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Keep listening for the shofar

I heard the beginning of this song while in the grocery store the other day and thought could this be it? Kinda cool my ears are tuned to hear a shofar now. Let's keep watching (and listening)!

I'm fairly new here - thanks everyone for all your postings!!! It has encouraged me so immensely!!!!

Re: Keep listening for the shofar

David, welcome!! Yes, the shofar should be sounding any day now....PRAISE THE LORD!!! Thanks for your reminder.


Email: varnke@roadrunner.com

Website: RITA

Re: Keep listening for the shofar

That is so cool.....remember how popular this song was when it first came out with the movie!!!!! I am sensitive to that sound too.

Email: maria callison@hotmail.com

Re: Keep listening for the shofar

Welcome, David. I'm even newer than you are and I hope you won't mind me distinguishing my own posts by using my last initial. Or let me know if anyone thinks two Davids would be confusing.

Email: david_roche2@yahoo.com

Re: Keep listening for the shofar

Yay! More Davids! I was wondering where they all were! David R sounds great if you don't mind me going by David W. Welcome - (Jesus has a big family!)

Re: Keep listening for the shofar

I've always loved that music, but the title (and the sound of the horn at the beginning ) didn't strike me till now:


"Then it happened, as they continued and talked, that suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire and seperated the two of them; and Elijah went up in a whirlwind into heaven."

Thank you for posting - and noticing- this!!

Re: Keep listening for the shofar

David & David,

Welcome dear brothers to RITA, you are family bro's
May we wait, fellowship together and praise his name as one.

Keep posting guys, welcome

Love ybiC / Paul

Re: Keep listening for the shofar

Welcome, brothers! We've needed more brothers to balance things out. Welcome aboard the RITA rapture ship!!

Re: Keep listening for the shofar

Great to have you here.
Praise the Lord,

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