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Question for Melanie:)

Hi Melanie and everyone on Rita. I have been reading the posts here on Rita for quite some time. Melanie I would like to share a vision with you that I had back in 2007 that was somewhat similar to your eternity band ring dream. I had just laid down for sleepy time and I immediately had a vision of a rose. It was a beautiful rose. A delicate, dainty pink rose. Not quite fully opened. Between a bud and being fully opened. Inside the rose sat an eternity band diamond yellow gold ring. I never received interpretation though. I thought oh the Lord is letting me know that he loves me and he's encouraging me. How could he be asking me to marry him I'm already saved and have been for years. Could have had many meanings though. It was very personal though and spoke to my heart. First of all I love roses well flowers in general. I'm into gardening. An outdoorsy person. Second, the light pink color was just so sweet and lovely. My favorite color in a rose. Third, I like gemstones especially diamonds. I have always been interested in an eternity diamond band ring and I prefer yellow gold over the white metals. At the time that I had this vision my husband and I were having some serious issues. Well we still are but not nearly as bad. He was unfaithful to me after 25 years of marriage. He lied, covered up ect... it was badddd! but the Lord told me to make a commitment to stay united with him in my heart and thats what I did because I was contemplating on either him leaving or me. For me to have thought about leaving or him leaving was a very scary thing. But I said alright Lord. I as a woman could go into more detail hmmm imagine that women going into details never but I won't. I would really appreciate any insight you may have on this vision . You or perhaps others. Thank you so much for your time.

Email: Becky98823@yahoo.com

Re: Question for Melanie:)

Hi 7butterflies! I am so delighted you shared your beautiful vision with me~ and that you decided to say hello.

First of all, I just can't believe how much your vision fits in with some of the other dreams and visions that we have been discussing on rita just this week! What confirmations! I don't know if you saw, but Star posted several rose visions and words of knowledge that she received from the Lord. Just read this, Butterfly, for confirmation of your vision!:

from Star 4/28/10
JESUS SAID:This is too confirm a prayer.
I even I,the Lord GOD.
Will hand to each of My BRIDE.One long stemmed
To My children on RITA.There will be SOMETHING
I love you,

Did you catch that part about something special inside? Now we know what it is~ a beautiful eternity band~ And I'm with you, too, on the deep pink color for my rose ;)

I think the Lord gave you that vision to show you just how much He loves you with such a tender, pure, consuming love~ to show you that promise that you are His Beloved, and that very, very soon He will come for you and present that lovely gift to you Himself! Hallelujah!

See what Star also posted recently:

JESUS said,
He is so HAPPY,
To come and
I love you,


As I prayed,In the spirit.The Lord unfolded a
stuningly beautifull blood red rose.As it unfolded
I could see a Bright Yellow Center.
Jesus said,we are all like flowers to Him.The color
of our Birthstone.With a Bright Yellow Center.
As Jesus is not only the center of our flower.He is
also,the center of our very lives.
And He knows you as His Bride know this.But He has
had me share this with you any way.
Another way that Jesus shows us how much He loves
His Bride.
I love you,

I am so touched that Jesus gave you that vision at just the time when you were going through a very difficult time in your life. He knows how to touch the very center of our hearts. I can't imagine how much that must have meant to you at a time when you may have had such heartbreak and rejection. What an affirmation of your rarity and chosen-ness in Him!

Well, this sure is getting exciting beyond my ability to contain myself! :)

Have a blessed day, Butterfly~ thank you so much for giving us another little piece of the puzzle that affirms what we are receiving from the Lord is indeed true!

In Jesus,

Re: Question for Melanie:)

Melanie you picked my favorite rose!

7 Butterflies Welcome to RITA. Thank you so much
for sharing your dream and for confirming what is being shown to others here. The continuity is truly amazing and very encouraging.

Re: Question for Melanie:)

Hi Melanie:) thanks for getting back with me. Oops I had left out one detail in my message though. I'm new to the forum. I have been reading the posts for several months I just never jumped in. It was when I read your beautiful dream that I just had to jump in. There is such unity on Rita. 1 Cor. chapter 13 being exercised. Sure there are some healthy disagreements thats normal but for the most part there is unity. The devil hates unity. Oh my Melanie talk about the Lord leading and you following the picture of the pink rose that is an english rose I believe and their my favorite and pink! and you wrote your message in pink letters such attention to detail. So thoughtful THANK YOU! I didn't know that others were having similar visions and dreams. I have kept this hidden in my heart since 2007 and haven't discussed it with anyone. There isn't anyone else who would understand me and no one that cares about me enough to share this priceless pearl with up until now. Amazing huh. One thing to mention though its off the subject though but I need to put it out there. Rita should be prayed over. The mods, members, ect... from forces of darkness such as curses. Plead the blood of Jesus. Thank you Melanie for your words of comfort. I still receive rejection from my husband but through it all I have drawn so intimate with Jesus which is the way it should be. I've been praying that my husband does too but only the Lord knows I just pray. I burn for the Lord I have no one in my family who can understand this and I have no one to share this with. I have been and am being burned by the fires of affliction but still I cling to my Jesus. He has my complete affection no one and nothing else! Those pictures were so thoughtful Melanie. The ring oh my. The different giftings, the love, rita is such and has been such a blessing. Before I close occasionally when I'm reading the posts on Rita I smell gardenias which is the fragrance of "Wedding". In his love Melanie. Thanks guys

Email: Becky98823@yahoo.com

Re: Question for Melanie:)

Welcome to RITA 7butterflies. We are so glad to have you join us. Thanks for sharing your vision - yet another confirmation.

Re: Question for Melanie:)

Hi Cheryl Ann thank you and bless you for your warm welcome[:)

Email: Becky98823@yahoo.com

Re: Question for Melanie:)

Dear 2HH thank you so much for the sweet welcome!

Email: Becky98823@yahoo.com

Re: Question for Melanie:)

Oh my goodness Melanie looking at the ring again. Thats it baby:) to the T! the ring that I saw didn't have any filigree. Nothing fancy. Dainty and refined.

Email: Becky98823@yahoo.com

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