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Was a sign about a MS being "CUT-OFF" given on 4/24?


BEFORE a lady is married, they use "MS" as a designation. AFTER
they are married, they use "MRS". We are SUPPOSED to be waiting
for our Bridegroom, Jesus. We, as yet, are NOT married. In other
words, we are still "virgins" awaiting our Bridegroom to come and
get us!!!

If you look at the video below, you can clearly see that the state of MS
(Mississipppi) was cut in two by a huge "wedge" tornado. The thing is,
was there MORE to this???? MS is the abreviation for Mississippi!!!

CLICK ON, The path of the Mississippi Storm (from CNN) BELOW:


When the church does NOT ever mention the return of the Lord, are
they treating "PROPHECY" with contempt???!!!

1 Thessalonians 5
16 Be joyful always; 17 pray continually; 18 give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

19 DO NOT PUT OUT THE SPIRIT'S FIRE; 20 do not treat prophecies with contempt. 21Test everything. Hold on to the good. 22 Avoid every kind of evil.

My prophecy partner said, "Why should it say 'DO NOT PUT OUT
THE SPIRIT'S FIRE!', if it were not possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, here's the thing.....

This HUGE tornado started "across a river" (a "type" of the rapture
as in Israel "crosssing the Jordan" into their Promised Land). It
crossed the Mississippi (MS) River, BUT, it crossed another river
by the name of Yazoo (which means "death")!!!! If the Bridgroom
of Matthew 25 declares, "I tell you the truth, I don't know you.", and
WERE DEAD (and you may end up that way)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matthew 25
The Parable of the Ten Virgins
1 "At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4 The wise, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.
6 "At midnight the cry rang out: 'Here's the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!'

7 "Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8The foolish ones said to the wise, 'Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.'

9 " 'No,' they replied, 'there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.'

10 "But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.

11 "Later the others also came. 'Sir! Sir!' they said. 'Open the door for us!'

12 "But he replied, 'I tell you the truth, I don't know you.'

13 "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

GOD BLESS~~~~~~~~~~~



I found this You Tube and was SHOCKED that the tornado crossed
at Satartia. "Satartia" was the name we gave to our raft back in the
late 60's when my brother, a friend, and I traveled down the Yazoo
River for 3 days and 2 nights, tying up at the riverboat, Spague, in

Satartia Tornado Damage


Re: Was a sign about a MS being "CUT-OFF" given on 4/24?

I believe the tornado centering on the city of "death" (Yazoo) in the middle of MS is symbolic of when the mighty Mississippi River will be used to split our land down the center at the New Madrid fault line coinciding with a massive earthquake.

When I was a child, I had a recurring dream where the center of the United States was split in two during the 1st half of the tribulation period. A huge lake will form there, & the Mississippi will not again return to the size it is now. Many will lose their lives when this happens — death to physical bodies & also to our nation in one blow. I saw many waters rushing in from the Gulf of Mexico at the same time as the quake. It is judgment for our part in the splitting of Jerusalem.

This tornado was a warning to leave God's city Jerusalem alone — probably the last our country will get. Yahweh is saying, "If you divide MY city, I will divide & bring death to YOUR country (literally, spiritually & economically)." It will be the straw that breaks the eagle's back.

Re: Was a sign about a MS being "CUT-OFF" given on 4/24?

Five years ago in our intercessory prayer group I had a vision. All of the intercessors in our group were standing in a single line shoulder to shoulder. As I looked down the earth cracked open right at our toes. I heard HolySpirit say, "If you jump now you'll make it (across), but if you wait you won't be able to."

Even as He finished the sentence I saw the crack in the ground begin to open up and the other side of it traveled away so fast that almost instantly it was a huge crevice and then a wide gulf. I looked to the right and to the left to see if there was a narrow place to get across but the wide and growing gulf between the two edges of earth were equally wide as far as the eye could see in both directions.

It was so real and so sudden that I gasped. It seemed so real. He never told me what that meant. But now that I have seen so many words from different people with prophetic dreams, visions, and words about America splitting in two, I think that is what I saw. TN Dove, I didn't know you had dreamed about it. I have heard or read testimonies from David Herzog, Maurice Sklar, and John Kirkpatrick that was on the Sid Roth show. They all saw and heard the same thing. David Herzog was told by God, "If America forces Jerusalem to be divided, I will divide America from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada."

Re: Was a sign about a MS being "CUT-OFF" given on 4/24?

Oh, my, T/S. That's a powerful vision.

Yes, I had many dreams as a child about what is coming right up. My dad was a prophecy teacher; he'd preach, & then I'd see the actual thing he was talking about that night a lot of times. But, usually, I'd get much more, too... they'd continue & connect other events in the dreams.

It was very scary for a child to see. I used to be very afraid to go to bed. It got so bad that I asked the Lord to shut them off when I was about 12 or so. I only asked Him to turn them back on last year. This time, I'm mostly dreaming about Heaven.

Re: Was a sign about a MS being "CUT-OFF" given on 4/24?

WOW to both of you!!!!!!!!!

That make a LOTS of sense!!!!!!!!!

