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The "Lucifer" telescope in AZ

I kid you not, they named this thing Lucifer 1 - at the observatory on Mt. Graham in Arizona. The observatory was built by the Vatican several years back to watch for far away objects (my guess being they are looking for Niburu), and now they have added this telescope and named it Lucifer 1. REALLY?? They couldn't come up with a more politically correct name like "heaven's view" or something??

If you ask me, they're just naming the telescope after what it is supposed to be watching for...

Anyway, this was on Five Doves, posted by Melissa Costa:


Re: The "Lucifer" telescope in AZ

It is not as inappropriate as at first glance (particularly for a telescope) because of the meaning of the name Lucifer and that it was Satan's name before he fell.

"The name Lucifer comes from the Latin word for 'light-bearer'."

Now here is something really terribly inappropriate and distressing that I found while I was looking that up:

"Satan Name Popularity
The name Satan, is the 41039th most popular baby name at mybaby.net.au placing it in the top 54% of names on our site.
In the year year (2006), Satan was the 8816th most popular name, and is in the top 44% for the year.

In the year year (2007), Satan was the 1812th most popular name, and is in the top 3% for the year."


Re: The "Lucifer" telescope in AZ

Yeah Diane ~ This was kinda creepy! What is the purpose for naming ANYTHING "lucifer!!!"

Re: The "Lucifer" telescope in AZ

The way things have been going on with the vatican, a lot of the priest may not need a telescope to get a good look at Lucifer.....
Another Catholic Bishop Resigns Over Sex Abuse

Child molesting Bishop Roger Vangheluwe from Bruges, Belgium, has resigned from his post after he admitted sexually abusing children during his tenure. Earlier in the week, Bishop John Favalora of Miami and Bishop James Moriarty of Kildare, Ireland, also resigned. It's nice of them to resign, but shouldn't these people be in jail? [BBC]

Email: randyjan@windstream.net

Re: The "Lucifer" telescope in AZ

No kidding, Randy. Jail at least - maybe worse in my estimation. I attached an article I found about the "Luciferian cult" within the Vatican that allows for and encourages ritual sexual abuse. Of course, this is not the whole Catholic Church, but a small (uh maybe not that small..) and lethal portion of it that satan has taken over and abuses. That is why there are SO many of the priests coming forward. The public is voicing its objections and the priests are being forced to come out, when in reality it was done with full knowledge from some of the "higher ups".


Earthangel - babies named satan??? Unbelievable. Those poor children! I'm going to tell my daughter about this the next time she complains about her middle name of Beth...

Re: The "Lucifer" telescope in AZ

I have always had some serious doubts about the Catholic Church. And by the way, Beth is my favorite girl name...: < )


Email: randyjan@windstream.net

Re: The "Lucifer" telescope in AZ

You are right Diane about that lethal portion of the Catholic Church, its widespread, and they protect their own. Child abuse is nothing but Satanism. It would never occur in a true Holy Spirit filled church. I heard about this telescope but did not realize it was Rome inspired. Lord help my family, they think Jesus came to earth to create that institution. No, they were not the first followers of Christ, and they are not the church.

Email: maria callison@hotmail.com

Re: The "Lucifer" telescope in AZ

Randy, thanks for the encouragement on my daughter's middle name. She disliked it so much she legally changed it when she got married. She put her maiden name as her middle name and just axed poor Beth. Still makes me sad to think about!

Maria, luckily God looks on the heart, not our church membership! LOL! I think there will be many Catholics in heaven who love Jesus with all their heart and know they needed their sins forgiven. As to the rest of the doctrine, maybe they will have to go to class in heaven to get it all figured out. One thing's for sure. They probably won't see many of their priests there...

Re: The "Lucifer" telescope in AZ

I understand Diane, that is a tough situation they are in, and, I know my family believes in the second coming at least......but, does not want it to happen soon. I was never really allowed to discuss religion or politics growing up so.....was just kept in the dark....UNTIL NOW!

Email: maria callison@hotmail.com

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