What was our destination? A castle on a hill where our Bridegroom awaited!

At one point I found myself on the balcony of a cathedral-type building, overlooking the bad guys running around on the main level trying to find me. They were calling out, “We know you’re here! We can smell your lotion!”

We had gone quite a ways on our journey, when I suddenly realized that we were all wearing bridal gowns! The dresses had little differences, but they were basically the same style: straight skirt, empire or natural waist, sleeveless or spaghetti straps, and lots of lace! Very elegant & beautiful.

Finally, we arrived at an old lady’s house, where she hid us in a back room. Soon the bad guys came pounding on the door trying to get in. They said to the old lady, “We know you are hiding those brides, because we can smell their lotion!”

But the old lady would not let them in, and they could not get in. She must have had a pretty solid door!

The men wouldn’t leave, however. They were camped outside the house, figuring we would have to come out sometime. So we were trapped. We didn’t know what else to do but wait. We encouraged each other that our Bridegroom would somehow get us out of there, so we might as well rest and not worry.

And then it happened! All of the sudden we were no longer in the back room of the lady’s house, but were running up the hill to our Bridegroom’s castle!

I don’t remember exactly what happened once we got into the castle, but there were many happy people there; lots of talking and swapping of stories. The Bridegroom (Jesus) was there, but I don’t clearly remember what He looked like.

He was laughing and saying that He really surprised us. And we agreed that we had no clue as to when He was going to RAPTURE us! (We actually used the word rapture). He really did surprise us!

He said, “Nobody knew except one little boy, who was mentally disabled.” Then we turned to the little boy and his parents, who explained to everybody that their boy had tried to tell them something that morning. He had been SO excited!!! But the only word he could get out was, “SKY-VER!” He had been pantomiming a sky diver, and then a deep-sea diver, and kept repeating the word, “Sky-ver, sky-ver”.

Sorry- that’s all I can remember, but I woke up “knowing” (well, at least hoping) that we are RIGHT NOW in "the old lady’s house", awaiting our Bridegroom.

FWIW, I think the lotion represents the aroma of Christ: “For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life.” (2 Cor. 2:15)

Dee, I know that you have a gift of dream interpretation... I'd love to hear all y'alls thoughts on the dream's symbolism!


Re: Interesting bride dream this morning

Charity, here is what I saw when I read the dream. The swimming pool was like the Jewish "Mikva" or cleansing basin that the priests used to cleanse themselves before going into the temple or tabernacle. They didn't just sponge bath but dipped themselves fully like baptism. It is the cleansing of the bride (we will be without spot or wrinkle). That cleansing happened when we accepted Jesus as Savior and He washed us clean with His blood.

The dressing room scene represents the preparation of the bride - prayer, studying the Word, encouraging each other.

The journey to the castle where the wedding would be held is our daily walk as we wait. The bad ones in black is the demonic interference - attempts to hinder, discourage, strip our resources from us, depress, oppress and try to force us off the road to our destiny. The fragrance of Christ was well described by you.

The old lady represents the element of time that seems to be a trap we can't escape. Time seems to stretch out as we hold out against the enemy and wait for Jesus.

The run up the hill is the rapture - the upward sprint that frees us from the hold of time, the attacks of the enemy. Seeing Jesus at the reception area is a HINT that we will soon be surprised at the swiftness of our being caught up by the One Who loves us.

Re: Interesting bride dream this morning

What a wonderful interpretation Texas Sue! You are surely gifted in that!

Re: Interesting bride dream this morning

Charity, I had to laugh reading the dream when it got to the point where the bad guys said "We know you've got those brides in there, we can smell them!"

But this was a great dream and I love how it turned out - Texas Sue had an immediate interpretation that sounds very fitting

Re: Interesting bride dream this morning

Oh, I agree!!!

What a gift, T/Sue . . Your heavenly interpretation is such a beautiful insight of Charity's dream !!! I'm in awe

how Holy Spirit showed you . . . WOW!!

Re: Interesting bride dream this morning

It sounds so much like Lot's story when
the men from town surrounded his house,
demanding entrance to it, until the angels
struck them blind.

Re: Interesting bride dream this morning

Thanks for y'alls responses! Texas Sue, thanks for jotting down the interpretation for us. I was thinking many of the same things as you, except for the old lady part...
I was thinkin' that she might represent the Holy Spirit, who shields & comforts us. Since we are IN CHRIST, the Holy Spirit is not going to let the enemy have us! And one of the fruits of the Spirit is PATIENCE. Waiting is the only way to grow this important fruit of the Spirit!

Another thing I was thinking about the self-tanning lotion: once the lotion was applied, it took a little while for the effects of the lotion to show up on the face of the bride.

Likewise, when we first became Christians, we began applying the fragrance of Christ to our hearts through prayer, Bible study, etc.; but it took awhile for the full effects of "applying Christ" to our hearts before we started to glow outwardly with Spiritual health. Does that makes sense???

Anyway, things are definitely picking up in the dreams dep't for me. I'm with y'all:
I do not think we are long for this world. OUR BRIDEGROOM IS A-COMIN'.

Re: Interesting bride dream this morning

Wow! Wonderful sharing, Char! And wonderful, amazing interpretation there, Sue! You both make a great team

The best part about your dream, was when you said you woke up knowing that we seem to be at the part where we are at the old lady's house! OH GOODIE

Re: Interesting bride dream this morning

Thanks Charity, Under His Shadow, Shirley, Donna and Melanie. After reading the dream again, I had another thought about the old lady. Do still think she represents time but now I see that she is the end of time - time almost up. Great dream.

