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Marriage Supper of the Lamb_The Invitation_a Secret revealed


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Re: Marriage Supper of the Lamb_The Invitation_a Secret revealed


Re: Marriage Supper of the Lamb_The Invitation_a Secret revealed

What a wonderful video!

Thank you so much for posting this, AbideInHim, I'm sending it on to others!!!

Re: Marriage Supper of the Lamb_The Invitation_a Secret revealed

If it's such a wonderful video... how about sharing with the rest of us whom can't watch videos nor listen to audios, what it's precisely about!? PLEASE!!!


Tammy (SNC)

Re: Marriage Supper of the Lamb_The Invitation_a Secret revealed

THANKS, AIH! Great thoughts.

Re: Marriage Supper of the Lamb_The Invitation_a Secret revealed

Thank you Abide in Him..the video is soooo anointed......I am also sad for others who do not know Jesus....I had to wonder why me and not other people....but I am very thankful that I have been called :)

Re: Marriage Supper of the Lamb_The Invitation_a Secret revealed

Truely this video is anointed.
It confirmed to me.
Someone I need to speek to.
It was placed on my heart at church this
morning.And the video cnfirmed it.
This is the 2nd confirmation two day.
Thank you sooooooooooooooooo much.

Re: Marriage Supper of the Lamb_The Invitation_a Secret revealed

HELLOOOOOOOOO!!!! Can anyone hear me!?! PLEASE can't someone PLEASE share with Ms. Victor & me what the "big secret" to the above invitation is to the marriage supper of the Lamb!?! One DOES hate to left in the dark, you know--about not knowing, so PLEASE don't leave us in the lurch, OK!?! TY.


Re: Marriage Supper of the Lamb_The Invitation_a Secret revealed

Hi SisterInChrist, and Ms. Victor.

It's a hard one to recap for me, but I can give you a general overview:

It's mostly a collage of Wedding imagry. It's starts off with and invitation picture of the table set in heaven. Then some of it is pictures of modern brides going through the pre-wedding preperations of facials, manicures, getting their hair done, etc... Showing before and after pictures of these beautiful brides.

Then some images like the ones that have been posted here, like Jesus giving the Bride a Red Rose, The Lion and Lamb of Judah, The saints coming before the Throne in Heaven, with Jesus standing there... These images are all kind of blended together along with the modern brides in a collage of sorts.

While these images are playing, scripture, mostly from the Songs Of Soloman is being added to the images. Also a bit of the parable of the prodigal son, about the Father putting on the son a ring, and the robe of righteousness, and a couple of praise and worship songs are softly playing in background as all of these things are going on in the video. I'm sorry, I can't remember what the praise and worship songs are.

Also while the scripture is being shown on the screen, it also askes you to be sure you are ready, that the Bridgroom is coming soon, Is your heart yearning for Him.. be sure to be ready. That sort of thing.

I think it's the beautiful way that all of the elements come together in the Video that touches the hearts of those who see it.

It sure has me excited to meet my Bridegroom!

Re: Marriage Supper of the Lamb_The Invitation_a Secret revealed

Hi SisterInChrist, and Ms. Victor.

It's a hard one to recap for me, but I can give you a general overview:

It's mostly a collage of Wedding imagry. It's starts off with and invitation picture of the table set in heaven. Then some of it is pictures of modern brides going through the pre-wedding preperations of facials, manicures, getting their hair done, etc... Showing before and after pictures of these beautiful brides.

Then some images like the ones that have been posted here, like Jesus giving the Bride a Red Rose, The Lion and Lamb of Judah, The saints coming before the Throne in Heaven, with Jesus standing there... These images are all kind of blended together along with the modern brides in a collage of sorts.

While these images are playing, scripture, mostly from the Songs Of Soloman is being added to the images. Also a bit of the parable of the prodigal son, about the Father putting on the son a ring, and the robe of righteousness, and a couple of praise and worship songs are softly playing in background as all of these things are going on in the video. I'm sorry, I can't remember what the praise and worship songs are.

Also while the scripture is being shown on the screen, it also askes you to be sure you are ready, that the Bridgroom is coming soon, Is your heart yearning for Him.. be sure to be ready. That sort of thing.

I think it's the beautiful way that all of the elements come together in the Video that touches the hearts of those who see it.

It sure has me excited to meet my Bridegroom!

Thx sooo mcuh, AbideInHim, for sharing w/me the contents of the above video.

I most certainly am totally excited to meeting our Heavenly Bridegroom, when He comes for us. George Beverly Shea's song--"I'd Rather have Jesus Than Anything," echoes how I feel about Him.

Here's the lytics to Bev's song:

I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold
I'd rather be His than have riches untold
I'd rather have Jesus than houses or land
I'd rather be led by His nail pierced hand.

Than to be the King/Queen of a vast domain
Or be held in sin's dread sway
I'd rather have Jesus than anything
This world affords to day.

I'd rather have Jesus than men's applause
I'd rather be faithful to His dear cause
I'd rather have Jesus than worldwide fame
I'd rather be true to His Holy name.


He's fairer than lilies of rarest bloom
He's sweeter than honey from out of the comb
He's all that my hungering spirit needs
I'd rather have Jesus and let Him lead.


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