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Umbilical Cord......

Has anyone ever considered that as the baby is connected to it's mother via the umbilical cord, the Firstfruits of the Spirit is connected to Christ (death and resurrection at Passover) in the 50 day period of the counting of the Omer between Passover and Pentecost?

Without the counting of the omer, we too would not have all of the nutrients of the Spirit - being sealed with the Promise of the Spirit, being filled with the His Power, having the fruit of the Spirit, and having the gifts of the Spirit - all necessary for the "baby" to mature to full term.

In order to survive outside the womb, as the birth is complete and the umbilical cord is cut (like a sheaf of wheat) we have to be raptured to God's Kingdom with immortal and incorruptible bodies - a new creation!

This is the only way we will be able to stand on our own in His Presence as co-heirs with Christ, kings and priest with Him for all eternity! Thank God for the counting of the omer... our life line!

Re: Umbilical Cord......

Right on Farm Girl!!!! We need to check into that 280 day pregnancy cycle!!! Is that the number? I wonder how this plays into it all???? Any pregnant women out there with any ideas???

Re: Umbilical Cord......

Right on Farm Girl!!!! We need to check into that 280 day pregnancy cycle!!! Is that the number? I wonder how this plays into it all???? Any pregnant women out there with any ideas???

Sivan (Hebrew: סִיוָן, Standard Sivan Tiberian Sîwān ; from Akkadian simānu, meaning "Season; time") is the ninth month of the civil year and the third month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar. It is a spring month of 30 days. Sivan usually falls in May–June on the Gregorian calendar.

I'm not pregnant or a woman, but here's what new momma Charity had to say about Sivan when I posted the definition:

That is a beautiful discovery, TN.

Interesting that Sivan is the NINTH month, meaning "season; time". Reminds me of the due date for a pregnant woman.

On April 15th, I had a dream about a pregnant lady. She looked between 7-8 months along. Somehow I knew she was worried that her baby might turn out to be deformed or unhealthy in some way.

I walked up to her and prophecied over her, with much authority. I said, "You are going to have a son, and he is going to be PERFECT." I said "perfect" in a very dynamic & purposeful way.

When I said this to her, she beamed with immense JOY! She was so relieved!!!

I told this dream to a few friends, and they brought to my attention that the lady would have been between 7-8 months pregnant (7 mos., 3 wks. to be exact) if she was due at Pentacost!

Re: Umbilical Cord......

You two F girls(Farm girl and Faith)
are giving me fresh mana!! I love it....Now I have to read more about counting the Omar.... Am I too late for this? Is there a blessing by counting the Omar..why is it so special...maybe that is why I did not understand Corgis youtube..that and the, ug, ringing in my ear that will be gone soon...

Re: Umbilical Cord......

Farm Girl
Has anyone ever considered that as the baby is connected to it's mother via the umbilical cord, the Firstfruits of the Spirit is connected to Christ (death and resurrection at Passover) in the 50 day period of the counting of the Omer between Passover and Pentecost?

Without the counting of the omer, we too would not have all of the nutrients of the Spirit - being sealed with the Promise of the Spirit, being filled with the His Power, having the fruit of the Spirit, and having the gifts of the Spirit - all necessary for the "baby" to mature to full term.

In order to survive outside the womb, as the birth is complete and the umbilical cord is cut (like a sheaf of wheat) we have to be raptured to God's Kingdom with immortal and incorruptible bodies - a new creation!

This is the only way we will be able to stand on our own in His Presence as co-heirs with Christ, kings and priest with Him for all eternity! Thank God for the counting of the omer... our life line!

Amen, Farm Girl, me thinks your description of the counting of the Omer and the preparation of the Bride are right on. Also, each day as the measure of barley is brought into the storehouse of the Temple, so are souls added to Body of Christ until the time of the harvest is over and only the "gleaning" of the fields during the Tribulation period is left to be accomplished.

By the way when I see your name "Farm Girl" I have pictures of 4am milking of the cows sitting on a one or three legged stool, slopping the hogs, gathering the eggs from the hen house and of course grabbing a hold of the electric fence.(curiosity mandates to do it once and good sense says once is enough)


Re: Umbilical Cord......

Yea! That's me to a T except ya forgot the missing front tooth and a piece of hay or should I say an Omer of wheat sticking through!!!!!! Can't wait til ya see me in heaven!!!!! ROTFLOL!!!!!

Re: Umbilical Cord......

Farm Girl, ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!! Will you be the one providing the oxen at the wedding feast?????

I have images of you on your massive cattle ranch and me on my enormous horse farm in Heaven!!!! May we be neighbors!!!!

Joyful Susan..... You crack me up as well!!!!!! We are the F girls!!!!! The FIRST FRUIT GIRLS!!!!! F- Fam Girl and F- Faith!!!!!!!!

So funny!!!!!

Re: Umbilical Cord......

As I work in the dairy industry, I will bring the milk, cheeses etc etc.

But please please when I finaly leave this earthly body, I do not want to remember-

"Well I cannot buy your equipment because"-
To high in price
Not enough rain
To much rain
We are not getting enough money for our milk
Maybe next year
I have a tax problem
Not enough fodder have to buy some in, so no

ybiC/ Paul

Re: Umbilical Cord......

Farm Girl.... I did some research and an Omer of wheat is quite large!!! In fact many sheaves would be sticking out of your tooth! Are you sure you're only missing one!!!???? Or are you missing many teeth?!? Bet you'll be glad to get a new body!!!

JK!!!! LOL!!!!!

LYSIC..... FF Girl #2

Re: Umbilical Cord......

As I work in the dairy industry, I will bring the milk, cheeses etc etc.

But please please when I finaly leave this earthly body, I do not want to remember-

"Well I cannot buy your equipment because"-
To high in price
Not enough rain
To much rain
We are not getting enough money for our milk
Maybe next year
I have a tax problem
Not enough fodder have to buy some in, so no

ybiC/ Paul

Paul I PROMISE that you will never hear that from me EVER!!

FF gilrs I like it.... and yall are both farm girls so yall know about sowing and havesting....

Re: Umbilical Cord......

Farm Girl
Has anyone ever considered that as the baby is connected to it's mother via the umbilical cord, the Firstfruits of the Spirit is connected to Christ (death and resurrection at Passover) in the 50 day period of the counting of the Omer between Passover and Pentecost?

Without the counting of the omer, we too would not have all of the nutrients of the Spirit - being sealed with the Promise of the Spirit, being filled with the His Power, having the fruit of the Spirit, and having the gifts of the Spirit - all necessary for the "baby" to mature to full term.

In order to survive outside the womb, as the birth is complete and the umbilical cord is cut (like a sheaf of wheat) we have to be raptured to God's Kingdom with immortal and incorruptible bodies - a new creation!

This is the only way we will be able to stand on our own in His Presence as co-heirs with Christ, kings and priest with Him for all eternity! Thank God for the counting of the omer... our life line!

Wow, there Farm Girl~ some really interesting thoughts! Good job!

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