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for Diane C. & Charity

A long time ago Charity posed a question, something like: if we had a dream for heaven, what would we like it to be? She then posted pictures for all of us relating to our dream. Mine was the old egg ranch where I worked as a teen--which I dearly loved--even shoveling manure. I know it sounds wierd. Then later, when I was down, Diane C. posted a picture for me, a truck, and asked: is this close? At the risk of being trite--I finally found the real photo of it as seen above (w/ me at the wheel). Thanks again Charity and Diane C.. I have never forgot that .

Re: for Diane C. & Charity

Oh, that is a GREAT picture, Kman! Very classic.

I remember your egg ranch story well. That was a very happy thread.

God bless you, brother!

Love, Charity

Re: for Diane C. & Charity

Glad you liked the picture, Charity. God bless you.
Now I hope Diane sees this. I know her husband loves old trucks, too. (And I recall someone whose sun had a dream to be a chicken rancher .)

Charity, can you explain why, on my other thread, America the Beautiful, my own picture of myself in Vietnam would have been removed by photobucket? (That's why I signed up, to use my pictures.)

Re: for Diane C. & Charity

Hi Bob! Wow, what a GREAT pic of you and your old truck! I'm so glad you were able to find it! They just don't make em like they used to. I especially like your "air conditioned" version of your truck with no door! LOL! Hope you had your seat belt on - lol - I know, they didn't even have seat belts then! Back then in those all metal trucks, if you got in a wreck, they just hosed the blood out of the truck and sold it to the next guy

Yes, my hubby has always wanted an old 55, 56, or 57 Chevy truck. Instead, we got one more in line with what we could afford. Here's a pic of our 71 Chevy truck. It's pretty fun, and we can also use it to move stuff, so double win-win!

Thanks for remembering about our truck talk. It is so fun to make friends on RITA. It sure will be nice when we can all be together in heaven and pal around!! Can't wait!!

oops, hang on - trying to get the pic to work...

Arggg, well for some reason I can't get the pic to upload to my tinypic account to put below, so try this link and see if you can see it on my husband's web site.


Re: for Diane C. & Charity

Diane, it was great hearing from you--it had been a while. Glad you enjoyed the truck. That's the kind of truck I would like to have in heaven. Saw your '71. It was beautiful; almost classic. I don't ask much. A good truck. My dog. An old motorcycle. A replica of the old egg ranch. (All my past dogs.) A horse. That would be heaven to me.

Yes, there's a lot to talk about in heaven and a lot of "time" (which no longer exists). I can't wait.

But of course forget all that other stuff. The bottom line is Jesus.

Re: for Diane C. & Charity

Yeah Bob, all that matters is our Jesus, and yet I know He will provide so many pleasures in heaven that we can't even imagine at this time! I'm pretty sure you'll at least get your horse (that one is in the bible), and from what others say, you'll probably see your dogs too. Not sure about the truck though - I hear they have chariots there, but not sure what they will be like or if they'll have doors or not . I would have to say the motorcycle and egg ranch are iffy - lol - but I know God will provide something even better!

I can't imagine an eternity without "time". What would a timeless existance be like? Our tiny brains can't get wrapped around that concept yet. All I can figure out is that eternity is a mightly long time and I want to be with Jesus and it just scares me to no end to think my loved ones and so many others may have to spend an eternity in hell. It's almost too much to bear to think about that.

Re: for Diane C. & Charity

"loved--even shoveling manure"

Hay! A kindred spirit. I love shoveling manure.

I have a string of good horses-
I'm sure one will suit you.

I'd love to give you one of my horses,
when we get to heaven.

I dont have 100 good horses to give away,
but i do have one or two.

Re: for Diane C. & Charity

[Quote by Mtnmollie]
"loved--even shoveling manure"

Hay! A kindred spirit. I love shoveling manure. [End of quote]

First of all, Diane ... really enjoyed your musings.
They were classic, hilarious, and serious, all in one.
Yes, who can wrap their mind around eternity. (You expressed my sentiments exactly, the thought of a lost soul in hell...sometimes seems unbearable).

Loved your comments, Mtnmollie. Thanks for the offer of the horse or two--but I wish I had manure to shovel
. (Did you spell Hay [as in horse feed] on purpose
that way? )

I ended up loving this thread.

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