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The Twelve Sieves and The Two Loaves On Pentacost!! As If We Need Anymore Signs!!

According to the festival of Pentacost the harvest of the wheat is called the firstfruits and it takes place at the end of this wheat harvest.

A certain amount of wheat grain is brought into the temple and is threshed and grounded up and is put through TWELVE SIEVES so that the flour can make up the loaves for the wave offering by the high priest.

The loaves are made with Luke-Warm water mixed in the dough.

What wheat grain is not used or is spared will be redeemed and be eaten separately!

I see three actors in this feast offering! The 144,000 jewish evangelists are put through the TWELVE SIEVES to be given a mission to be distributed to all the people living in Israel during the first half of the tribulation period.

While the other wheat grain are grounded up and will be mixed with Luke-Warm water(those out of the Laodicean laxidazical lifestyle church) until they are baked in the oven of the tribulation fires!!

The wheat grain that is not used in making these loaves is REDEEMED and sent off to be taken to partake at the feast in heaven.

The bride of Christ will be the harvested grain that will escape the threshing and the grounding up and the oven baking process of the tribulation period. They will be collected in that giant grainery barn in heaven.

When? Well sometime before the conclusion of this final wheat harvest around the feast of
Pentacost---You think???

Can you think of a more convienent time on God's calendar?
It is time for God to reap the harvest!!

Re: The Twelve Sieves and The Two Loaves On Pentacost!! As If We Need Anymore Signs!!

Not sure that I agree with the luke warm belief that they will not be raptured. Check out what Jack Kelly says about it....

Who Are The Luke Warm Christians?
Q. I hear all the time that Lukewarm Christians will miss out on the Rapture, being left behind. Can you tell us who are the Lukewarm Christians? On a scale of 1-10, where is the cut-off? Do I need to be a 10, and never sin to go? I hear people say that Lukewarm Christians will miss out on the Rapture. Does scripture paint this picture in your opinion?

A. The so-called partial rapture view always gets my dander up. Just who are the like warm Christians, you ask? Well let’s look at what current polls say. 93% of those who claim to be born again Christians live secular lives and have a secular world view. About 50% don’t believe in the Holy Spirit or that Satan is real. Nearly 40% have never given the first penny to Kingdom work. The divorce rate among Christians is the same as among non-believers and so is the abortion rate. A much better question to ask is who are the Christians who aren’t luke warm?

The partial rapture theory is promoted by “holier than thou” Christians who want to scare everybody into behaving the way they think we should. Of course they all believe they are going. It’s just the rest of us who have a problem.

There’s not one word in the Bible that supports a partial rapture. According to the Bible, there is just one condition for being included in the Church. “Believe in the One He has sent.” (John 6:28-29) Everything else you hear is some form of Pharisaical legalism invented by man in an effort to impose behavioral standards on others. This is a control issue not a theology issue.

Re: The Twelve Sieves and The Two Loaves On Pentacost!! As If We Need Anymore Signs!!

Scott, as usual your posts are informative and said in such a clear way that even a caveman could understand!!!



Re: The Twelve Sieves and The Two Loaves On Pentacost!! As If We Need Anymore Signs!!

Josh I think we need to define what Luke warm christians are and separate them from the luke warm folk of the Revelation Laodicean church where Jesus spits those lukewarm out of his mouth!

The lukewarm Jesus is talking about are totally just religious folk who do not know the Lord but on a generic basis alone!!!

They are christian in name only!! They go to church and set in a pew and after they get out of the building they live like the devil for the rest of the week!!!

They do not have Jesus as their saviour or as their Lord!!!

These are the lukewarm people!!! I wouldn't call them christians but in name only!! They are not saved!!!

But what you and I call Lukewarm christians are the same as backslidden christians!!!

These folk know the Lord and are saved and are just out of close fellowship with the Lord; but they have a redeemed soul but it just needs a good cleansing job!!!

That is the difference my friend between the lukewarm christians and the lukewarm people who are religious and not saved!!!

Re: The Twelve Sieves and The Two Loaves On Pentacost!! As If We Need Anymore Signs!!

Lisa if I and you and RITA are and is and I am here after this MAY; then I will be both MUMIFIED and DUMBIFIED!!!

Re: The Twelve Sieves and The Two Loaves On Pentacost!! As If We Need Anymore Signs!!

Yes, backslidden is probably the right word. I've just seen such a propensity to lie by people around me the last couple months! I think just getting back into habitual sin as if there were no consequences puts a person on to the Laodician road.

I think a Philadelphian Christian honors God and his laws and tries not to sin. At least if he does, he confesses it, tries to make up for it, and wants to be forgiven.

