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Can anyone help with this dream?

This morning right before I woke up, I had a color dream that I believe relates to the rapture, based upon the symbols in the dream.

I dreamed that my wife and I walked up to this small old log cabin out in the woods. It turned out to be a store with almost no merchandise in it. I asked the old man (apparently the owner) what he had to sell. He said a few groceries. He then pulled out an invoice and said we owed him $110 for a GATE he had been storing for us for sometime...then I woke up. In prayer I asked what the dream meant, and the only thing I could get was...A) Gate: a gate in heaven (like a portal; B) The number 110 as it relates to Psalms 110. Can anybody provide more "dream interpretation" to this (as I knew in my spirit it was somehow related to the rapture).?

Love ya RITA...the ONLY rapture blog site as far as I am concerned, and thanks Star for your openness to the Holy Spirit and thank you Jesus for speaking so clearly!!!!!!!!!

Re: Can anyone help with this dream?

Keith! I think you pretty much interpreted it to the best of what the Lord gave ya!!!

I think we are going to exit the gate or portal that will open for us this year of 2010(Psalm 110)!

I think this is the correct way of solving this prophetic dream!!! You hit the bullseye my friend!!!

Class dismissed!!!

Re: Can anyone help with this dream?

Thanks Scott. I kinda thought this was the right interpretation!

Re: Can anyone help with this dream?


The thing is, you had your dream "THIS" morning. Now, if it had
been "ANOTHER" morning, I probably would NOT have noticed.
Why do I say that? NOTE the references to the "555 MARRIAGE
ANNOUNCEMENT" from my other posts!!!!

Charity and Mtn. Mollie's words from the Lord and the "555 MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT"!!!

...From: Friday, January 15, 2010 - Annular Eclipse "RING"
...To: Wednesday, May 5, 2010 - 5/5, Hebrew gematria for "BRIDE"
...It is 110 days
...Or 3 months, 20 days

...Revelation 3:20 (as in 3 months, 20 days)
...Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice
...and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

There was an "O" or "RING" eclipse 110 days ago from 5/5.

ALSO, 110 is two 55's. "55", as you know, is the Hebrew gematria for
BRIDE, and there are 2 types of the "BRIDE" who will be RAPTURED.
Those ALIVE and those who have PASSED AWAY prior to His return.

So, 2 ("types") X 55 = 110

1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 (New King James Version)
15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And THE DEAD IN CHRIST will rise first. 17 Then WE WHO ARE ALIVE and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

We have a "RING" ("O"), we have 2 "BRIDES" (55's), we have 5/5
as a DATE!!!!!!!!

As far as the small old log cabin with an owner who made SUCH
a ridiculous statement about "YOU OWE ME!!!", excuse me, just
"WHO" had been on office exactly 360 (a prophetic year) days on
the EXACT date of the "O" eclipse?

The log cabin WITHOUT MUCH FOOD...........

What do you THINK is happening to this country now that we are
favoring Islam!!! FAMINE AND DISASTER COMING!!!!!!!!!!!



And I TRULY hope it is this soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Can anyone help with this dream?

Calvin that 555 post of yours is some of your best material yet!! You are somkin' hot friend!!!

This is such a great month for grace and my house being sold and for the 55 formula!!! Grace is running amuck!!

Re: Can anyone help with this dream?


Re: Can anyone help with this dream?


I tried HARD to be as discrete as possible in THIS interpretation.

If you know what I mean....

Re: Can anyone help with this dream?

Calvin your Log cabin and the invoice that was owed is very right on!!!!

That may be what my vision of the boarded up room is all about! The housing market crisis!! It may be that the Lord is showing me that my boarded up room was a more broader vision for the bigger picture; I have been hearing for some time now that many houses have been boarded up because of the foreclosure crisis!!

The time we are in now is most likely the time indicated when the trumpet will sound according to my vision!!!

Sometimes these personal visions are more for the larger picture then just on the personal level!!!

Re: Can anyone help with this dream?

I doubt most will agree with my interpretation...but here it goes:

I think the forest represents the 'wilderness' area where those who receive the latter rain outpouring will go. Couples in my dreams usually represent a double portion of the Spirit. The left behind Christians (remnant Church) will receive this double portion of the Spirit before escaping into the wilderness. They will be HIDDEN (represented by the forest trees) until they reach maturity in Christ. [BTW, the Lord has CLEARLY shown me that immature Christians will be protected and provided for until they are 'birthed'...He will take care of those as a hen gathers her chicks under its wings. This requires people to come to Him though...and He calls us to Him.]

