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Love and Wisdom - Both Are Needed

To My Brothers and Sisters at RITA:

Feel I am walking a tightrope here, so please give the benefit of the doubt as I am not trying to stir up trouble.

From time to time posters make reference to a Christian/pastor/healer whose ministry or book has influenced them or someone they know, and inevitably, because there are sometimes differences of opinion even among friends, someone disagrees with said evangelist/prophet’s stance or teaching and objects. Then the original poster, or others of like mind, try to defend their perspective and another heated discussion is born at RITA resulting in misunderstandings and hurt feelings, and/or locked threads and banned posters (not saying the latter is unnecessary).

My concern is not so much that there is disagreement at RITA from time to time: that is to be expected: no one will see eye-to-eye 100% of the time.

No, what troubles me is our human tendency to do one of two things:
1) Either pounce on a fellow brother or sister in Christ whom we (or scripture)determines to be ‘in error’ doctrinally and so [sometimes] ‘throw the baby out with the bath water’ so to speak


2) Turn a blind eye to the damage incorrect doctrine has on body of Christ simply because we know/believe/hope a particular Christian loves the Lord and/or has influenced (note I did not say brought to – only our triune God draws men to Christ) many for Christ.

Yes, the church is full of the walking wounded, and it is detrimental to Father’s plans that Christians are known for “shooting” at their own, but one wrong should never be used as an excuse for unknowingly condoning another wrong.

Just because someone loves the Lord and has a ministry intended to glorify Him doesn’t exempt him/her from being faithful to scripture. (He/she may THINK they are staying on the straight and narrow, but being human, we only see through a glass darkly and can easily drift/be misled from that path.)

Remember Peter. No one questions his devotion to his Lord Jesus Christ – yet Peter failed miserably – 3 times! Neither his love nor his good intentions were enough to overcome his human nature to succumb to fear or poor judgment. That is precisely why the Apostle Paul confronted Peter – in public – when Peter’s example (disassociating himself from the Gentiles, see Galatians 2:11-15)and teaching began to influence and mislead other believers.

Harsh as it seems, Paul’s criticism of Peter was necessary to call attention to bad doctrine before it threatened the understanding of less mature believers. Paul didn’t sweep Peter’s error under the rug with the excuse that Peter has influenced others [Gentiles] for Christ because it is equally important to adhere to God’s Truth. (Peter was compromising). Jesus himself stated the seriousness of misleading His little ones (i.e. those still learning about Him):

“But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” Mt. 18:6

also Mark 9:42 & Luke 17:2 http://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?quicksearch=millstone&qs_version=NIV

Having said that, this doesn’t give Christians license to “bash” or drag over the coals a sister or brother who strays scripturally. (We must learn to correct others in love or we are but a clanging cymbal – and we know that few will listen to an obnoxious ‘testimony’ like that!)

Sometimes we let our emotions and sense of self-worth dictate our behavior; whether this manifests in loyalties to one who has helped us in our Christian walk, or in adherence to a doctrine or set of traditions which define our comfort zone. But emotions must be balanced with wisdom: the call to both rightly divide the Word (understand God’s Truth), and to discern (ability to detect/recognize) error.

Jesus tells us in Mt. 10:16 to “be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves.” (NASB) We need to see what we are up against because in the long run(this does not exclude or prohibit mercy)love cannot be blind to disobedience. If it could, Adam and Eve never would have been kicked out of Eden.

We have all heard of the result/dangers of permissive love – undisciplined ungrateful children who grow up never having gained the maturity which comes from experiencing consequences for bad behavior. Holding one another accountable for inappropriate behavior/teaching is not always a bad thing; what is bad is if it isn’t done IN love. Dr. James Dobson calls it ‘tough love’.

So next time someone feels the need to hold another Christian accountable, or warn other believers about a controversial teaching, please remember to
do it in love.

This means no name calling, and don’t forget that God uses broken pots in which to grow some of His most beautiful flowers. God can bring good out of anything/anyone even when we can’t see how (remember God makes a way where there is no way – my apologies have been unable to find the reference.)

As for those who wish to promote/defend a fellow brother/sister in Christ whose ministry you believe in, honestly ask yourself whether any evidence of controversy there might have to do with a misapplication/misunderstanding of the Word? Yes, we followers of Christ are to be lights in an ever darkening world, but both experience and wisdom prove that even one little candle must be watched over lest some stray breath of wind knock it over or a dirty rag brush against it causing an unforeseen/unintended wildfire which destroys not just one house, but the entire village.