Re: The Twelve Sieves and The Two Loaves On Pentacost!! As If We Need Anymore Signs!!

Great study, Scott.

Re: The Twelve Sieves and The Two Loaves On Pentacost!! As If We Need Anymore Signs!!

On the Pentecost stuff Scott:


It's so clear!!!

Pentecost 2010 and the conclusion of the barley harvest will be the rapture. As far as lukewarm Christians missing out on the rapture..I AGREE!

God says that he will spit them out of his mouth. In other words, they make him sick!

I disagree with Jack Kelley on this particular thing.

Yes, ALL who beleive in the one who was sent is saved, BUT your job is just beginning so to say. There are those who beleive, and are saved, but they backslide into lukewarmness OR they never truly surrendered their life to him, so they were never truly convicted/connected to the vine.

So, yes, I beleive there has to be some Christians who are going to be left behind, because there will be a POST rapture revival!

It does not make sense to me that you can be LUKEWARM and make got throw up, and still be worthy of the rapture. If you still are worthy, what is the real problem with being lukewarm? Sure, you might not recieved the watching crown in heaven, but that's it??

I believe that lukewarm Christians will be left behind. That is why it is SOOO important to die in yourself and to walk in the newness of life that has been given to you. It is so important to stay connected to the vine, because if you are not connected to the vine, you will be thrown in fire!!!

Look at Luke 12:46

But and if that servant say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; and shall begin to beat the menservants and maidens, and to eat and drink, and to be drunken;

46The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers.

God is telling us here that there will be some "servants" who that there master will come when they "think not" and are "not aware of"!

The Lord is saying that the "EVIL SERVANTS" will be cut sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers! You see, there are "UNBELIEVERS" and "HYPOCRITES"!

Who are the "HYPOCRITES", the evil servants that "BELIEVE", but are backsliddem because they did not stay in the word, and other reasons.

Think about it:

Judas "believed" that Jesus was the one who was "sent"! He did!

But, he was an "EVIL SERVANT"...Followed Christ, but was never truly connected to him, even though he believed! He was an evil servant!

There are Christians that "Confess" Christ, but do not "Posess" Christ! They are differnet! The lukewarms Christians "PROFESS" Christ but are not really connected to him!

They will be cut usunder, and given their portion with the UNBELIEVERS!!!


The lukewarm Christians are the HYPOCRITES that will be cut assunder and given their portion with the unbelievers...which also means thrown into TRIBULATION!!!

You have Wheat...But there are also TARES!!! They grow together in the church, but they are not sensitive to the HS, they are stagnet to the wind! They will be cut off and put into the burning pile!


The lukewarm church will be left behind!

Jesus will accpet a LUKEWARM BRIDE???


Q. My question is in reference to the question “how can a believer be lukewarm?” Could you reconcile where the Bible tells us that Jesus wishes we are either hot or cold, but because we are lukewarm, He will spew us out of his mouth?

Unfortunately, I feel that I am probably a lukewarm Christian, continuing to fall into a particular sin. I know my sin is wrong, I really want to stop, but I am having hard times brother.

A. You’re thinking about the letter to the Church in Laodicea, Rev. 3:14-22, with the reference to “lukewarm” being v.16. Luke warm doesn’t have to do with our actions but our beliefs. We know this because of the Lord’s promise in John 6:37 that whoever comes to Him, He will never drive away.

When you read the letter to Laodicea notice that these are people who believe they’re rich and don’t need anything, and that the Lord is standing outside the door trying to get in. He’s obviously talking to a group that thinks of itself as a church but really isn’t one. It views itself as a wealthy and self-sufficient, when the Lord views it as wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked.

In the order in which they’re listed the churches of Rev. 2-3 represent stages in the Church age. Laodicea comes last, after the Church of Philadelphia, whom the Lord promised to keep from the hour of trial coming upon the World. If Philadelphia is the Raptured Church, then Laodicea is the church that’s left behind.

The fact that you realize you’re a sinner who knows that your behavior can never please the Lord means you can’t be luke warm in the context of the Lord’s definition. Keep coming to Him for forgiveness. None of your sins surprise Him because He knew about and died for all of them (Col. 2:13-15), and He will never drive you away.

Re: The Twelve Sieves and The Two Loaves On Pentacost!! As If We Need Anymore Signs!!

Scott, I agree with your comments on the luke warm in name christians versus backslidden christians!! I think that was a great explanation!

Re: The Twelve Sieves and The Two Loaves On Pentacost!! As If We Need Anymore Signs!!

This vessel is with you on (Barley harvest).
As it is before the wheat harvest.
Praise the Lord

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