The log cabin represents the man-made Church institution that exists today with all its man-made legalistic traditions and Nicolatian hierarchies. It will be destroyed as wood is destroyed by fire and this church will be rebuilt out of stone...on the TRUE Rock solid foundation of Christ...stone, by living stone (true believers/disciples in Christ) who have been hewn from the Rock that is Christ. The foundation of a log cabin is merely wood and just as the institutional Church is basing itself on a faulty foundation that won't stand up to the TRUE trial by fire (tribulation) likewise the institutional Church will be destroyed. But the Lord always provides a way for His Called and Chosen and just like He provided for Elijah in the wilderness as he was fed by ravens, likewise He will provide for those within these institutional Churches who seek Him and who don't deny Him.

The Gate is the narrow straight path of true salvation in Jesus Christ ...not the broad path of destruction. The storekeeper has had it SAVED for the woman in Rev 12 (the immature Church out of which the overcomers in Christ will be birthed)....basically...the Lord holds in RESERVE the correct way and will be sure to give it to those who seek it IF they are willing to pay the price. The 110 dollars represents destruction (sacrifice of the flesh....being willing to become a living sacrifice). The $110 refers to tribulation and being willing to be martyred for the faith. A gate is HEAVY and is a big burden to bear, especially during the tribulation. This will not be an EASY path, but one of persecution and trial.

The shopkeeper represents the Lord's servants (those who are raptured who return to the Earth to minister to the left behind immature Church)....aka the manchild of Rev 12...the firstborn of the Church as Christ was the firstborn of many brethren. They will dispense the WAY and the TRUTH that is the TRUE Jesus Christ...not another Jesus that many institutional Churches are selling today. The fact that the shopkeeper is an OLD MAN shows He is mature in Christ.

The fact that groceries are scarce represents the famine that will be present during the tribulation HOWEVER, the Lord will take care of the remnant Church ...she may not have much, but she will receive enough until she gives birth. Not only does the scarcity of groceries indicate TRUE famine, but also a famine in the Word. It will be difficult to receive the truth that is Jesus Christ due to the delusions and the persecution Christians who profess Christ will receive.

Keith...just because I say that the couple represents the latter rain outpouring does NOT mean you won't be in the first group raptured. The Lord switches the people in my 'types' all the time...sometimes my husband represents himself and sometimes He represents the bridegroom in my dreams (and my husband isn't saved.) the Lord just likes to stick to types so as to explain things to me and couples USUALLY always mean latter rain anointing.

I do find the number 110 interesting. Since there are to be 111 popes according to St. Malachy prophecy and we are in the 111th congress...I believe the Lord may be telling us JUST HOW close He really is....it is one hour (or buck ;) before liftoff.....we are IN the last hour before the tribulation sets in. so I think this confirms we are in THE year...but then I am always hopeful the rapture is close...so don't mind me..LOL.

Re: Can anyone help with this dream?

prof. e. c.

The thing is, you had your dream "THIS" morning. Now, if it had
been "ANOTHER" morning, I probably would NOT have noticed.
Why do I say that? NOTE the references to the "555 MARRIAGE
ANNOUNCEMENT" from my other posts!!!!

Charity and Mtn. Mollie's words from the Lord and the "555 MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT"!!!

...From: Friday, January 15, 2010 - Annular Eclipse "RING"
...To: Wednesday, May 5, 2010 - 5/5, Hebrew gematria for "BRIDE"
...It is 110 days
...Or 3 months, 20 days

...Revelation 3:20 (as in 3 months, 20 days)
...Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice
...and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

There was an "O" or "RING" eclipse 110 days ago from 5/5.

ALSO, 110 is two 55's. "55", as you know, is the Hebrew gematria for
BRIDE, and there are 2 types of the "BRIDE" who will be RAPTURED.
Those ALIVE and those who have PASSED AWAY prior to His return.

So, 2 ("types") X 55 = 110

1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 (New King James Version)
15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And THE DEAD IN CHRIST will rise first. 17 Then WE WHO ARE ALIVE and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

We have a "RING" ("O"), we have 2 "BRIDES" (55's), we have 5/5
as a DATE!!!!!!!!

As far as the small old log cabin with an owner who made SUCH
a ridiculous statement about "YOU OWE ME!!!", excuse me, just
"WHO" had been on office exactly 360 (a prophetic year) days on
the EXACT date of the "O" eclipse?

