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Iranian cleric: Promiscuous women cause quakes
Re: Iranian cleric: Promiscuous women cause quakes

Wow! That is some guilt trip to be on women for not wearing blankets all day.

Re: Iranian cleric: Promiscuous women cause quakes

Then I guess(promiscuous men) must cause volcanos
to erupt.HA! HA! HA!.

Re: Iranian cleric: Promiscuous women cause quakes

LOL STAR!!!!!! you made a funny....

Re: Iranian cleric: Promiscuous women cause quakes

The nonsense coming out of these Iranian leaders is unbelievable! What are they smoking over there?????

Re: Iranian cleric: Promiscuous women cause quakes

Tell it Girl,Lol i think its more the other way around!

Re: Iranian cleric: Promiscuous women cause quakes

I think you're right!

Let's get serious! Do MEN really believe that the majority of women are promiscuous apart from THEIR ENTICEMENT TO SIN? It absolutely amazes me that so many guys simply rationalize their sexual sins away and blame them on women.

"That woman You gave me. She made me do it!"


Sounds like Adam in the Garden to me! And the men looking to stone the woman they threw at Jesus' feet as though they had no responsibility for anything. Amazing!

Frankly, I think these guys and sadly many, many others are going to have a ton to answer for when they face the Lord in regards to how they've treated women.

I don't mean to open a can of worms here or set off a fire storm of debate. I know the
majority of guys on this site are Godly brothers-in-Christ who care about their purity and the women in their lives. All I'm saying is that...


Lust and fantasy
M-sturbation (funny this site won't accept this word but all others!)
Sexual molestation of children
Homosexuality (although this is now rampant among women, too)
Lewd, licentious, and lascivious acts
Rape and other sex crimes

I think I can speak for ALL women here... both Christian and non-Christian alike... It's time for MEN to own up to their own sexual sins and stop blaming them on us.

At first glance this article is so ridiculous it's comical. Unfortunately, at second and third glance, it's quite disconcerting. This is not just an issue for Iranian men. It's a rampant problem worldwide.

Ironically, Jesus demonstrated complete respect for EVERY woman He ever interacted with. Perhaps if more men took a page from His play book and followed it and behaved like the SPIRITUAL LEADERS God commanded them to be earthquakes would be the least of our concerns.

Re: Iranian cleric: Promiscuous women cause quakes


ouch!! (lol)

But seriously, you are absolutely right, and I'm a man. I'm not ashamed to say that you are absolutely right about that stuff.

In Christ,

Email: murleyj@gmail.com

Re: Iranian cleric: Promiscuous women cause quakes

Right on Faith!

Star you comment was hilarious.

Re: Iranian cleric: Promiscuous women cause quakes

Yes I am sure its sexy women causing all this horror.
What else could it be?

Re: Iranian cleric: Promiscuous women cause quakes

Thx, John, for your integrity. No offense meant to you or the other guys on RITA who are walking the walk.

The world has just become so perverse... And it's everywhere. It makes me sick! I can't even imagine the way it grieves the Holy Spirit.

Sorry if it sounded like I was blasting you guys. Had a big news story in the area of a SEVEN YEAR OLD being gang raped by a group of teenage and twenty years old guys. Her life is now destroyed. The next story was a TWO YEAR OLD who was raped by her 21 year old "father" because "he didn't know what he was doing"!!! She's in hospital in critical care. Then heard about these Iranians....

It's all so heart breaking. The level of depravity this world has sunk to is mind boggling!! Just want to go home. Tired of it all!

Re: Iranian cleric: Promiscuous women cause quakes

Faith, I wasn't offended by the post at all...
I was just saying "Ouch" tongue in cheek..

I know what you mean. That stuff gets me so mad. There is nothing other than the power of God that is going to heal this world. Sadly we know it's going to get worse before it gets better. We won't be here, but I pray for the ones who will be.

In Christ,

Email: murleyj@gmail.com

Re: Iranian cleric: Promiscuous women cause quakes

Faith my dear Sister,

I am not afraid to stand up and say this-

I agree with you 100%

I am a man and it saddens my heart to know that fellow men of this world do these things. I know one thing though-

I am not like them, they are are unfit to be called men. And yes I can say this, as I was a child that suffered at 7 years of age from sexual abuse from a man.

A real man fears God, and is an example to others and treats women as their own precious bodies.

Amen Sis

I love you Sis
ybiC / Paul

Re: Iranian cleric: Promiscuous women cause quakes

Just wanted to make sure. : )

I know you're right in what you said. Only Jesus can fix this mess and unfortunately, it will continue to get exponentially worse. Every day there seems to be some new, vile and twisted story out there. Makes you want to avoid the news altogether!

I truly fear for everyone left behind. I have many friends and family members who think we're all crazy waiting for the rapture. Seems like it's getting harder and harder to withstand satan's assaults. I just hope Jesus comes quickly!


Re: Iranian cleric: Promiscuous women cause quakes

Amen and ditto to that Paul!!

Email: murleyj@gmail.com

Re: Iranian cleric: Promiscuous women cause quakes

Oh, Paul, I'm so sorry you went through such a horrible trauma! My heart breaks for you. No one should ever have to endure such abuse.

Men who do these things are not men at all. You're 100% accurate about that. They are being used of the devil for his vile lust. This is evil pure and simple. I work with many people in our ministry and it burns me to the core every time I hear about this stuff. No one should ever be robbed of their dignity, innocence, virtue or purity. No one should ever have to go through this!

I can only imagine how painful this has been for you throughout life. I hope you know how valuable you are to the Lord and to the Body of Christ - and will always remember that this does not define you as a person, as a man, or as a child of the King! We love you very much!

Re: Iranian cleric: Promiscuous women cause quakes

Faith dear Sis,

Our Lord is truly amazing, I am now past those hurts of the past and have foregiven the man that did these things to me. I like the saying I have said here once before-

Unforgiveness is like taking a person and putting them into prison. Once you forgive you set the person free. It is only then you finaly realise that the person that was set free was you.

My biggest regret though faith, was once he did these things to me, I lost my innocense forever. The long term affects in my life caused years of pain.

But like I said, my Lord loves me and has restored me and given me a name, his beloved son

Praise him
Love ybiC / Paul

Re: Iranian cleric: Promiscuous women cause quakes


Working through the pain to get to true forgiveness is truly the hallmark of authentic Christianity. It's hard work, I know; and the cross of suffering we must bear is heavy, but in the end well worth it.

Have no doubt! Our Lord loves you so much! Satan has not robbed you 'forever'. Jesus will restore the years the locust have eaten! His Word never returns back void. Your innocence wlll be returned to you in His glorious kingdom 1000 fold! And the eternal life you will live dwelling in the safety of His kingdom will outshine any grief or loss you've experienced in this fallen world.

I am thankful the Lord has healed you, although I am sure the process was not easy. Won't it be wonderful to shed our fallen earth suits (these temporary dwellings) VERY SOON in the rapture as we put on our TRUE INCORRUPTIBLE bodies forever! I can't wait!!!

I just pray, as John and I were saying, for all those left behind. And I pray for the person who did this to you that somehow the Truth finds him and redeems his life from the pit. As we well know, freedom can be found in none other than Christ.

You are a great guy, Paul! I'm so glad you're my brother in Christ!

Peace & Love.... FAITH

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