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Why Do So Many Bad Things Keep Happening to The United States?

By Michael Snyder.

At a time when the American economy is already reeling like a drunken sailor, the United States is being hit by what seems like an endless parade of horrible disasters that threaten to push the fragile financial system over the edge. The massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that is now destroying not only the the entire economy of the Gulf Coast but also the entire way of life for hundreds of thousands of people is getting all the headlines right now, but it is far from the only major crisis that has hit the United States recently. The old saying, "when it rains it pours", is certainly applicable to the United States right now.

Already faced with some of the biggest economic problems in ageneration, America is also being forced to deal with horrifying natural disasters, rapidly growing environmental nightmares and agricultural problems that could end up being absolutely unprecedented. So why do so many bad things keep happening to the United States? Does there come a point when the economic damage from all of these disasters just becomes too much? After all, how many body blows can the "biggest economy in the world" take and still remain standing?

Consider just a few of the major disasters that the U.S. is having to deal with....

*The Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill

Industry experts are now saying that the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico could be increasing at a rate of 25,000 barrels a day - five times the U.S. government's current estimate...So how much is this disaster going to cost? The cost to the fishing industry in Louisiana alone could top 3 billion dollars, and it is being projected that the tourism industry in Florida could lose even more than that.

This is rapidly shaping up as one of the biggest environmental nightmares (perhaps the biggest) that the United States has ever had to face. In fact, there are some who are saying that this incident has already eclipsed the 1989 Exxon Valdez incident as the worst U.S. oil disaster in history.

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is warning that the oil spill in the Gulf threatens the very way of life of people in his state. As bad as Hurricane Katrina was, there are those who are already claiming that this disaster will be worse than Hurricane Katrina for the region, because it will literally take years for this mess to be cleaned up. In fact, there is a very real possibility that the fishing industry may be crippled for generations by this disaster.

*The Disappearance Of The Honeybees

For the fourth year in a row in the United States, more than a third of all bee colonies have failed to survive the winter. To be more precise, according to the annual survey by the Apiary Inspectors of America and the U.S. government's Agricultural Research Service, the number of managed honeybee colonies in=the United States fell by 33.8% last winter.

Needless to say, this is not a good trend.

In fact, it could quickly turn into an unmitigated disaster as it is estimated that a third of all that we eat depends upon honeybee pollination.

Are you starting to get the picture?

Most flowering plants require insects for pollination. The most effective insect for pollination is the honeybee. Without honeybees, we are going to be in a world of hurt... In fact, Ohio State University's honeybee specialist, James Tew, recently told the following to the Dayton Daily News.... "The average person should care. Bees of all species are fundamental to the operation of our ecosystem."

So what happens if they all die off?

You don't even want to think about that.

But certainly our scientists can find a solution, right?

Well, the World Organization for Animal Health announced on Wednesday that the huge die off of bees worldwide is not due to any one single factor.. the truth is th.at a "solution" seems to be very far away right now and we are running out of time.

*The Drying Up Of The Ogallala Aquifer

Most Americans have never heard of the Ogallala Aquifer, but it is absolutely critical to food production in many areas of the United States. The water from this massive underground lake is used to irrigate much of America's Great Plains. But it is being drained at a rate of approximately 800 gallons per minute and it is starting to dry up.

So why is that a bad thing?

Well, the Ogallala Aquifer is a gigantic underground lake that stretches from southern South Dakota all the way through northern Texas, covering approximately 174,000 square miles. if it gets depleted, the era of "pivot irrigation" in the region will be over. That would mean that the Great Plains could quickly turn into the Great American Desert.

America could very well see a return to the Dust Bowl days of the 1930s.

Are you prepared for that?

Even if agricultural production continues to grow normally, scientists are telling us that the world is heading for a massive global food shortage. So what happens if our food production does not increase or is even reduced? Sadly, the United States has only enough grain stored up to give about a half a loaf of bread to every man, woman and child in the United States.

How long do you think that is going to last in the event of a major emergency?

The truth is that "the good times" we have all grown up with are not going to last forever. The United States is in big trouble economically, and all of these natural disasters and environmental problems are not helping things one bit. We are not entitled to endless wealth and prosperity just because we are Americans. In fact, we have recklessly squandered the wealth that prior generations have left for us.


Praying for America and thanking our dear Heavenly Father for our past and present blessings,

and asking for forgivienss of our nations sins,

and open America's eyes to the deceptions that have brought these disasters to the US.

Email: newskinagain167@yahoo.com


One can only pin this whole entire blame on that Muslim AC--Barry Soetoro aka BHMO, the illegal 'resident in the WH, for the way he's treating the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob's Holy Land of Israel.

Plus the fact that most of the U.S. citizens have turned their backs on God, and His Son, Jesus.

Please do add other blamees to thread as well too, if you please...

Tammy (SNC)


Deut 28.

The pot has been boiling for a long time.

Hitler killed 6 million.
stalin killed 30 million.

We killed over 50 million in the abortion mill.

Abortion is not our only crime.


Yea, we are at the "END" or the "Appointed time" that the Lord has set for his people..

We the Church will be removed and he will get the attention of the Jewish folks and after the seven years we'll move into the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth..

I can see and understand exactly why all this is happening... Murdering the unborn, homo-lifestyle, and so many other disgusting things going on in this country today..

Yes, it grieves me to see this happening to the USA, but at the same time, I rejoice in knowing that Jesus is about to take us home to a MUCH BETTER place than planet earth..

