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JR Church says Rapture in the Fall

I was watching JR Church this morning and he said because Jesus was the passover lamb that the rapture would happen in the fall. He didn't say this fall, he just said fall. Hope it's this year!! I was disappointed when he sai fall though as I'm still hoping for this month!!

Re: JR Church says Rapture in the Fall

someone should really send him the monte judah teaching

Re: JR Church says Rapture in the Fall

I love and respect J.R. Church and his teaching; however, he is like us, just human and human opinions can filter information. It really makes sense to me that we would either go on Ascension Day or Pentecost - the beginning and end dates for the church. God operates in cycles of time and this would complete the circle.

Also, I believe that the Fall Feasts will all be completed in a short time period with the second coming of Christ. This is what happened with the three spring feasts - all fulfilled within a matter of three days.

I can see RH - Feast of Trumpets fulfilled with a major sign of Jesus[s return; Yom Kippor - Day of Atonement - Jesus riding in on the clouds at Armageddon and ending it in victory. Then Feast of Tabernacles opens the Millenium or thousand year reign of Jesus on earth.

Re: JR Church says Rapture in the Fall

I agree with you, Sue. And the statement you made, Darlene, about how Mr. Church said that because Jesus is our passover lamb that the rapture would be in the fall confuses me greatly. What do the fall feast have to do with the PASSOVER Lamb?? What does he mean by this?

Re: JR Church says Rapture in the Fall

I just heard from a well studied end times 'prophet' tonight that the betrothal is in the Spring for the Bride and the marriage/consummation is in the fall according to the coronation of kings in Israel. Not sure what to think of this as I don't understand it all yet...but of course it depressed me a bit :(. It is just so hard to hold on some times...not that I would do anything else.

I know the Lord knows what He is doing...but ah...I am so weary these days.

Re: JR Church says Rapture in the Fall

Hi all
First post on RITA

I'm a little confused

I was also listening to Mr Church recently and he stated that he and Mr Stearman felt the rapture could happen on any day, but if they were to name a feast day they leant toward Pentecost.
There was also an excellent article posted here on RITA a few days ago written by Mr Stearman.


God Bless

Re: JR Church says Rapture in the Fall

My daughter has had 2 dreams , at different times, and a few years apart . One dream was on the actual night of Rosh Hashana itself---and she didn;t know it was Rosh Hashana until the next morning when she awoke and asked me what day it was. THEN !!! she told me that she heard on this night..."Jesus is coming on Rosh Hashana..(WHICH ONE WE DON"T KNOW)...but that's what she heard when she was about 15 yr old.
Then last year on August 21...same night that Neil LIpken had his rapture dream about rapture coming in the FALL...she heard on TV...in this dream ..a reporter stated that rapture happens on Rosh Hashana.
2 Rosh Hashana dreams HERE!!!!
I've got myhopes up for THIS FALL for some reason!!

Email: steffiefree@rogers.com

Re: JR Church says Rapture in the Fall

I agree with you, Sue. And the statement you made, Darlene, about how Mr. Church said that because Jesus is our passover lamb that the rapture would be in the fall confuses me greatly. What do the fall feast have to do with the PASSOVER Lamb?? What does he mean by this?

I would have to watch it again to tell you for sure but from what I remember they were speaking of feast days and he said that Jesus fullfilled Passover as the passover lamb and that Yom Kippur was the best feast for rapture. I am not saying he is correct, I don't know, he is human like us all and faliable. I just hope & pray it is soon!!!!!!

Re: JR Church says Rapture in the Fall

Let me be the first to
To a fantastic website.
With the Lord's hand on it.
In JESUS name,

Re: JR Church says Rapture in the Fall

Yap Stephanie, with all the current development which in my point of view is a little bit unmatched for revealing that May is the rapture time, I began to shift to be more confident in RH rapture.
Theoretically the Pentacost will be the perfect time but since we have already early May, we just need to wait till the first week of May concludes. When it concludes, then when this week come and pass without anything happen then I would think that the Rapture would not be in May 2010, but still hope I am wrong and the rapture indeed on May 2010.

Re: JR Church says Rapture in the Fall


I wouldn't rule out a Pentecost rapture until it passes on May 23rd. Looking to the fall after the first week of May is a little premature in my way of thinking.

Rich E

Re: JR Church says Rapture in the Fall

Spring or Fall.
It just brought to mind that song
Get ready 'cause here I come.
Don't know who sang it and I think it's a song from the '60's.

Re: JR Church says Rapture in the Fall

I agree, too early to rule out Pentecost. Christ arose 10 days before, and then the Holy Spirit came down on Pentecost, just as God had appeared to Moses on Pentecost at Mt. Sinai. Pentecost would complete the pattern, for Jesus to come at this time in the rapture.

Acts 1:9-11 (New King James Version)

Jesus Ascends to Heaven

9 Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. 10 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, 11 who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”

Re: JR Church says Rapture in the Fall


Welcome to RITA! So glad you could be with us as we watch for the soon coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

Re: JR Church says Rapture in the Fall

Yes Petria - WELCOME TO RITA! Your name reminds me of Petra, the hidden & forgotten city it is thought the remnant of Jews will flee to to escape the AC.

Glad you are joining in with us here - hope to meet you soon too!

p.s. - I'm really hoping JR is wrong on this.

Re: JR Church says Rapture in the Fall

JR Church makes as much sense as Irwin Baxter (I saw him guesting w/JVI & Joe Van Koevering, on TBN's Praise The Lord), who is an post-Tribber, re: the Rapture. It's them I refuse to listen to, b/c I'm a pre-Tribber myself. But there's only one thing to do, and that is we can agree to disagree--PERIOD. Can't we?

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