The log cabin WITHOUT MUCH FOOD...........

What do you THINK is happening to this country now that we are
favoring Islam!!! FAMINE AND DISASTER COMING!!!!!!!!!!!



And I TRULY hope it is this soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOW, Calvin....did you know I had a dream on March night that had the movie logo of Orion with TWO O's preceding it (I believe it was two...for a total of three O's). I somehow intuitively knew the O's meant moon cycles. So the question is whether I was to add two or three moon cycles to March 9/10th...which would take us to either May 9/10th or June 9/10th.... Orion I already know means Jesus' return and also the completed SEVEN churches (or seven sister stars in Orion).

Under the word Orion were the words ONE WEEK....and then there was a third line of words under that that I can't remember ...typical..LOL...He never lets me see the whole picture.

So I liked reading what you wrote as I feel he Lord may have been confirming that the O's represented the moon in some way.

Re: Can anyone help with this dream?


I want to say something and pray it's taken with in spirit I mean it.

You are very loved on this site. It grieves me when I hear you say "I doubt the things I say will be accepted". Yes you may get some that disagree, but know you are deeply love dear sister!!!

Please know that I am always interested in what you have to say and in this case I thought your interpretaion was well beyond anything I would ever receive. That is not my gifting!

God has not given us a spirit of fear or of discouragement either, but a sound mind, which you have and also gives us hope. So be encouraged today. Lay all your troubles at His feet and rejoice. You need to for the sake of your children as well.

I've mentioned numerous times that you have some of the same struggles I do. I've just had more time to work through them than you have. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't say anything, but I do!!!

Sorry this is on a public forum. I want you to know that I so look forward to our reunion in heaven. I want a hug, ok?


Re: Can anyone help with this dream?

Hugs Dee.

Not sure you saw what I wrote for you on another thread.

Re: Can anyone help with this dream?

Keith your dream is SO cool.

I dreamed that my wife and I walked up to this small old log cabin out in the woods. It turned out to be a store with almost no merchandise in it. I asked the old man (apparently the owner) what he had to sell. He said a few groceries.

Time is almost up!

He then pulled out an invoice and said we owed him $110 for a GATE he had been storing for us for sometime . . .

Rapture 2010!

Yay, we are out of here guys!!! Praise Him!!!

Re: Can anyone help with this dream?

Ah gosh, Steve....I am touched. I just preface it like that because I know few agree with the whole two rapture (some of the Church left behind) theory and I really didn't want anyone to get upset...I could be wrong :). And even less agree with the some who are raptured come back theory..LOL

I do appreciate you being concerned for me. I don't think my voice inflection comes across the best in print.

Re: Can anyone help with this dream?


When you are THAT sure of the identification while dreaming as
you KNEW the TWO O's meant "MOON CYCLES", then, that is
what I believe it is. Two moon cycles is 59 days.

...From: March 9/10, 2010 - dream of TWO O's (moons)
...To: May 7/8, 2010 - 7 "inclusive / non-inclusive" days from "FLOOD" weekend
...It is 59 days = 2 moons

We do NOT know for SURE whether Noah got on board the very
day the flood started or 7 days before. There is a possibility that
the FLOOD this past weekend was a "SIGN". Maybe we got the
"SIGN" of Noah but don't "get aboard" until right up to the 7th day
or the "ONE WEEK" as you saw written!!! Your sign could be
for Friday, the 7th ("inclusive") or Saturday the 8th ("non-inclusive").

THEN, as SOON as we are GONE, I believe there will be a VERY
MAJOR DISASTER HIT THIS NATION (the 3rd weekend of disasters)!!!!!!

If you read my post, "Prophetic word, then 2 strikes past 2 weekends,
3rd "STRIKE"...this weekend??", then this scenario would FIT.



Re: Can anyone help with this dream?


Good!!! Your brother is much happier now!!! For me, leave those words off, ok? Just be you.

Love you sis!


Re: Can anyone help with this dream?

OK, Steve :)

Mtn Mollie...yes, I did see them....so sorry I didn't respond. I am a bit ..ahem...air-headed at times and mean to respond but then get distracted.

I've been very interested in your posts, btw...I tell you this group is having so many insights and revelations...it is astounding...I can barely keep my head from spinning.

Calvin...yep..I do think it was two moon cycles...I think you are right...He tends to lead me to the interpretation as I type it out and I really did think that...but that being said I also have a very active imagination...compliments of our High King and Creator..LOL.

Re: Can anyone help with this dream?


