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Isn't He just so good????

I am feeling such joy right now about Him....all teary eyed as well!!!! Some times I am just struck by His presence. It has been a roller coaster these days as some days I get so down in the dumps, but He lifts me up like right now!!!! The bad times make the glorious times all that much better. Imagine when He comes........... JUST HOW MUCH MORE GLORIOUS HE WILL BE against the backdrop of the dark!!! It is called CONTRAST

I praise Him for waking me up when He did and praise Him for loving me before the very foundation of the world. I can't imagine such a thing...little ol' me...planned and loved by the Creator of the universe. He could squash me like a bug, but yet gave His life for me. Sure makes every single inconvenience of this life seem minuscule and unimportant doesn't it? I don't think I'll ever see His face because I will be spending eternity on my knees bowed down in front of Him in sheer gratitude. I know I can't comprehend the total magnitude of what He has done for me until He shows me so I can't even imagine how much more humbled and grateful I will be then.

WOW, oh, WOW!!! We should be celebrating as the disciples did, even in our adversity....I now see how they could praise him when getting to share in the glory of His suffering.

OK..I'll go sit back down now. I have no one IRL to share this with, so had to just type it to share with those WHO KNOW what I am talking about!

Re: Isn't He just so good????

I had a funny thought....I am BIPOLAR for Jesus!!!! snort! And hoping to stay MANIC for all eternity when I leave this Earth and reside with Him forever!!!!!!!!

Re: Isn't He just so good????



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Re: Isn't He just so good????

I had a funny thought....I am BIPOLAR for Jesus!!!! snort! And hoping to stay MANIC for all eternity when I leave this Earth and reside with Him forever!!!!!!!!

I like the way you think. I am soooo proud of you Dee when I see how much you have grown in wisdom and discernment this last year. I really appreciate you and your love for our Lord. Yes, He is so good,..... all the time.

Keep your eyes on the prize

Love you sis

Re: Isn't He just so good????

He IS so good and He always deals with me so mercifully. I just can't figure out why (yes I can - I know it's because He loves me), but I guess I won't understand the full depth of that love and mercy until I seem Him face to face.

Hey Dee, don't tell too many people you're bipolar for Jesus! They'll try to stick you on meds to "cure" that!

You know if Jesus was walking the earth today, the doctors would no doubt want to put him on medicine for being delusional! They'd want to put Him in the Psych ward. Just goes to show you how truly different Jesus and His Sheep really are from the world!

I wanna go home!!

Re: Isn't He just so good????

Just imagine...every tear wiped away! (of which I have lots as I am a big old crybaby...though honestly I think I will be weeping more in heaven as I cry for joy a lot too..LOL)...and such joy and peace.

I think He is giving me a taste of this of late in my dreams...I wake up not remembering them, but I feel...well peaceful when waking...and want to go back to sleep to capture the peace again. I imagine heaven will be like that...where we don't have to worry....we are secure in HIS love and the love of the Body....no striving, no fear, just joy at knowing WHY we exist....not just intellectually why...like we do now as it is coupled with our own insecurities and incomprehension of knowing the complete Truth, but TRULY knowing why He created us.

I pray to walk with God like Enoch did, to have the faith of Abraham and to love Him like David did and to know and understand Him like Paul did....and above all I want to be loved like He loved John. I want to be used by Him as a vessel like Mary and Moses were without fear for His great purpose and be filled with His Spirit like Peter was on Pentecost and with the double portion like Elisha.

Am I asking too much? Basically I want to be as close to Him as possible losing myself in the process. It isn't for selfish acclaim or honor, but to just meld with Him with NO concern for myself or my selfish interests. I want to cease to be myself, but truly become part of His Body...I'll be a toe...I don't care..LOL.

Anyway...He is great and we are nothing except that He loves us...He gives us the HIGHEST glory just by His love for us. That He would stoop to love such a fallen creature with selfish concerns....just amazing...that He finds us redeemable..WOW!

I am sure tomorrow I will be back to crying 'poor me'..but today I celebrate just thinking of Him. I am so glad to be a Jesus zealot...a Bible thumper...a religious nut!!! There is no other way to be in my opinion. Let them mock and scoff, but we have what they could only hope for while they continue to be blinded by their pride and arrogance thinking that what they think matters. We have been given an immeasurable treasure by just UNDERSTANDING the magnitude of His gift to us and ACCEPTING IT!!!

