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My Christian Friend Needs a Kidney. PLEASE PRAY

My friend Renee is a beautiful Christian who thinks of everyone but herself. She suffers so badly with lupus and kidney failure and never complains. When she is down she won't pick up the phone when I call so she doesn't make me sad. I love her and want to be there to support her but she is so humble and does not want to bother anyone. She is no bother to anyone believe me.

Renee was finally schedueled for a transplant with a family member as a donor. I will let her explain it to you. Here is her email....

"Oh should let you know that my transplanat was "stopped. And only a week away, we were packed, motels rented for a month, dog kennel reserves for the big girls, had people lined up to say a week at a time ith me when Igot out, Kristal had her plane ticket to fly in and on and on….and then bang!!!!! They called it off.
The big cross match then do right before surgery was bad. I had to many antibodies in my blood and they were fighting Kacey’s to the max and would have caused a kidney rejection with in 3-4 days of the transplant. We now have 3 options, and the one I have to take is to find a new donor with O- or O+ blood that our antibodies don’t fight. I have been pretty depressed, cuz now we don’t know how much time I have before they put me on dialysis and that is my biggest fear in life. I asked the Lord for direction and if and when I would get a healing. I also said, Lord if I am to just continue on in this journey please open the gate to go forward if not, put up a road block . BING got the road block,so am waitng on the Lord and looking for a new donor, He will provide, I just have to be faithful. Ok have to run, Kimberlee is in hospital about to have her gall bladder out, Kacey is depressed cuz he thinks he failed me and life goes round and round. You take care and please for give me for not calling yet I will, just been pretty crazy..Love ya…Renee"

I ask your prayers for the precious woman, for her family, for her healing, a creative healing where a new kidney appears, or for a donor kidney to come quickly. This woman and her family are lovely Christians.

You'd like Renee very much if you knew her. She is funny even when she is sick.

I love her so much. Please stand with me for her healing. In Jesus' Holy Name AMEN


Re: My Christian Friend Needs a Kidney. PLEASE PRAY

Oh 2HH, My heart goes out to Renee and her family~ I am standing with you in all that you are praying for her. It hurts us so much when we see such loving and godly people go through so much trial and pain. Imagine how much more so Our Lord is moved with compassion for her situation.

Lord, I ask you to minister and comfort Renee's spirit~ strengthen her inner man that she may know and stand firm on Your Word and promise to never leave her nor forsake her, that You have already healed her, that she sits in Heavenly places. Lord Jesus, I speak life and health to Renee's body by the power of Jesus' Christ's substitutionary death on the Cross to release Renee from the bonds of death and sickness. May she see your Almighty hand working in her need and situation this day! Amen~

Re: My Christian Friend Needs a Kidney. PLEASE PRAY

2HH dear Sis

I stand beside you in prayer my sister
I will keep this precious sister and her family in my prayers.

May God show his glory through Renee

Love ybiC / Paul

Re: My Christian Friend Needs a Kidney. PLEASE PRAY

Standing with my brothers and sisters in prayer for Renee.

Lord we lift up Renee before your Holy Throne. We ask you, our Father, for complete healing for Renee. We know you have a plan to prosper her and not to harm her. A plan for a hope and a future. Thank you Lord for your mercy!
We ask you to give Renee comfort and peace, the peace that can only come from you. Praise Your name!
I pray for Renee's family as they go through this with her. Give them peace and strength.
Thank you Lord for hearing the prayers of the saints.

Re: My Christian Friend Needs a Kidney. PLEASE PRAY

Dear Father , please help this dear woman and her family for you are the SOURCE of all that seems to be impossible ! Thank you for helping her today and for listening to our prayers . WHAT would we do without you , Dear God ??? We BELIEVE !
In Your Beloved Son , we pray ! Amen , bonnie

Re: My Christian Friend Needs a Kidney. PLEASE PRAY

Praying for Renee and her family for all of their needs to be met by our Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen

Re: My Christian Friend Needs a Kidney. PLEASE PRAY

Lord I pray for Renee that you bring healing to her thru a miracle, the prayer of faith, or a new donor kidney to surface and be a match. Trusting You Lord to bring Renee the best that You have for her in Jesus Name.

Re: My Christian Friend Needs a Kidney. PLEASE PRAY

I'm so sorry, dear 2HH, that your friend is going through such a hard time.

Dear Father, in the Name of Jesus, I ask that You find a donor quickly for Renee that is a perfect match for her kidneys. I ask that You manifest Your love to her in a mighty way, and that You give her a complete healing to her kidneys so she doesn't have to have dialysis. I ask that You comfort Renee, her family, 2HH, and all those who are concerned for her and that You give them all Your perfect peace. I ask all this in Jesus Precious Name. Amen

Hugs, dear sis.

Re: My Christian Friend Needs a Kidney. PLEASE PRAY

Agreeing in prayer.

Re: My Christian Friend Needs a Kidney. PLEASE PRAY

me to-

Re: My Christian Friend Needs a Kidney. PLEASE PRAY

This vessel is going to float away.If I cry
much more.
This is whst the Lord showed me for you.
In the spirit,I saw Jesus holding a shofar(that
was made with three complete circles.Then curved up a
little.And Jesus was talking to you.Thru the shofar.
I don't know what HE was telling you.So please pray
about it.The shofar was in Jesus' left hand.And Renee
was in Jesus' right arm.And HE was talking to her to.
So please pray about this too.
In JESUS name

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