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Answered Prayer

There have been times when I alluded to my depression on this forum and times I may have hinted things were not that well with me.

From the time I began posting, about 3 years ago, I have been unemployed. I was in a car accident and due to my extended absence, I lost my job to another. Due to the economic times, my search for a new job was going nowhere. A few months ago I voluntarily let my car go(get repossessed) with pastoral counseling. It seemed that getting a new job would now be impossible unless I first obtained another car. (Where I live the public transportation is well below standard.) Of course I kept hoping for the rapture so that it wouldn't be necessary anyway.

Well, just in case and just in time,(lack of funds being what they are), Our Gracious Lord has provided.........

I needed to tell you that God is great...of course you all knew that. He has not only provided me with employment but also with some transportation! I use a van for my new job and I told the owner of the business that I had no car and he is allowing me use of the van on those days I work. I told this man that he was an answer to prayer. Well, his reply was, he is an atheist. I told him, that's okay God used you anyway! Praise God. Perhaps an OPPORTUNITY TO EXPAND THE KINGDOM!

THANK YOU, LORD FOR YOUR MERCY AND GRACE TO THIS CHILD. THANK YOU, JEHOVAH JIREH, FOR YOUR PROVISION. PRAISE YOUR NAME, JEHOVAH SHALOM, FOR BRINGING PEACE WHEN THERE WAS NONE. Thank you, Father for your love toward me when I was unlovable. And thank You for these loving and praying sisters and brothers who have lifted me up in my times of need.

May His blessings fall around you as a gentle summer shower and bring you closer to Him, until that day we all meet at our heavenly home.

Praise God and again I say PRAISE GOD!!!

Just wanted you to know

Re: Answered Prayer



Re: Answered Prayer

Thanks, Lisa!

Re: Answered Prayer

Francesca~ your praises and thanks to the Lord brought tears to my eyes~ I am so grateful He has provided so tenderly for your needs and has guided you through these challenges these past three years. Oh, how He loves us!

What wonderful news~


Re: Answered Prayer

A song for you, Francesca~

Re: Answered Prayer

I am so happy for you Francesca!!! God was moving heaven and earth just for you and to provide you with exactly what you need.... and he has ministery plans too :) He is sooo good.

Re: Answered Prayer

Francesca, I love how you witnessed to your new boss that God used him anyway!!! ~ it is so true! God is faithgul! And how many employers would loan their newly hired employee a vehicle!! Praise You Lord!!!

Re: Answered Prayer

Dear Francesca

When I was first really serious about prayer to the Lord, I knew I was in comunication with Him, because my eyes would start to tear up, not an emotional tearring, just welling up and would constantly have to wipe them.

When my prayers get answered or I see His Will being done, tears well up and they flow freely!!

I now believe that this is my cup that overfloweth, I can't take it all in, I am sure that if there was a lid on us we would explode, I am also sure that there will be tears in Heaven everytime we see the results of what He has done, tears of Great Joy, your story has welled them up again for me, and reminded me of His power again, HE IS SO GOOD!!!!

There is just SO MUCH involved when He does something.

Re: Answered Prayer

Our Lord is awesome.
How interesting,that God would use a nonbeliever.
Sounds like,the Lord will use you to witness for
for Him.
Praise the Lord for all He does.
For HIS children.
God Bless you,

Re: Answered Prayer

You all have blessed me so! Thank you for your responses. Certainly our God is able. He is more willing than we can imagine.

Melanie, thank you for that video, I'm a video kind of gal!

joyful susan, thank you for your prayers, my sister!

Kolleen, God is SOOOOO GOOD!

JR, your words have lifted me!

Star, thank you for that word and to God be ALL the glory......

Re: Answered Prayer

I am so happy for you, I too can testify how completely my life has been changed and turned around these last few years and I give all the Praise and Glory to HIM indeed.
God is in control sis...so glad your prayer have been answered!


Re: Answered Prayer

Oh Cesca!

My heart is filled with joy for you! God is sooo faithful.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow...
I pray the Lord will use you to bring your employer into the Kingdom.

Re: Answered Prayer

Oh, Francesca . . This is such a wonderful answer to prayer . . . God is s-o-o-o-o-o 'Personal', isn't He, leading His children so exact . . . I love how He is using you to witness to your employer!! . . awesome . . Christ is glorified knowing your path, . . loved hearing this, sis!!!!

Re: Answered Prayer

Brenda, Barb and Donna, thank you for your responses.

Yes, God is good and faithful and all blessings do flow from Him.

While the time here is short the work is truly not done. I can only imagine the great harvest from the trib. So sorry the millions will have to go through it....but it will be worth it ALL.

ETERNITY WITH OUR BRIDEGROOM!!! Oh glorious hope and soon a reality!!!! MARANATHA!

Re: Answered Prayer

Tears of Joy here too, Francesca!

Praising our Savior, along with you and all here, for His wonderful care and provision. Amen!

Re: Answered Prayer

Francesca, I am so very happy for you. God will never let you fall and will never let you go. You are His own dear child. This job and the van are such a great answer to all the prayers that have gone up for you. I know you are dancing and singing over this.

Re: Answered Prayer

Dear Francesca, this is so wonderful how the Lord has blessed you ... you never gave up on Him although I know after 3 years there had to be times of despair. Your love for Him has always shone through here at RITA and I know that is what brought God's perfect answer to you. Bless you Cesca, hope you are very happy with this new job, new boss, new transportation. And if we're right we'll be seeing you soon in our permanent home!

Re: Answered Prayer

Francesca dear Sis,

You are Gods beloved child, he thinks you are beautiful and so do I. I am so happy and thrilled for you Sis.

When you are holding Gods hand, the lonely roads of depression and black clouds open up finally to beautiful pastures and quiet streams. I have been there and understand. Hold on tight to him, resting your head close to his chest. He is our shield in the face of the storms, our hope and our deliverer.

You made my day dear Sis. Praises to him who is worthy; our King of kings and our Lord of Lords. Jesus Christ our precious saviour.

Love ybiC / Paul

Re: Answered Prayer

AbideInHim, thank you for praising our Saviour along with me. Remembering I am not alone has been most encouraging.

TxSue, the wedding banquet will be a humdinger and dancing and singing to honor our Bridegroom, will be for an eternity, Praise Jesus! And thank you for lifting me up in my time of need.

Shirley, Happy will be when we are home together with Him, who paid the price for us all. Along with everyone here.....I can't wait!

And my dear brother, Paul, to finally behold His face, walk with Him in those beautiful pastures that run along the stream, what a wonderful, marvelous day that will be. I'm still holding tight and need to remember to rest in His arms, my head at His chest. Praise God, He is my deliverer, my shield and ultimately my hope! He IS the King of kings and the Lord of lords and He calls me his child and his friend. Amazing!!!

Thank you all for celebrating God's goodness with me!



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