There is good reason we are told to be like the Bereans – searching out the truth of scriptures for ourselves rather than eagerly [blindly?]swallowing the teachings of men. We will only recognize error if we ourselves know the Truth.

If you have read this far, thank you. Maybe you will say a prayer for me that I will practice what I preach. My downfall (just ask my kids!) is that I am too quick to criticize, and not generous enough with the encouragement. (Recognizing the problem is one thing, co-operating with the necessary changes to fix it is quite another! So I do understand how easy it is to fall flat on our faces when running the race.) I wish I were more like our dear Aussie Paul and others here, but I am still wiggling in the hands of the Potter, and that tends to make a mess of His work…

Re: Love and Wisdom - Both Are Needed

Great words of wisdom. . Thanks for the well thought out words.. GOD bless u!!

Re: Love and Wisdom - Both Are Needed

New Creation, I appreciate your humility and straightforwardness. I hope to hear more from you as I agree with everything you said and it was important.

Email: Bobmix98@yahoo.com

Re: Love and Wisdom - Both Are Needed

New Creation,
Fantastic message.
Love in Jesus,

Re: Love and Wisdom - Both Are Needed

Wonderful words of wisdom Sis. I know that I have had to learn the hard way. It takes at least 10 words of kindness and encouragement to blot out only one hastily spoken word of harshness. and yes there must be a balance between compassion and tough love if we are to follow Christ' example.

Re: Love and Wisdom - Both Are Needed

I thought this article would be a worthy addition, a reinforcement and even a foundation, to our topic of "Love and Wisdom."

Biblical Discernment Ministries - Revised 10/98

When Love Divorces Doctrine and Unity Rejects Truth
It is evident that leading neo-evangelicals believe our main goal is to eliminate doctrinal distinctives and to emphasize unity among those claiming to be believers.

One of the basic ideas of today's philosophy of ecumenical evangelism is that love is more important than doctrine. Ecumenical evangelists say that doctrine divides, whereas love unifies. What does the Bible say? Is it true that in the New Testament love is more important than doctrine, or Truth? In the so-called Love chapter of 1 Corinthians 13, we are told:
Now abideth in faith, hope, love, these three, but the greatest of these is love (agape).
Some say -- That settles it: love is supreme! But when we examine that chapter more carefully, we discover that Truth is also mentioned in the chapter. In verse 6 we are told that, love rejoices in the truth. In other words, faith, hope, and love are virtues but Truth has an altogether different status. It is the frame of reference, the foundation, the atmosphere without which virtues such as love cannot exist at all.

Love rejoices in the truth. Why? Because without Truth to define it, to interpret it, to protect it, to guide it, to channel it -- love can become a total disaster. We dare not place Truth on the same level as virtues. Virtues would shrivel up and die if it were not for Truth.

We cannot imagine life on this planet without water. Water is absolutely essential for life, as long as it stays within proper channels, within its canals, aqueduct, and pipes. But when water gets out of control, it is the second greatest catastrophe that can happen to this planet, second only to fire. On the one hand, it is an absolute blessing, but on the other hand, it can be a total disaster. So it is with love.

God's Definition Of Love

Love without divine definition (God's revealed channels within which it must flow) becomes the most horrible thing on earth. It can destroy human beings by the millions, and can be reduced to satanic sentimentalism.

Love, as defined by God, is doing for a person that which is best for him in the light of eternity, no matter what the cost may be. That is how it is defined by God. Somehow, when it comes to world evangelism, many people have forgotten God's definitions and have fallen into sentimentalism. Consider some key Scriptures which illustrate the distinction between love and Truth.
Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. -- John 8:31,32
Ultimate freedom may only be achieved by total submission -- unconditional surrender to Truth. There is nothing here about love.

Love Obeys The Truth

There are many who speak glowingly of their love for Jesus Christ and for lost men. In John 14:15,21,23,24, He stresses that obedience to Truth is the best form of love:
If ye love me, keep my commandments He that hath my commandments, and keeps them, he it is that loves me If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. He that loveth me not keeps not my sayings: ...
This is what we call the acid test of love -- does a man obey the commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ? It makes no difference how much we talk about our love if we do not obey Christ. It is obedience that counts, not words. Obedience without love is theoretically possible, but love without obedience is, in practice, impossible. It is a satanic substitute for God's plan.