Re: Interesting bride dream this morning

YUP- TIME IS MOST DEFINITELY UP. (And hopefully-- Lord willing-- so are we!)

OH- I HAD ANOTHER THOUGHT. Perhaps it is significant that there were seven brides on the journey. 7 represents spiritual perfection, as a hall-mark of the Holy Spirit's work. So the "7" brides may further confirm that He is perfecting a bride for Himself as we submit to His Spirit and patiently persevere to the end.

Thanks for sharing in my dream, dear sis's. Lots -o- love to y'all!

COME LORD JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Interesting bride dream this morning

Wow, great dream/vision Charity.

And T/Sue, that is a good interpretation also.


Re: Interesting bride dream this morning

Great dream, Charity, and awesome interpretation, Texas Sue. You're a modern day Joseph!!

Re: Interesting bride dream this morning

Well Charity...

I know I'm always going to get something very worthwhile when you and Texas Sue get together.

Just a side note, and then a moment. My mom seems to have stabilized in the nursing home for the time being. That's good news. It's time now to see what will take place in her body. My mom and I have discussed who would win the race. Whether she would go home first, or Jesus would return. I think now that Jesus will return!

Thanks so much everyone for your tender love and prayers. I didn't know if I'd have even a minute to communicate, but right this minute, I do.

I wanted to share a wierd sort of thing that happened to me a few months ago. I'm the type that thinks, "well Lord, You could tell me You'll be back for us before this tooth paste runs out!!! or You'll be back for us before my next birthday. Well, the Lord knows I'd like to have something unique from Him to use as a time line.

When I was fasting for our youngest daughter that had gotten involved with the wrong group of people (a cult) after high school, and we didn't hear from her for nearly 5 years, I asked the Lord if I could fast and pray. The Lord finally said yes. He then told me when and for how long and how the fast was to be done. Pretty particular huh? As the fast went on, as it was going to go for 40 days, the Lord started to give me the realization that she would be back home later in the year. This was May timeframe of quite a few years ago. I knew the time would have changed already to daylight time and that it would be before Christmas. That all I knew. I had a tremendous peace. Well, that's exactly the time frame she came home for the first time in nearly 5 years. It was for only 5 minutes but the door had been opened. She stood in our doorway about Nov 18th.

When I ordered several months ago, two large boxes of artificial sweetner for my coffee, I didn't realize how much I had really ordered. As I went to open the first box, the Spirit seemed to whisper to me that the Lord would be back before I had a chance to use up the first box. That I would never use the second box at all. I only have maybe 2 months left in the first box, 2 1/2 months at the most.

Soooo, is the Lord coming??? He is!!!

Charity and Texas Sue....you two are rare finds. Thanks for the dream and for such a wonderful explanation. How true. By the way....Am I going to look good in a dress??? LOL!!!


Re: Interesting bride dream this morning

Dear Steve, bless your heart! I'm praying along with you that Jesus comes here before your mother goes there! I'm so glad you were able to check in with us.

Funny about the artificial sweetener story. In 2007, Jake and I bought a whole bunch of coffee filters in bulk, for very cheap. I thought, "There's no way we'll use all these before Jesus comes back." Well what-do-ya-know, we ran out just two weeks ago. And I felt in my spirit that the Lord was saying, "There is no more time."

So I believe we are truly on "borrowed time", my friend! Any day now...

Love Always,

Re: Interesting bride dream this morning

Steve, Bro, if we're not out of here very soon then you need to dump the artificial sweetner. That stuff will kill you, man! You want to be as healthy as you can as long as we have to be here!!

Seriously, any of you taking any kind of artifical sweetner and having health problems need to research it. Those sweetners in pop, or just by themselves will cause MANY health issues, even mimicking things like MS. The sweetner turns to formaldihyde in your body when it gets above a certain temperature. Ick.

Check out these sites:



Re: Interesting bride dream this morning

Thanks Diane, for the health tips. I stick with the good ol' NATURAL stuff:

You're prob'ly gonna say that not good either...
well, everybody needs a little sugar now -n- then.

Re: Interesting bride dream this morning

What a beautifull interpretation.

Re: Interesting bride dream this morning

LOL, I use my fair share of good old sugar too, Charity! I like the stuff, but try at least to use the brown raw stuff. I also use Stevia and plain old honey. Plus, lots of dark chocolate to keep me sane. We girls need our sweetness!!

Re: Interesting bride dream this morning

AMEN TO THAT!!!! (To what both Star & Diane said-LOL)

Re: Interesting bride dream this morning

Charity, Love your rapture dream and I think Sue is right on in the interpretation. I would only add one thing I saw and that is that the Old Lady represented to me the Holy Spirit that has placed a seal upon all who believe as a guarantee of whom they belong to. The sturdy door that the bad guys could not break down represents that seal and the room you were kept in was Gods promise to KEEP us from the evil one.

Anyway, I have had two rapture dreams that I will have to share soon.

Love you sis and give my love to Jake


Re: Interesting bride dream this morning

Thanks for your input, Tom. Ya know, I said something similar to that!

Thanks for y'alls responses! Texas Sue, thanks for jotting down the interpretation for us. I was thinking many of the same things as you, except for the old lady part...
I was thinkin' that she might represent the Holy Spirit, who shields & comforts us. Since we are IN CHRIST, the Holy Spirit is not going to let the enemy have us! And one of the fruits of the Spirit is patience. Waiting on His timing is the only way to grow this important fruit of the Spirit!

In addition, I think the house itself represents the spiritual state to which we are called while still on earth: a place of rest in the Lord as we await His coming.

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