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Praise and a Prayer Request

The praise report because of your prayers is that my daughter passed her second try to get thru a stress test concerning her heart, that would allow her to have knee surgery. She could not do the first testing due to a bad panic attack. Alot of prayer went up for her second test, and the Lord brought her thru it.

She will have surgery tomorrow, 5/6, and it would be such a blessing if you would pray that her heart is strong and stable before during and after, for wisdom for the doctors and a speedy recovery.

She is opening up to the Lord more and more, not knowing that He would love her for all her downfalls. She really needs a total turn around from her way, to God's way alone. She need's His healing touch over all her life to turn so much around.

Love and blessings and so much appreciation and thanks for your prayers ~

Re: Praise and a Prayer Request

Re: Praise and a Prayer Request

Re: Praise and a Prayer Request

Kolleen, That is wonderful news! Praying for your daughter for her needs to be met physically and spiritually, and for her upcoming surgery tomorrow as you have asked. Praying that our Lord will bless you as well! In Jesus name. Amen

Re: Praise and a Prayer Request

Kolleen dear Sis,

I am praying for you my dear sis
Love ybiC / Paul

Re: Praise and a Prayer Request

Dear Kolleen,

My heart goes out to your daughter. I can relate to the panic atacks, and the fear of going through surgery. I am happy to pray for you both.

Father, in the Name of Jesus, I ask that you touch Kolleen and her daughter right now with Your love and peace. I ask that You be with her daughter tomorrrow and that You strengthen her heart so that she goes through the surgery perfectly with no complications. I ask that You guide the physicians hands during the surgery, and she comes out better than ever, with no pain and perfect peace. I pray that You remove all fear away from her, and that she feels Your strength, love, and peace inside of her. I ask that You be with Kolleen and manifest Your love and peace to her before, during, and after her daughter's surgery. I ask all of this in Jesus precious name. Amen.

Love you dear sister. Hang in there.

Re: Praise and a Prayer Request


Praying for your dear daughter for tomorrow and always.


Re: Praise and a Prayer Request

Oh, and P.S. Kolleen, when you gave the sign, were you wondering what meant that Cheryl Ann posted? She always does that in her posts...it's a symbol of prayer, and she was telling you that she was praying for you.

Re: Praise and a Prayer Request

No Leenie, it wasn't that....

Thanks again to each one of you for praying ~ it means so much ~ Praying the Lord blesses each of you back in every way, only He knows that you need.

Re: Praise and a Prayer Request

Dear Kolleen,

I am standing in agreement with your prayer for your daughter's surgery tomorrow, for her heart to be well and for the doctor's wisdom and a quick, healthy recovery.

I also acknowledge your sweet prayer of closeness to the Lord Jesus for your daughter. He truly is the answer for all her needs, for her hurts and for wholeness, and I pray with you for her in this. I am touched by your heart for her and her needs~ I remember when I was sick and far from the Lord, how very much my mom often cried out to God for me, also.


Re: Praise and a Prayer Request

Hi Kolleen,

I just saw this post!! I didn't know your daughter was having surgery tomorrow! What time is her surgery? Is she is town and do you need to be with her? If you need to reschedule our coffee time, I certainly understand! If not, let's pray for her at coffee tomorrow.

Re: Praise and a Prayer Request

Praying for your daughter to come through this surgery with flying colors and totally in love with Jesus!

Re: Praise and a Prayer Request

It's ok Diane. My daughter lives in WA State and not here, and it won't be till 1:45 her time. So we will be fine to meet as planned...

Re: Praise and a Prayer Request

Dear sisters and brother Paul,....Cheryl Ann, Melissa, Lisa, Robin, Melanie, Diane and Texas Sue!

Each of your responses and prayers has had something in them that has touched and ministered love and encouragement to my heart tonight for my daughter Angie.

Much love and many thanks to each of you......always!

Re: Praise and a Prayer Request

In the spirit,I saw JESUS with HIS arm around
a Doctor.In the surgery room.
In other words,JESUS is guideing the surgen.
Jesus is telling him exactly what to do.And how
Jesus wants it done.
This vessel prays PEACE over both mom and
daughter.Cause this is in JESUS' HANDS.

Re: Praise and a Prayer Request

Bless you Star ~ These words have so ministered to me also ~ thank you so much! I can picture exactly what you received from the Lord, and it is beautiful!

Re: Praise and a Prayer Request

we pray that you would minister to Kolleen's daughter. May you give her strength and a speedy recovery from surgery without complication. May you give wisdom to the doctors as they work on her course of treatment. May you make your presence felt to the entire family and grant them peace and serenity. We thank you in all things. Amen.

Re: Praise and a Prayer Request

Kolleen -

Joining your prayer, along with the others above for Angie's successful surgery - that her heart remains healthy and strong throughout all phases of the process; that Our Lord guide the surgeon's mind, heart, and hands; and that no complications are followed by a prompt and complete recovery.

May The Lord draw her to Himself, in His perfect will. I ask this through Christ Our Lord - who hears the cries of our hearts - and from whom all good things come.

Re: Praise and a Prayer Request

Dear Kolleen,

I just wanted to bump this to the top to remind everyone to please pray for your daughter's knee surgery today. I am so touched that Star saw in a vision what I had prayed about Jesus guiding the physicians hands during the surgery, praise the Lord! With Jesus right there with the physicians, everything is going to be all right, dear sister!!

And I just wanted to thank you so much for the beautiful prayer that you prayed for me also, on the thread that Star started for me last night. I appreciate that so much, along with the prayers of those who are praying for me also.

Please keep us updated on your daughter's surgery. I am going to continue to pray for her throughout the day, as I'm sure many of us are, too.

God bless you, dear sister!!

Re: Praise and a Prayer Request

Agreement in prayer-

Re: Praise and a Prayer Request

Kolleen, I'm bumping this up again to see how your daughters surgery went, sis.

I just saw that you and Diane saw each other today! Praise the Lord!! I can't wait to see the two of you myself...along with everyone else!!

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