Love Teaches the Truth

John 21 gives an example of one who said much about his love for Jesus. But when it came to obedience, it was not there. When the pressure came, his resolution collapsed and he denied his Lord. After the resurrection of Jesus, our Lord confronted Peter lovingly, but in truth:
... Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs Feed my sheep Feed my sheep. -- John 21:15-17
How do we express love to the Lord Jesus according to the lesson of this confrontation? By feeding His sheep, as He also commanded in the great commission, by teaching His people and training them in the whole counsel of God, teaching them whatsoever I have commanded you.

In Acts 20, we find a good example of an apostle who obeyed the great commission. He says nothing about love to the Ephesians in this passage. But he exhibited the supreme love of any disciple toward the Ephesians. What did he do for them? Did he say, I love you, I love you, I love you? Acts 20:26-27 gives the answer:
Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.
Love Leaves Nothing Out

The result was that all which dwelt in Asia, both Jews and Greeks, heard the word of the Lord Jesus. Paul based his evangelism on sound doctrinal instruction. That is God's key for world evangelism. The words of Paul in Galatians 1:6 were blunt and necessary as Paul says in Galatians 4, in order to tell them the Truth.

Ephesians 4 tells us how we can achieve the perfect balance. Note the gifts God gave the true Church, the body of Christ, for service and ministry in this age: And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some evangelists; and some pastors and teachers. -- Ephesians 4:11

Every one of these gifts in the form of a person is a doctrinal person. They are all totally involved in Truth. All were totally involved in preaching, teaching, and discipling in the light of revealed Truth. There is no teaching whatsoever in the New Testament suggesting that love is more important than doctrine or Truth.

Love is referred to in Galatians 4:15 where we read of, speaking the truth in love. Love is the manner and method of speaking Truth. Love is the servant of Truth. It makes it easier to receive, absorb, and digest. But it must never be allowed to eclipse or set aside Truth. God's Truth can never change, but God's Truth in the hands of human messengers is a very delicate and fragile thing.

Love Resists Poisons

There is no living system known to science that can survive without an intricate, elaborate, and constantly-used system to purify itself from poisons. This is true of God's Church. It is impossible for any organization to survive unless it has a system to purify itself from poisonous influences.

We need to remember we are in a highly poisoned environment. We are immersed in Satan's world. He has constant access to every servant of God through his fallen nature. How can the relative success of a Christian's ministry be evaluated apart from God's infallible inerrant Word? Who is to determine what success means?

Love Protects the Flock

Did the Lord Jesus encourage His disciples to listen sympathetically to other religious leaders of that time? His answer is given in Matt. 7:15, Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Yet we are told today by neo-evangelicals that we should both teach and study in liberal universities and colleges of theology. There is one thing worse than division and that is peace with compromise. Truth is infinitely more important than the false unity of the world.

Love Corrects Error

Why? Because for the sake of Truth, even families will be split with hostility so that at least someone within that unit can perpetuate God's Truth. In Romans 16:17 Paul says,
Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which causes divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
If we honor and love the Lord Jesus we will watch for anything which may destroy His Truth. We will avoid such people.

A good way of life or good doctrine is always contaminated by a bad environment or bad associations. A mere association of the good with the bad will never make the bad thing better. The good gets worse; the bad does not improve. It is the same with a rotten apple in a barrel. The bad one never gets better, but the good ones go rotten (1 Cor. 15:33). Is it right for doctrinal purity to be blatantly submerged for the sake of worldly ecclesiastical unity? Surely this is a total denial of the Holy Spirit's Word through the Scriptures."

-- Dr. John C. Whitcomb, Jr.

Email: Bobmix98@yahoo.com

Re: Love and Wisdom - Both Are Needed

What an excellent article Kman! Wherever did you find it? Most appropriate for this day and age - thank you!

Re: Love and Wisdom - Both Are Needed

ChristinCheryl,Kman,Star,Tom, I appreciate the time you took to read my post as well as your kind words. It is far too easy for me to get on my soap box and start lecturing, so if this has helped I am grateful.

Re: Love and Wisdom - Both Are Needed

Bless you Kman and New Creation for posting such wonderful and truthful articles!!...deep teachings full of wisdom and truth.... like our wonderful LORD, who is full of truth and perfect wisdom....( well HE is perfect in EVERY way! )

be Wise as Serpents but harmless as doves"


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