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"The 2nd Passover, Rev. 12 and 10 years of Borrowed Time"....Elliott Hong 4/26/10

Elliot Hong (26 Apr 2010)
"The 2nd Passover, Revelation 12 and 10 years of the Borrowed Time"


Dear Doves:

1) As Jean Stepnoski and Tony Ellsworth posted wonderful letters about the second Passover,

I do believe too that there is a special design why G-d allowed it.

Since the first Passover was fulfilled by the Lord, let's assume that the second Passover

supposes to be fulfilled by Brides as the same pattern of the first Passover.

Lamb supposes to be selected(prepared) 4 days before the Passover, and Jesus presented

Himself as the Lamb of G-d as He entered Jerusalem on the Palm Sunday.

Brides are lamb too as it's written in John 10:27-29.

April 24 was 4 days before the second Passover this year, and in my opinion, the deadly

storms in the South on this! day could be the sign that Brides(lamb) should be prepared.

It's the principle of G-d that Judgment and Blessing come together.

Bruce Turner had a dream on the 12th of April, and in the dream the people keep telling him

to remember the date on the calendar which was the 24th of April.

If the above assumption is correct, Brides should be ready following the footsteps of the Lord

through this week, then will be resurrected and transformed by May 1/2.

"Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross,

and follow me." &! nbsp; (Mark 8:34)

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me."

(Galatians 2:20)

Virginia Arnke had a dream too on the ! 16th of April.

She was in h! eaven, and heard the number 17 in a clear voice.

May 1/2 is Iyar 17.

It's another confirmation.

2) According to the post of Calvin from RITA Forum, on the April 28/29 the moon will pass beneath

Virgo's feet and at Scorpio's mouth as it is written in Revelation chapter 12.

I believe as many Doves do that a man child is the Bride as below.

a. According to Galatians 4:6, the saints are sons.

b. Brides return with the Lord to rule all nations with a rod of iron.

c. Church was conceived by Jewish Christians.

It's another sure confirmation.

3) I firmly believe that the Oslo Peace Accords is the treaty which will be confirmed by AC as ! it's written in Daniel 9:27.

Here are the reasons.

a. It was the preliminary agreement for 7 years.

b. It was mainly to exchange land for peace.

c. It was signed with many. (3,000 influential guests were invited to the White House)

d. Israel was deceived as she gave up land including Jericho without securing peace.

e. It failed as Intifada broke out.

f. Yitzhak Rabin who signed the Accords was assassinated.

In the year of 2000(7 years after the Oslo), Bill Clinton invited the both parties to the Camp David for the marathon negotiation for 2 weeks.

It was so close to finalize the deal, but it fell apart at the last moment.

G-d allowed the borrowed time from that poin! t.

The question was how long it would be.

5 years, 7 years, 8 years, 9 years are all passed.

Since 10 is very significant number as below, it's my belief that this is the year.

It fits with Daniel Matson's timeline too.(2010-2017)

a. 10 Commandments

b. Tithes

c. 10 Days of Awe

d. 10 Plagues

e. 10 Horns and 10 Kings in Daniel

f. 10 Fingers and 10 Toes

g. The decimal system

h. The 10th letter "Yod" is the most valuable in Hebrew



Email: varnke@roadrunner.com

Website: RITA

Re: "The 2nd Passover, Rev. 12 and 10 years of Borrowed Time"....Elliott HOng 4/26/10

I would like to add that number 10 means "FULLNESS OF TESTING".

Star's message today from the Lord --"THE END IS IN SIGHT" could be speaking to us that perhaps this is the time...OR very shortly!!!! WE WILL SOON FIND OUT!!!


Email: varnke@roadrunner.com

Website: RITA

Re: "The 2nd Passover, Rev. 12 and 10 years of Borrowed Time"....Elliott Hong 4/26/10

Hmmm... May Day (May 1) is also a MAJOR pagan holiday.

Traditional May Day celebrations

May Day is related to the Celtic festival of Beltane and the Germanic festival of Walpurgis Night. May Day falls exactly half of a year from November 1, another cross-quarter day which is also associated with various northern European pagan and neopagan festivals such as Samhain. May Day marks the end of the uncomfortable winter half of the year in the Northern hemisphere, and it has traditionally been an occasion for popular and often raucous celebrations, regardless of the locally prevalent political or religious establishment.