It is like Christmas every day for a Christ follower!!

OK..I'll get off my manic diatribe now.

Re: Isn't He just so good????

Diane C
He IS so good and He always deals with me so mercifully. I just can't figure out why (yes I can - I know it's because He loves me), but I guess I won't understand the full depth of that love and mercy until I seem Him face to face.

Hey Dee, don't tell too many people you're bipolar for Jesus! They'll try to stick you on meds to "cure" that!

You know if Jesus was walking the earth today, the doctors would no doubt want to put him on medicine for being delusional! They'd want to put Him in the Psych ward. Just goes to show you how truly different Jesus and His Sheep really are from the world!

I wanna go home!!

HA, HA..you are so right, Diane....my 'people' already think there is something mentally wrong with me regarding my 'conversion' experience...snort!

Actually many thought it was a phase and I had one neurologist friend who is Jewish tell me that she was worried that it was a reaction from the antidepressants I had been taking...as when you start them it can lead to manic episodes that can be like 'religious' conversions. Of course never mind the fact that it was the same old low dose meds I had taken for ten years on and off due to post partum depression...with four kids I am pretty sure of the effects by now..LOL. Never heard of low dose Zoloft causing people to be 'born again'..LOL.

Even she admits now that at a year and a half and STILL going strong (if not stronger) for Jesus, it can't be 'pharmaceutically' induced. I was always open about the depression because I know there is stigma attached and I never wanted other women to suffer with it when there was easy help available...I used to always tell friends etc...but now I see the enemy likes using it as a way to hurt my witness...using the 'she is crazy' defense. I find it kind of funny as most felt I would burn out quickly for Jesus..like my parents, aunts, uncles and cousins and have all said very disparaging things to me about it. What a coincidence that my sister was born again a month after I was!!! You'd think that would make them raise an eyebrow..instead they say I am just influencing her...how ridiculous since we don't even live in the same town and rarely talk.

So now I just shut up and pray for them. In fact it has been laid on me and my two sisters' hearts to pray for 'our people'...each one of us have been doing this and it is NO coincidence we each feel this leading.

Figure they can't stop me from doing that!

Truthfully it used to really bother me as I used to have the very good opinion of most as being 'careful' and 'grounded'...but you know...it will all be laid out for all to see in the end...Jesus will vindicate us all. I just hope all my loved ones get saved...I don't have to be proven right for 'right's sake', but just want them to come to the Truth.

Re: Isn't He just so good????

I had a funny thought....I am BIPOLAR for Jesus!!!! snort! And hoping to stay MANIC for all eternity when I leave this Earth and reside with Him forever!!!!!!!!

I like the way you think. I am soooo proud of you Dee when I see how much you have grown in wisdom and discernment this last year. I really appreciate you and your love for our Lord. Yes, He is so good,..... all the time.

Keep your eyes on the prize

Love you sis

Ah Tom....first of all...will you forgive me for my prior hateful comments to you in the past? I know I didn't say them in love, but more out of pride and anger. FWIW, (and I don't mean this in any way but a good way ), I have truly seen a change in you this year...a big change...you have really held yourself in check and I am sure that pleases the Lord when we watch our words. I had thought about telling you before, but the time never seemed right. I am trying to do the same with being careful how I word things...it is hard, but step by step He is showing me how.

Love to you too, brother!!!

Re: Isn't He just so good????

Uhmm...thank you Dee for the kind words. It will not be long now....then we will have no misunderstandings. Praise His name.


Re: Isn't He just so good????

Tom, I guess I should rephrase it...I can see you are very careful with your words so as not to hurt others. It is a kindness I see in you. I have a hard time expressing myself and it can all come out wrong. I want to also be careful in my words. And amen, brother!!! No misunderstandings in heaven...I CAN'T WAIT!!

Truthfully it isn't about being 'right' anymore, but about being TOTALLY HIS, isn't it?

Re: Isn't He just so good????



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2HH, what you just now posted above, reminds me of that Gaither Gospel Singers' praise song--"Worthy, Worthy, Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain."

If anyone can find the lyrics to this beautful song, then please by ALL means post 'em here. OK?

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