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Medicine for the tribulation saints

The other day the Lord instructed me to go and stock up on medication for the tribulation saints. I'm not sure who will ultimately use it but I'm sure once we are gone there will be squatters in our homes until they have to go into hiding.

In addition to the food He told me to buy during the High Holy Days, there seemed to be a real urgency to the Lord's request.

Once we are gone, there will be no way for anyone to get medicine without the chip. Here's a list of the things I bought in case anyone else is interested. Most of it was generic.

cough drops
cough syrup
allergy meds
assorted band aids and bandages
first aid kit
anti-nausea/anti-diarrheal medication
foot powder
calamine lotion
vapor rub
icy hot
eye drops
blood pressure cuff
dental floss/mouthwash
antibacterial wipes
cold and flu meds
children's medications
packages of Kleenex
tweezer/nail clippers
disposable toothbrushes
assorted vitamins
acid reflux medication
sore throat drops

if you can think of anything I may have missed please let me know. Thanks!


Re: Medicine for the tribulation saints

That is quit similiar,to what JESUS has had
this vessel to get.Plus a box of masks.

Re: Medicine for the tribulation saints

Oil of Oregano is a natural antibiotic so I would definitly have that along with a brochure on what it is good for! I will never be without that!

Oh and some good multi vitamins with plenty of C & D3 to keep the immune system up.

Re: Medicine for the tribulation saints

Great idea Faith! I think this is something everyone should go out and do. It will bless those left behind and if we also leave rapture letters behind then hopefully those who get into our homes and find these things will wind up giving their lives to the Lord!

Farm Girl

Re: Medicine for the tribulation saints


I would get some collodial silver, it is a great antibiotic, One that they used to use years ago. During flu season I take it , as Darlene said..I would also jot down what it is good for.

I went out and stocked my pantry with all kinds of food, also my freezer as I have a whole house generator (don't know if it will work or not at that time) but anyway. the Lord had me to use a lot of the food and NOT replace it, at this point anyway, so maybe nobody will use our home.


Re: Medicine for the tribulation saints

I stocked up last summer with a 6 month supply of dehydrated food for a family of 4, a manual water purifier, crank radio, masks and first aid supplies, crank lantern, a backpack with a bible and summary of the tribulation period. I also have a container of seeds- enough for over an acre of food. I felt strongly that I needed to do this, although I'm hoping my own family won't be here to need it.:) I know God will lead those who need it. I am broken hearted for those left behind- though I know all who turn to Him will be blessed with a great outpouring of His Holy Spirit even in the midst of evil.

He is near, even at the door.

Re: Medicine for the tribulation saints

I live 40 miles from NY City and have only a case of chili and string beans that I was told by the Lord not to touch... I feel that I am so close to NY City that there will be nothing much left if NYC is nuked or attacked in some other way. (Maybe only a few days of life for survivors due to radiation????)

I know a Christian who is 30-40 miles more out on Long Island who was moved to have a whole room of shelves with food, battery and crankable radios and TV's and all kinds of survival gear, that she will have for anyone who needs it.

I feel it's my home's closeness to NY City that's the difference. But then again who knows???

Rich E

Re: Medicine for the tribulation saints

Thanks everyone for your ideas! I will add to my stockpile. After watching an Alex Jones video today with Aaron Russo before he died of cancer, I now believe the healthcare bill that has the chip in it was written by the global bankers who want to control the world and achieve world domination/population control. For certain, after we are gone, without the chip, people will have NO medical care and severely rationed food, if any! We need to do all we can now to help these people! Once we are gone it will be too late!!!!!

Re: Medicine for the tribulation saints

GASP-= this is an answer to prayer.

I have been building a storehouse for 20 years or more. Hay he told us there would be faminne in the land in the last dsays. Last year God said. " Your storehouse is not for you. "

for who Lord,?

God has a plan.

He is not done with America-
yes we will be in the dark ages

but for 7 years some will live
and some will die.

They can't all die in one year.
thats not Bible.

Bring teh saints and sinners to you ; oh Lord.

show them your love Lord.

Hubby GEne has 3 grown- men boys.
All of them will be left behind.
All will get saved.

He said he will answer our prayers.
And I believe him.

David asked me yesterday.
How much of the body gets raptured
all of it? Part of it?

Well in the movie-
teh clothes were left behind.

that is a 2 fold quetion. At Rita we have discuessed the posibility
of perhaps part of the body
being left behind.

IN the movie teh preacher was left behind.

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