As Europe became Christianized the pagan holidays lost their religious character and either changed into popular secular celebrations, as with May Day, or were merged with or replaced by new Christian holidays as with Christmas, Easter, and All Saint's Day. In the twentieth century, many neopagans began reconstructing the old traditions and celebrating May Day as a pagan religious festival again.


The earliest May Day celebrations appeared in pre-Christian, with the festival of Flora, the Roman Goddess of flowers, and the Walpurgis Night celebrations of the Germanic countries. It is also associated with the Gaelic Beltane. Many pagan celebrations were abandoned or Christianized during the process of conversion in Europe. A more secular version of May Day continues to be observed in Europe and America. In this form, May Day may be best known for its tradition of dancing the Maypole and crowning of the Queen of the May. Various Neopagan groups celebrate reconstructed (to varying degrees) versions of these customs on May 1. The day was a traditional summer holiday in many pre-Christian European pagan cultures. While February 1 was the first day of Spring, May 1 was the first day of summer; hence, the summer solstice on June 25 (now June 21) was Midsummer. In the Roman Catholic tradition, May is observed as Mary's month, and in these circles May Day is usually a celebration of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In this connection, in works of art, school skits, and so forth, Mary's head will often be adorned with flowers. Fading in popularity since the late 20th century is the giving of "May baskets," small baskets of sweets and/or flowers, usually left anonymously on neighbours' doorsteps.


It could also indicate a signal of distress for the world:

Mayday is an emergency code word used internationally as a distress signal in voice procedure radio communications. It derives from the French venez m'aider, meaning "come (and) help me". It is used to signal a life-threatening emergency by many groups, such as police forces, pilots, firefighters, and transportation organizations. The call is always given three times in a row ("mayday-mayday-mayday") to prevent mistaking it for some similar-sounding phrase under noisy conditions and to distinguish an actual mayday call from a message about a mayday call.

Re: "The 2nd Passover, Rev. 12 and 10 years of Borrowed Time"....Elliott Hong 4/26/10


Here are a couple of verses with ten years in them that may fit into Elliot's 10 year possible Rapture scenario.

I know that the ten years are an extension to the 60 years which together totals seventy years in these verses. But, the big question is does it have to go the full seventy years.

And then, I also thought about how Israel became a Nation in 1948, some say it was actually 1947. From that date it is still about 8 years left to make the full 70 years. It is all something to ponder about in this complex end time matrix that we are all desperately trying to decode.

2 Chronicles 36
21To fulfil the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah, until the land had enjoyed her sabbaths: for as long as she lay desolate she kept sabbath, to fulfil threescore and ten years.

Psalm 90
10The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

Zechariah 1
12Then the angel of the LORD answered and said, O LORD of hosts, how long wilt thou not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the cities of Judah, against which thou hast had indignation these threescore and ten years?

In Christ,

Re: "The 2nd Passover, Rev. 12 and 10 years of Borrowed Time"....Elliott Hong 4/26/10

What an exciting post!! I also think the manchild is the overcomer bride of Christ!!...the first of many offspring to be born out of the Church! Though I also believe there will be a segment of martyred saints that may also become the Bride.

I know I saw April and 2010 and I also know I was given May 9/10 as a significant date though I do not know the year and lastly I was given July 5th (I believe it was this year) as significant. I was under the impression that it was April 24, 2010, though the number 24 was blurred out the second time I saw it. I did see a Passover (blood on doorposts) vision a few days after passover too.

BUT...recently (last Friday to be exact) I had the presence of the Holy Spirit come over me and in response to my avid questioning I was told that I was NOT to know the day....sniff, sniff. So as to what these dates I've been given, I now have no clue except that they tie in in some way. I do believe we are in the season...I am convinced...but He was adamant that I couldn't know the day...sigh.