I doubt most will agree with my interpretation...but here it goes:

Dee, you are correct about the 2 raptures... I was shown this in 1991 by the Holy Spirit in the Bible..


sometimes my husband represents himself and sometimes He represents the bridegroom in my dreams (and my husband isn't saved.) the Lord just likes to stick to types so as to explain things to me and couples USUALLY always mean latter rain anointing.

This reminded me talking to my mom last August. I was telling her of my June 4 rapture vision and then asked her if she had any visions...

Her response.. No, I just got this silly dream the other night, it was nasty... I said what was it about, it might be of the rapture.

No, it was nasty, it was about Arley (my dad-died in 1993) making love to me and then taking me out to dinner..

I laughed... I said, that's a rapture vision that you just had.. Jesus is the groom and you're his bride, his love, and he's taking you out to dinner is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb...

I don't know if she got it or not... But I understood exactly what she had.... Dad was the kind of guy that NEVER went out to eat in any resturant.. He hardly would eat at anybody's house either.

So I understand exactly what you are stating here also Dee...


I had a dream on March night that had the movie logo of Orion with TWO O's preceding it (I believe it was two...for a total of three O's). I somehow intuitively knew the O's meant moon cycles. So the question is whether I was to add two or three moon cycles to March 9/10th...which would take us to either May 9/10th or June 9/10th....

WOW, Dee, this sounds like another confirmation that May is it.

God bless...


Re: Can anyone help with this dream?


I doubt most will agree with my interpretation...but here it goes:

Dee, you are correct about the 2 raptures... I was shown this in 1991 by the Holy Spirit in the Bible..


sometimes my husband represents himself and sometimes He represents the bridegroom in my dreams (and my husband isn't saved.) the Lord just likes to stick to types so as to explain things to me and couples USUALLY always mean latter rain anointing.

This reminded me talking to my mom last August. I was telling her of my June 4 rapture vision and then asked her if she had any visions...

Her response.. No, I just got this silly dream the other night, it was nasty... I said what was it about, it might be of the rapture.

No, it was nasty, it was about Arley (my dad-died in 1993) making love to me and then taking me out to dinner..

I laughed... I said, that's a rapture vision that you just had.. Jesus is the groom and you're his bride, his love, and he's taking you out to dinner is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb...

I don't know if she got it or not... But I understood exactly what she had.... Dad was the kind of guy that NEVER went out to eat in any resturant.. He hardly would eat at anybody's house either.

So I understand exactly what you are stating here also Dee...


I had a dream on March night that had the movie logo of Orion with TWO O's preceding it (I believe it was two...for a total of three O's). I somehow intuitively knew the O's meant moon cycles. So the question is whether I was to add two or three moon cycles to March 9/10th...which would take us to either May 9/10th or June 9/10th....

WOW, Dee, this sounds like another confirmation that May is it.

God bless...


Joseph, you made me laugh out loud on that post!!!

Not quite as romantic and elegant a marriage and wedding supper I would imagine the Lord has planned...snort!

It is kind of funny how the types all shift...AND He makes great use of the names of people...it always floors me when I go looking the names up as it ties right in and I KNOW I can't make that stuff up even if I tried. Now He has me going back through old dreams to show me more in them...like a lot of it clicks now...at the time I was like 'what??' It is really hard subtracting ME from the interpretations though...I am still learning how to do that....hopefully there isn't enough time for me to perfect this skill ;).

Re: Can anyone help with this dream?

Keith, thanks for sharing that encouraging dream with us!

Dee, I love you girl. And God has given you such an incredible gift of dream interpretation. I'm glad you posted your precious thoughts. I can't wait to give
you a big hug sooooooon.

Re: Can anyone help with this dream?

Keith, could I ask you if there was something spiritually important happening for you or your wife during the month January 2010??? I ask that as I had a similar dream which I posted here and would like to see if there is not a connection between those two dreams. Maranatha

Re: Can anyone help with this dream?

Ales, yes, maybe because my wife has been through deep waters for many years now. Back in the early 70's she was a professional musician. She did vocal tours with the Continental Singers and then Truth. She was church pianist at our church also. In 1985 she lost her hearing with meningitis. This has almost totally destroyed her. She also had a stroke about eight years ago and can hardly walk. This has not helped matters any...but she spends A LOT more time in personal prayer time and Bible study now. As far as January, maybe...because that's when I noticed her intensity increasing. I can't recall anything specific for me at that time. Thanks for the question. God bless you and yours!

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