THANKS MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: Was a sign about a MS being "CUT-OFF" given on 4/24?

Peggy....Don't you live in Mississippi????????? I hope all is well. I did hear strong winds myself in the night and I thought that was weird, a strong front definitely was blowing through!

Email: maria callison@hotmail.com

Re: Was a sign about a MS being "CUT-OFF" given on 4/24?

TN Dove, that would be scary stuff for a little one to see. There was a guest on Sid Roth's show recently who had full visual sight given to him in both realms at once. God allowed him to see everything for a month. He saw demons, spirits, angels, everything. It was a real sensory overload. After a month it went away and he asked God why. God told him that He had opened the man's vision to the spiritual realm full blast for 30 days and then turned it down and would give the man the option of seeing when he chose to see. It was for the purposes of healing prayer, and other prayer. Sounds like you were born with a very sensitive nature as well.

Re: Was a sign about a MS being "CUT-OFF" given on 4/24?


It's like for those that have an ear, let them hear. For those that have a spiritual eye, let them see. You have given in your post a description of a spiritual nature that very few would be able to see in the natural.

Isn't it funny ( not the ha ha type LOL) how the Lord sends messages to those willing to see. Unless you had posted, I wouldn't have had a clue, because I'm not familiar with the root words having to do with the names that were hit by the tornadoes. Not familiar with the area either.

Texas Sue and TN Dove....all I can say is those are VERY powerful visions and dreams. Thank you both so much for sharing what the Lord was willing to give you both!!! I'm not given many dreams and have not ever had a vision, other than the flash type. Had two of those.

This is off topic but an appropriate place to share. I had two dreams of heaven, or at least I think they were of heaven. In one I was outside a small village, and I was talking to a man on a hill top over looking the village. What captivated my attention though was this huge mountain in the distance. It was two gigantic boulders that were pure geen jade. One on top of the other. In the crevice were beautiful evergreen trees that went maybe halfway in, on top of the first boulder. We're talking boulders the size of maybe 1000 ft tall each. Unbelievable beauty. Have no idea who the man was or where I was or the conversation. It was just that beautiful jade mountain.

The second was me in a room with a stage in front. I was inside a buiding. Maybe a 1000 men. we were all standing and listening to Jesus speak to us on the stage. He was very demonstrative, as He spoke and walking back and forth on the stage as He spoke to the group of us. Then I moved outside myself and went onto the stage, looking at the people. I looked to the right about 1/3 of the way back and saw myself. Then the dream was over.

That's all folks! Just thought I'd share the whole two dreams I've had. Blessings.

Thanks for sharing!!!


Re: Was a sign about a MS being "CUT-OFF" given on 4/24?

TSue and TN Dove...

Did you see how wide the crevice was? I've heard of some that said they saw in dreams the Mississippi 25 miles wide. The Great Lakes emptied into the river. I would guess the gulf did too.


Re: Was a sign about a MS being "CUT-OFF" given on 4/24?

Steve, what I saw was this opening spread apart so rapidly and then it became so wide that you could hardly see the other side. Also as far as you see to the right and left there was no end to this huge opening, no place to get across- think Grand Canyon! It was very wide. Then the vision was over. It was so real thoough that I could smell the dirt. Very much like I was on site when it happened, not sitting in a carpeted prayer room.

Re: Was a sign about a MS being "CUT-OFF" given on 4/24?

Hi Maria,

I live in Houston and we have had the most beautiful spring I can remember! No humidity and haven't had to run the ac yet!!!

My daughter flew to MS yesterday, though. Got a text from her that all went well with her early morning flight.

Thanks for thinking about me

Email: cidp@aol.com

Re: Was a sign about a MS being "CUT-OFF" given on 4/24?


That would completely destroy America! Can you imagine the affect though on the entire eastern US?

The reason that the entire eastern US was so affected by the last New Madrid fault quake was that there is granite or shale below the surface. So when the quake hits, it rattles and shakes the entire eastern US. That's not the same with the west. We have alot of clay and that doesn't allow it to travel so far.

I'm so glad you shared with us. Thank you. I don't think I want that vivid of a vision. I think it would cause me to become unglued for days if not weeks. I'm very glad that we will be taken home, but oh the despair that would be caused.

A couple of thoughts. First...that would go right through where Lynn lives. Also, some have had visions that after two mighty quakes that China is going to attack the US. In their minds, they believe that they own us. In a way...that's true. Because of our sin, those within our country and without hate us. We actually deserve what is coming. There is no fear of the Lord.

So many have given stories of guests that have appeared on Sid Roth's program. One had stated that when President Bush #1 was coming from a meeting in Europe over the splitting of Jerusalem, that noone fell on the ground and prayed for mercy to cover them for their national sin. The Lord said that there is no Fear of Him in the west. We forget that the Father is not only our dad, but He is the Almighty!

This whole thing so saddens me. It literally makes me want to cry. To know that we have so violated the Lord. We have no Fear of Him.

Thanks again!! Love you sis! I'm very proud of you for standing up for the Lord the way you do. Blessings.


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