I had one more dream yesterday where I was fitted for a crown, along with a whole group of people...I was told my crown was 'small'...LOL...and what was interesting is that only our eyes showed as our mouths were covered with a veil. I think the Lord was telling me that we would be given the spiritual eyes to know and understand and yet NOT be able to Use the Word of God yet...it is as if we would be hidden for a time....knowing and yet not sharing. And it was obvious to me in this dream that we were to be studying/training....for a part of some sort. I was given one line in a play to say and I had to memorize it. I also saw a king dancing with His Bride. The other neat thing is that the group I was in was a group of foreign exchange students and we were going to FRANCE!!! What is significant regarding France is that THIS is the symbol the Lord has used in my dreams to indicate the wedding of the Lamb...the foreign exchange student part just represents the fact that the Bride is a pilgrim here on Earth (a peculiar people..LOL...who don't belong to this world.)

I was having to photocopy this booklet that had my one line in it and it was a HUGE booklet and I was approached by another wanting me to make a copy for her too....but I turned her down (which is not like me) as I had to tell her there wasn't enough time for me to make a copy for her too...I feel that this refers to the foolish virgins asking for the Bride to share oil.

Hopefully I am included in the Bridal party...it was a bit disconcerting that I didn't already have my 'line' memorized and I WASN'T a foreign exchange student, but instead had requested to go with them...and with the small crown it is like I am sliding in under the wire with a hair of my chinny, chin, chin! LOL

Anyway..just wanted to share as when I read this it triggered this...I can't see how we are out of season.

Re: "The 2nd Passover, Rev. 12 and 10 years of Borrowed Time"....Elliott Hong 4/26/10

C.J I kind like agree with you now after some reviewing of endtime prophecies I learned so far from the view of the scripture itself as in the hebrew the last empire which are mix in as I remember called as Arab, kind like interesting.

However to be able to reveal this guy, we need some extra condition which currently has not been met yet. That extra condition is the crippling of some advance countries by some either natural disasters of short nuclear wars which send aerial power into nothing after this huge condition is satisfied.

So now, according to that, the next thing to happen is either the biggest natural disasters ever happened or short nuclear wars. I tend to the second option.

May Yeshua takes us all home at the appointed time only by His grace and mercy to be forever with Him and His glorious joy beyond words fulfill each of us everyday of our life.

Re: "The 2nd Passover, Rev. 12 and 10 years of Borrowed Time"....Elliott Hong 4/26/10

The Second Passover begins in about 2 hours!

Second Passover is a little known member of the Spring Feasts, yet it's position in the Sabbath Omer count of the Feast of Weeks places it squarely in the preeminent position among the spring feasts. Leviticus 23 tells us the spring feasts are about first fruits

Omer count 25/26... we are half way home!

Elliot Hong...
Virginia Arnke had a dream too on the 16th of April.

She was in heaven, and heard the number 17 in a clear voice.

May 1st,2nd is Iyar 17. It's another confirmation!!

In the year of 2000, (7 years after Oslo), Bill Clinton invited the both parties to the Camp David for the marathon negotiation for 2 weeks.

It was so close to finalize the deal, but it fell apart at the last moment.

G-d allowed the borrowed time from that point.

The question was how long it would be?

Since 10 is very significant number as below, it's my belief that this is the year!

It fits with Daniel Matson's timeline too.(2010-2017)

Star's message today from the Lord --"THE END IS IN SIGHT" could be speaking to us that perhaps this is the time...OR very shortly! WE WILL SOON FIND OUT!

Email: scuggers1@gmail.com

Website: www.biblebelievers.com/

Re: "The 2nd Passover, Rev. 12 and 10 years of Borrowed Time"....Elliott Hong 4/26/10

2nd Passover has begun!(Live Jerusalem Time)

Email: scuggers1@gmail.com

Website: www.biblebelievers.com/

Re: "The 2nd Passover, Rev. 12 and 10 years of Borrowed Time"....Elliott Hong 4/26/10

Just in 90 minutes we get to exact half of the OMER count (to 24 days and 12 hours), it is Second passover and Full Moon!!
Great day to watch!!!!

Let see what the second half brings, let us wait upon the Lord when the Father´s voice mighty as million trumpets sounds : "Son, get the Bride!!!!"

Re: "The 2nd Passover, Rev. 12 and 10 years of Borrowed Time"....Elliott Hong 4/26/10

Omer count 25/26... we are half way home!

Half-way home... I LOVE the sound of that!!!

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