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It has been a while since my last posting. I wanted to pass on a vision I had fairly recently regarding OB. One that greatly disturbed and bothered me. I beleive that God was revealing truth to me in that moment. In my vision OB was speaking to a group of people. This was happening on Television as I was watching. Suddenly I felt myself worshiping him. Within the moment his appearance changed. His eyes lifted and he began to smile. I understood that this is what he was seeking. This vision really bothered me and still does. It brought me to a place of being a participant. I am a true believer and walk close to Christ. I am sure that God used this vision to open my mind up to truth.

God Bless

Re: Vision

Thank you for sharing this. Many are receiving similar warnings. We need to be in prayer and
use keen discernment in these hours.

Re: Vision

Awesome vision! I think the meaning of the vision was to show you how strong the spirit of deception is going to be when the antichrist comes on the scene as how easy it will be to worship him. I believe this is a vision given to you to warn others of this.

Thanks for sharing this with us!

Re: Vision

This is my take on the vision. If BO is here after the rapture then this could pertain to a warning about him specifically.

However, what I think right now is that BO is the leader of this country that has been turned into an idol that has lifted itself above God in the name of freedom!

People do in a sense trust and rely on the USA not only here but around the world, and it has become the biggest idol on the planet!

BO is the top "salesman/statesman" in the country right now and is in charge of protecting this country by promoting our image to the world!

I believe our Lord wants us to quit looking at the image (of BO/USA) and look at Him for our protection and provision and to worship Him alone!

I do agree with what 2HH said in that we need to have very keen discernment in this and also pray, pray, pray!!

Also, I think that judgment is coming soon and the inconsistences of BO have really helped to highlight this for Christians!

After all that, I do have to say something nice about the USA that our Lord has also used this country to further the gospel more than any other country. It just seems that good and evil have both been allowed to mature in this environment and that this world is now ripe for judgment!

Re: Vision


BO is the top "salesman/statesman" in the country right now and is in charge of protecting this country by promoting our image to the world!

My thoughts . . BO's promoting image is not helping America's standing. Even his obstruction against Israel is muddled, unacceptable to the surrounding nations . .

Re: Vision

Donna, I am not defending BO or Wash DC, but I think that they are trying to protect our country, and really are walking a tight rope with Israel and the Middle East muslim countries. I think that only God can fix this and that is another reason that it looks so real that the rapture is coming so that the US will be taken out of the middle of this situation.

Also, Donna, I believe you are right too in that what they are doing is not working!!

Re: Vision

It IS exciting, Melissa, to see GOD on the move. As promised, He is fulfilling His prophesied Word.

Our Mighty God is arranging every step. For HIS GLORY Israel's standing (and trembling) in the Hands of Jesus no leader can change.

. . It's time for God's intervening!! Woo Hoo . .

Re: Vision

Donna, Amen I agree with you!!!

Re: Vision

Re: Vision

Follower of Jesus, who is OB? Did you mean Obama? If not, were you referring to someone else?

Who ever it was, it sounds like a disturbing vision you had!


Re: Vision

Yes Obama. It was very disturbing. It was only the second such vision I have ever had which made me a direct participant. It was very signifigant and disturbing.

God Bless

Re: Vision

I believe your vision. I had a dream I feel was from the Lord of an owl and a baby gorilla....through circumstances I received confirmations from other Christians (lookup fellowship and new wineskins in their blogs) that the owl represented Obama/the AC and the baby gorilla is still in hiding and is the false prophet and will be the next pope and will be from Africa.

Perhaps I am wrong on this, but the sense I get is that he either IS...or he is a GREAT forerunner to it...so either way it doesn't matter as he spells BAD NEWS for America as a whole. I had a very strong spiritual dream last year where I was in Michelle Obama's house....the Lord has revealed a bit more to me on this dream...an Asian nation is going to be involved in the NWO deception and it will be used to try Christians in the fire, but this will be hidden from many on the party bandwagon of the NWO. There will be a banner raised...claiming ownership...I've seen this banner raised twice, but the church will not be here...but this occurs AFTER the foolish virgins are purified and the Body is completely healed. Basically I feel it is a two step process...a partial giving over of the disobedient church (first banner raised) and then a final giving over of the rest who refuse to come to Christ (second banner raised with a full giving over by the Lord to the enemy). I believe I saw seven black fire pokers with Asian writing on them that represent (perhaps) the seven thunders...or the seven seals. It was BO's son that was playing with these pokers, BEFORE the party begins...I know he doesn't have a son, but I feel the son is representative of the son of satan. It is satan's son that will be involved in this travesty against the church...but it is used for refining and purifying and will be similar to Auschwitz...where many will be clueless about what atrocities are taking place right under their noses as they enjoy this incoming NWO party. I also believe Korea has something to do with all this mess.

I know...I am trying so hard to tie it all together and so take it with a grain of salt, but I keep getting the same symbols used in many dreams and visions and I think the Lord is revealing more so I am able to tie it more together. I don't have the complete picture obviously. The good news is that I see protection for the entire immature church...and a firstfruits who will not be tried in this NWO mess.

I still pray for BO...fwiw. I hope I am wrong about him. I think he has the spirit of Molech in him though...the owl! Nor is it a coincidence that BO carries a charm of Hanuman in his pocket (a monkey)...I knew none of this before my owl/gorilla dream.


I'm sure everyone on RITA is feeling the same pressure many others are regarding what is happening all around. It appears our time is short. Israel, God's time peice, is surrounded. The global economy is aligning. Everything seems to be suddenly speeding up. I personally feel a great burden about the eternal destiny of my children, family and friends. I was on my knees this morning in deep prayer, surrendering and asking for God's guidance and help. I am sure this pressure is going to come out during postings. I'm praying that those here who haven't already and are reading this will surrender it all right now to Jesus Christ. Now is not the time to be playing around. It is no accident that sin is raging out of control. Christ will give everyone here the power and strengh to stand in the fire. Christ is coming back for his Church. We are on borrowed time. Remember this however. Everything is in God's hands. God doesn't need the USA, Obama or anyone else to deal with those surrounding his people, including us. His word has already been spoke and the victory already won. We are going to be flying out of here as fire is coming down around the Nation of Israel to protect his people. God has never made a promise he hasn't kept. Keep looking up.

God Bless

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