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The Alpha-Omega Report . . .

Middle East News Spotlight

Website: www.biblebelievers.com/

Re: The Alpha-Omega Report . . .

Ooo! Another source to watch... Thanks! :)


So, the UN can't strong-arm Israel, because Israel's pretty much legal UN wise... Even building in Jerusalem.

Instead they'll force Israel to disarm their nukes. i.e. "Israel, if you want Iran to give up its nukes, you gotta give up your nukes, too."


So, the 7 year covenant could be, "We'll give you Jerusalem (and allow sacrifices) and hold back Iran for 7 years if you give up your nukes."

Re: The Alpha-Omega Report . . .

The head of the United Nations atomic watchdog is asking for international input on how to persuade Israel to join the Nonproliferation Treaty, in a move that is sure to add to pressure on Israel to disclose its unacknowledged nuclear arsenal.


Re: The Alpha-Omega Report . . .

Unbelievable, with all these nuts with nukes around the world, and Israel would only defend herself, just like America.

Email: maria callison@hotmail.com

Re: The Alpha-Omega Report . . .

What's still a bit unclear to me is whether the false peace comes before or after a WWIII false armageddon?

You have the 1st seal rider coming forth before a red horse takes peace from the earth?

The timing is still unclear to me?

Comments anyone?

Daniel Matson's scenario has a Eze 38-39 attack in the Fall just before the peace treaty develops but they may try to avoid this altogether thru peaceful means first?

what think ye, Abe? anyone?
Rood says a Zechariah type fallout actually begins the final 7 years?

Website: www.biblebelievers.com/

Re: The Alpha-Omega Report . . .

I have asked that question too here, especially about Damascus, but, Je ne sais pas.

Email: maria callison@hotmail.com

Re: The Alpha-Omega Report . . .

hard to imagine the world will escape some type of War this June/July...

Guns of summer article

Website: www.biblebelievers.com/

Re: The Alpha-Omega Report . . .

My thoughts are that war is a few weeks away...I think that Syria/Hezbollah will "jump the gun" so to speak (a very poor pun, I know) and attack Israel. This will force Israel to respond, thereby leveling Damascus.

The world will then say...WHOA! Wait a minute!!! Stop...time for peace...no one is safe...and in comes a treaty.

I also think we "go up before the blow up..."

Re: The Alpha-Omega Report . . .

Here's the steps I feel will happen soon.

1) The Rapture
2) Obadiah. Damascus destroyed, Hamas, Hezbolah, and Palestians wiped out.. Possible this might happen before the Rapture...Lets hope not..
3) The Covenant agreement that starts the 7 year countdown..
4) During the first 3 1/2 years Eze 38 takes place..
5) During the last part of trib. the beheadings and this leads up to the last battle that some call Armageddon.


Re: The Alpha-Omega Report . . .

I believe that the Ezekiel 38-39 war happens at the midpoint. It states that the Gog-Magog alliance attacks a land of unwalled villages. I believe that their will first be a preemptive war (Psalm 83, Isaiah 17) limited to the enemies surrounding Israel's borders (Syria, Jordan, Egypt). This will precipitate the worlds intervention into a peace deal. To try and prevent further escalation. Then when Israel is at peace...then the Gog invasion happens. That's just my thoughts though.

Ezekiel 38:11 (NIV)
You will say, "I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people--all of them living without walls and without gates and bars.

Re: The Alpha-Omega Report . . .

The Alpha-Omega Report


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