Glory to our wonderful Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and to our Lord and Savior, Yeshua.



I believe it's for at least a couple of reasons possibly more. For one, those who are called by His name won't repent.

2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray , and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

The Christians in this country are pretty good at calling for prayer rallies and you see them all over the place. But it's pretty rare when you see a call for repentance, and when you do only a few show up.

When a call for prayer is done. You only need to spend a couple of hours to a couple of days doing it, what ever you feel like. And if it's a public prayer rally, you can be seen by the media as being holy, then you can go back to what ever you do for a life. Not really too inconvenient. While I'm sure that some in those repentance rallies are sincere, I would suspect that there are a lot who are more like the pharisees, they want to be seen by men as being holy.

I'm not saying prayer isn't any good. The prayer of a righteous man avails much.

James 5:16 KJV "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed . The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

I certainly do not know the hearts of those involved in public prayer rallies, only God knows that. This is merely an observation.

Repentance is a whole 'nother issue. When you repent, there is a lifestyle change. True repentance is more work, it's more permanent. It is also a heck of a lot more inconvenient. Repentance takes place in the quiet, not many people see it. There is not much in the way of bragging rights with true repentance. It's between you and God.

I believe that's the biggest reason. I'm sorry if I sound a little cynical, about it. I just keep meeting those who call themselves Christian and they see nothing wrong with, homosexuality, premarital sex, living with their boyfriend/girlfriend etc., etc., etc.

A second reason, in my opinion is the abandonment of Israel. By this country as a whole, by many churches in this country, and the support in high places for dividing God's Holy land.

A third reason would be that God is a gentleman. We have (as a country) have told him to stay out of the schools, and the government. He has been told that he has been replaced by Allah in the military. Our entertainment makes a mockery of Him, etc. And God being a gentleman obeys our wishes and stays out. Taking his protection with him.

The good news is that he will always be where he is wanted, loving, protecting, correcting, and fellowshiping with his faithful. That is those of us who love Him enough to invite him in, repent of our sins, obey his commands, and love Him with all our hearts. He will always be with us, even to the end.

D. Boyter

Re: Why Do So Many Bad Things Keep Happening to The United States?

My personal thoughts,
The way this country has treated JESUS.
Look at our gov.bodies.And the rules they make.
They are not following the rules of scripture.
The people we elect.We should know there stories
by now.
All the aborted babies,protection for homosexuals
People determinded to save our planet.While makin
life harsh and expensive for the blue collar
worker.No jobs.
Our economics in this country is beyound the pits
And yes,the president,
But,I also believe that BO wouldn't be the
prez.If the Lord had not wanted him in there.
To show America her sins.
These are my thoughts.

Re: Why Do So Many Bad Things Keep Happening to The United States?

D. Boyter GREAT post.

You hit the nail on the head.

Add the sin in teh church.
All the sin in our culture is in the church.

sometimes the church is more fuller of sin than the world. tears-

Re: Why Do So Many Bad Things Keep Happening to The United States?

I think God is angry with America and that is part of what is going on...but I also have another take.

I think He's trying to raise the righteous. Can't quite articulate why I think this, but I get the nudge that He is. He is provoking us to come to Him, lean on Him, get back to what is Right. Fear or anger often turn us to God with questions, and prayer.

I think He is sending a smoke signal.


Email: angela.shaver@earthlink.net

Re: Why Do So Many Bad Things Keep Happening to The United States?

Has the United States sinned more than other countries? Abortion, homosexuality, godlessness are found worldwide.

I think since we have stopped supporting Israel, God has simply removed His hand of protection from us.

Email: cidp@aol.com

Re: Why Do So Many Bad Things Keep Happening to The United States?

It's not necessarily that U.S. citizens have sinned more.

However, to whom much is given, much is required.

The amount of light that has been shed on this country dwarfs that shed upon other countries. There are more ministries, churches, Bibles, and foundational government documents mentioning God and the Ten Commandments than in any other country.

The more light, the greater judgment when one ignores the light.

Tragically, most of American society are running away from the light as fast as they can.

May the Lord have mercy. It is only his mercy that is still allowing U.S. citizens to have what they need to live...for now.

In Christ,


Email: mike@christark.org

Re: Why Do So Many Bad Things Keep Happening to The United States?

The more light, the greater judgment when one ignores the light.

I think that is true; I wouldn't be surprised in the wars of the tribulation if the US is also the first to be nuked.

We will probably be blamed for this gulf oil disaster and as it ruins fishing and livelihoods in other countries we will be surely more hated than ever.

Has the United States sinned more than other countries? Abortion, homosexuality, godlessness are found worldwide.

I think we have spread the concept of multiple kinds of sin across the world with movies, TV and the internet over the last few decades. There are those in this country who have just planted seeds for sin worldwide in this way.

Yet the church operates in a big way through this country through world evangelism, TV, financial support. There is really a dichotomy of church and sinners in this country. The rapture should have a very pronounced effect here. That is, sudden destruction after the rapture.

Re: Why Do So Many Bad Things Keep Happening to The United States?

Good replies you guys!!

It's happening . . our God Most High is causing (through this shakeup) a fulfilling of His Word, a great separation, . . He knows who will stand, He wants His church to be aware and ready, just before our Snatch . .

Look out world when the church is gone, and unrestricted evil and darkness really takes hold unimaginably.

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