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Pets in the Rapture

Paul Werner (5 May 2010)
"Pets in the rapture"


Some encouragement to you pet owners. Jack Van impe states our pets
will go with us in the rapture!! Remember the israelites took their
animals out of Egypt. We serve a Loving Master!

<>< Paul Werner


Re: Pets in the Rapture

Thank you Lord Jesus. He ansers my every question.

2HH you are so dear.
I just love you so much.

Hugs. tears.

Jesus just told me,
You took care of my sheep and I will take care of yours.

Re: Pets in the Rapture

I love you too so much Mollie
and thank God He directed me to that to bless you.

Looking forward to a big hug soon!

Re: Pets in the Rapture

So happy about that,

it will certainly make it seem right at home quicker.

Email: newskinagain167@yahoo.com

Re: Pets in the Rapture

What about the pets of people that are not saved?

Re: Pets in the Rapture

I have no scripture to confirm this, but I believe with all my heart that somehow God will take my pets with me. I don't know how He will do this, but I believe He will.

I can't believe He would leave them behind to die just because we are believers. That is not His nature. I know the pets of unbelievers will most likely be left behind. But our pets, as empty nesters, are like our kids. He gave them to us to love, and it wouldn't make sense that they would lose out and die just because we are gone and can't take care of them.

Noah took animals, hopefully, we can too! I'm at peace, I trust Him.

Email: weaman@mac.com

Re: Pets in the Rapture

Absolutely, Through Noah, God showed us his deep concern for all animals. They do not just turn to dust in the earth, they are our family.

Email: maria callison@hotmail.com

Re: Pets in the Rapture

Well I figure anyone reading this thread is an animal lover, so maybe you all won't think that I am crazy. We got a puppy about a year ago, she is the cutest and sweetest pup in the world. I love her so much and she is so special that words can't even describe how much I love her!!
Anyway, one day I was laying on the floor with her and gave her the plan of salvation. I told her to give me a kiss if she accepted Jesus as Savior. She did, so now I call her a Jesus puppy!!
I was really just being silly, I know she didn't understand and I hope no one takes this besides me just trying to make ya'll laugh!!
But, in reality, I do think the Lord has something planned for our pets. Prayerfully they go with us!!

Re: Pets in the Rapture

That is so cute Sharron. Our puppies look to us for leadership. They know when they are safe.

Email: maria callison@hotmail.com

Re: Pets in the Rapture

This post is so sweet! What a blessing, 2HH! Thanks! It comforts me to think my sweet little furbaby will go up with us!

Re: Pets in the Rapture

Awwwww - this IS a sweet thread! Sharron - what a precious little thing to do for your puppy - I keep asking Maggie "you wanna see Jesus?" I just kinda want her to have heard the name ahead of time.

As much as God knows how much we love our fur babies I know He won't disappoint us. I'm countin' on it!!

Re: Pets in the Rapture

Awwww... there is no doubt in my mind. I am in complete peace over this~ I trust Jesus to take care of all that concerns me. I love you Lord!!!

Our Little Nina-baby Chow-chow has prayed her prayers and is looking for His coming, too.

Re: Pets in the Rapture

Our dog is 14 1/2 years old. She is now blind & almost completely deaf & has arthritis. We have been talking alot about if we should put her to sleep. We just can't bring ourselves to do that as she is our family member. She still seems happy and still eats & goes to the bathroom on her own. So the other night hubby and I prayed over her and asked that God would just take her in her sleep if it was her time so that we wouldn't have to make that dreaded decision. She is still here so apparantly God is keeping her here with us awhile longer...maybe because the rapture is so near she will just be raptured with us and escape death!

Re: Pets in the Rapture

Darlene, as long as you believe she is still happy I think you are right to just put her in God's hands.
You'll know when it is time to intervene. I pray you wont have to.

Dogs adjust to blindess and deafness so well while it about kills us to see it. They are amazing little troopers.

Sharron I think it is too cute that you evangelized your puppy! She sounds precious.

God bless all our pups whether they are here or waiting for us in heaven.

Re: Pets in the Rapture

Im sure my dog CHLOE will be with me thruout eternity!!....Great Article on Pets and heaven...


Re: Pets in the Rapture

ChristinCheryl - thanks so much for this link - I love this tract about our pets. I'm thinking of ordering some - I believe there are so many people out there who love their pets as we do and they too wonder about their pets when they die. Maybe this will help to open up their heart to Jesus... especially how things are looking in the world now.

It's a beautiful tract too - so many beautiful pictures I've already seen on RITA! Thanks again!!!

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