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Prayers Please

I have not been online as I have had surgery and I have been going through a tough time with some emotional problems.

I couldn't even post to ask for prayers for the surgery, I would appreciate any prayers that anyone would be willing to pray for me..

Thank you

Re: Prayers Please

for you, sister Sarah. Hang in there. Not much longer.

Re: Prayers Please

Oh Sarah,

I am so sorry to hear about all of the things you have been going through lately. I hope the surgery went well, it is always difficult to recover after a surgery. It just makes life so much more difficult when you are recovering.

Lord Jesus we come boldly to Your throne and ask for your special touch for Sarah. We ask that you give her strength, that you help her heal and recover from her surgery and that you will help her with any emotional issues that she is having. Wrap her with Your love, cover her with Your healing spirit and let her know that You are the ultimate healer. In Your name we pray, Amen....

Sending love to you Sarah, ysiC Panthia

Re: Prayers Please

Thank you TNDove and Panthia the prayers are greatly appreciated.

Re: Prayers Please

Sarah!!! I was out and about and thinking about you...wondering where you were....we joined the board at pretty much the same time remember???

I am sorry to hear you are under attack!!! I will be praying for you.....obviously God had me thinking about you....

Re: Prayers Please

Praying right now Sarah.
We love you. Good to hear from you again.

Re: Prayers Please

Dear Sarah,

I have been wondering where you were! I am so sorry to hear your news. I so wish that you would have told us earlier so we could have prayed for you!! ...But so glad you wrote now.

I also pray in agreement with Panthia's beautiful prayer, and may I add that I pray that our loving Savior keep you close to His heart in a way that you have not known before; He is close to the brokenhearted~

Please keep us posted as to how you are progressing, if you can. We love you, Sarah, and as TN Dove said: We are almost HOME~


Re: Prayers Please

Susan I do remember the 2 of us joining together..and thank you for your prayers..

2HH and Melanie thank you for your kindness you are both great women of God..

Re: Prayers Please

Praying for you Sarah.

Re: Prayers Please

I pray that the Lord of Heaven would bring you comfort and peace. May He bring you restoration and regeneration through the power of the Holy Spirit. May Our Heavenly Father shower His blessings upon you and carry you in His arms. Amen.

Re: Prayers Please

Thank you Cheryl Ann you people have made me cry with all your kindness...I guess we really are family..Thank you all

Re: Prayers Please

Yes in deed you need prayer.
Father,I pray a mighty healing to begin.For all
Father please lighten her pain.You Lord are showing
me her grimaceing face.
Father please strengthen your daughter.She is so
weak.Please touch your daughter with a peace.
Ph.4:7 And the peace of God,which passeth all
understanding,shall keep your hearts and minds
through Chrit Jesus
All in Jesus name

Re: Prayers Please

Father, I pray that you will touch and heal Sarah.
Please restore her health for your honor and glory.
In Jesus precious and sweet name.

Re: Prayers Please

OH Bless Your heart. I am sorry things have been hard lately. I am glad to join in and pray for you.

Dear LORD,

You know our every thought. You know what our days have been like and what is ahead. Thank You that we can trust in You to guard our health and well being No matter what. Our times are in Your hands, LORD.

I lift up this sweet sister Sarah. I pray for healing to be poured out on her and for Your grace and power to envelope and cover the situations that are troubling her right now. You are good to us beyond measure. Your compassions fail not.

Thank You for Your great love for Sarah and us.

In The Name of the One who calls the stars by name..Jesus


Re: Prayers Please

Praying in agreement with everyone for you to recover from surgery quickly

Email: newskinagain167@yahoo.com

Re: Prayers Please

Star and vicki and Maryann and Praise Him thank you for all the beautiful prayers..I am overwhelmed by all of your kindness..Thank you.

Re: Prayers Please

KMichael..thank you for your prayers..I love my army picture..thank you again

Re: Prayers Please

Oh Sarah, I'm sorry you've been going through a difficult time with surgery and recuperating - I will pray for you too Sarah.

Re: Prayers Please

Shirley..Thank you and I see on another post that it is your birthday today..Happy Birthday..

Re: Prayers Please

Thank you Sarah - it's actually tomorrow (6th) but our dear Aussie Paul had already reached the 6th where he lives so I'm getting a head start on celebrating! Thank you Sarah and I do hope we're all home soon, with Jesus and at complete and total peace.

Re: Prayers Please

Sarah my dear Sister,

When our precious Lord flung the stars into the heavens, when he put the mountains in place and surrounded them with tress, plants and animals. Even after he created the deep oceans with living colour, one of his greatest works was still not done.

For at this time in history, you Sarah were not born yet

The Lord Jesus that can calm the wildest seas, can also reach through the storms within our heart and quietly speak words of love and peace, words that calm our soul, words that lift us up. And I know my precious Lord is speaking to you now through your storms Sarah

He loves you. You are one of his finest works, which is why he has prepared a place for you Sister.

Give it all to him, for he is there.

When you rest your head upon your pillow, imagine that you are resting your head on the lap of our King. No fancy words required, just call out to him and tell him what you need. How you feel.

Dear Jesus,
I lift up to you my precious sister Sarah dear Lord whom is hurting. Sarah is one of your finest works dear Father, much loved. You know her heart, you know her ailments dear Jesus. Father I ask that as she rests her head upon you, that your healing hand comforts her and makes her strong. May she know that through the storms, you are her protection. Your love knows no boundaries Lord. I thank you for Sarah my precious sister dear Lord

Re: Prayers Please

Dear Sarah

Not one of us is without powerful love from Heaven, we just have to believe it is there, and Jesus is the source.

I can't see the other side of my head but I know it exists, be brave and believe, we are all here to encourage you and pray for you, please Lord cover Sarah with the blood that you shed for her, and heal everyone of her needs Lord, whose Name is far above all others, and who came down so low to even help us, thank you Lord!

Re: Prayers Please

Hi Sarah -

Am happy to pray for you. :) Sorry to hear you have not been feeling well. May The Lord God bless you with a speedy and complete recovery - and also lift your heart. Hope you feel better very soon.

Lord, hear our prayer. Let Sarah feel your presence; send your holy angels to minister to and comfort her. Make her whole in body, mind, and spirit. Bless her with renewal.

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