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Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read


To my RITA family whom I love, this letter is for you-

My following words I speak in the utmost love without malice, hate or judgement, but I will speak sternly as this is needed to portray my point to you all.

Subject: LYNN our beloved Sister.

All here that know Lynn love her. Her efforts at RITA goes beyond question, along with Brenda and Donna they all work tirelessly to ensure that us, the RITA family can have a place to fellowship while looking together for the Lords return. This ministry goes beyond us whom post, but across this globe to the lurkers and the ones looking for answers that only lie in Jesus. This is a ministry.

Over the last 12 months I have been blessed to have you all as my family. In this time I have had the privilege to get to know Lynn not only as our head moderator and sister, but as a friend. I have always told Lynn to treat me the same as everyone else, if I need a kick in the pants then start kicking.

To make aware of Lynn’s situation in life-

She is caring for Jerry her husband, who has many health problems

Lynn has had major heart problems and surgery not that long ago

Lynn battles to make ends meet, she depends on the Lords provisions. This battle as many are aware comes with a lot of stress.

Lynn is studying to get a degree in law, for future personal fulfilment and provision of family

Lynn has her own family issues and worries and life away from this place called RITA

What a heavy load to carry and I take my hat off to my sister who has come so far

Now the stern part-

This ministry that Lynn has been called to do, is from our Lord Jesus. Period
Lynn has taken the steps of faith and gone onwards to give us what you see now, RITA

Lynn has asked nicely on a few occasions (her posts) for family members not to email her with regards to “this person said that”, or change RITA to this format etc etc.

Basically family, Lynn is not a mother hen to us here. It is not her job to satisfy ego’s so we feel warm and fuzzy. Nor does she have to change one aspect of how RITA is managed or displayed.

Why am I saying this?

Because Lynn our Sister is worn out. And I do not say this lightly. The emails she is receiving is wearing her down to the point of making her wonder if RITA is worth her presence. Yes that is right.

If our Sister decided to pack her bags, what do you think would happen?
Do you want to be the one that breaks the camels back?

Lynn’s job as head moderator is to ensure the ship sails on course. That may mean certain topics are not discussed or actions taken. It is not her job to baby our whims or egos. We are all adults here. If you have a problem that needs an answer, I suggest you take it to the only one that can help, our precious Lord Jesus.

I encourage everyone to email Lynn, email her to tell her how much she is loved. What a blessing she is to our lives. Email her to tell her that you support her in prayer.

As a family we are all equal and all loved. Lets not burden one member because she holds a title of “moderator”. Lynn is trying hard like us all to finish this race that ends in the arms of Jesus. Lynn needs our help as much as we need hers.

Tonight Lynn was in her room alone crying and feeling ill in health. Lynn needs our prayers and our CONTINUED love, not our condemnation of each other, or petty thoughts

Think about this family

I love you all dearly, but I am sorry, it had to be said.

In his love / Your brother Paul

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Thank you, Paul.

Lifting our sister up in prayer.

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Thank you Paul. Good post.

"Lifting our sister up in prayer. "


GASP - Rita is such a blessing to me.
Thank you Lynn for Rita.

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Thank you, Paul.

Lynn, I'm so sorry that you're hurting right now. My sincere prayer is that the Lord comforts you and Jerry with His love, heals you both of your physical problems, and comforts your heart with the blowout with your son, dear Lynn.

May you feel the Lord wrap His arms around you and give you His peace.

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Well said, Paul

C'mon people. Whoever is bugging Lynn with petty issues, perhaps should apologize to her. We should be lifting her up, not burdening her further.

Praying for you, sis. Keep lookin' up, 'cause our redemption draweth NIGH!!!

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Thank you, Paul.

Lynn, I'm so sorry that you're hurting right now. My sincere prayer is that the Lord comforts you and Jerry with His love, heals you both of your physical problems, and comforts your heart with the blowout with your son, dear Lynn.

May you feel the Lord wrap His arms around you and give you His peace.

Yes, I will say AMEN to Lisa's post. Lynn, we love you sweet, dear sister. Don't let the attacks of the enemy overwhelm you. You have made the truth of God's love available in a window to the world and the devil hates that. I declare the protection of God over you and your family. You are covered in the blood of Jesus and sheltered under God's wings. Father take Lynn by a way, down a path that the eye of the vulture has not seen, protect her in your secret place from the prying eyes and ears of the enemies of the cross. Pour out abundant, unending blessings in every way - health, finances, provision of every kind - for Lynn and Jerry. Carry her Lord, until the trumpet blows and You call us home. In Jesus name let it be so.

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Lynn, just so you know, this is my favorite forum on the WHOLE WORLDWIDE INTERNET!

I pray the Lord gives you peace in this situation and in your fantastic ministry!

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Lynn i hope you get this sweet lady....if it wasnt for you i wouldnt have even known how to post anything or reply to anything on this website....you were so nice to me!! Please just rest in Jesus, and if you need to take time away then that is what you need to do....we will be praying for you!!! It is amazing how the enemy attacks....He had attacked me badly too the last two days....but i am strong once again.....anyway just relax sweetie....be with your family....they are the important ones right now.....and you need to regain your own strength....i am sure all of us are praying for you....God bless you dear!!!!!! love, sue

Email: slalanis@live.com

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

This vessel is in agrement with all the above prayers.
Lord,this vessel asks you to open up your store house
of blessings.AS your daughter sure could use your help.Blessing are one of your specialties.Lord please
pour your special blessings on to LYNN and FAMILY.
Ease her burdens.Give her a refreshing in you.
All in JESUS name
Ps.May the LORD make HIS face to shine upon you.And
give you peace.

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Amen and Amen! I agree with all these things.

THANK YOU, BROTHER PAUL, FOR BRINGING THIS TO THE ATTENTION OF THOSE ON THIS FORUM, AND OTHERS AS WELL. We need to encourage, not discourage. That is our calling as Christians.

My sister Lynn, know that you are loved and appreciated. We lift you up in prayer to be surrounded by His Holy Angels to give you strength and wisdom in your situations. You are an awesome lady, and I am blessed to know you.

Lovingly, Rhonda

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Shalom ,Sweet Lynn,i will bathe you in prayers,i cover you with Yeshuas Precious,BLOOD,Yeshua will wrap HIS Arms Around,you, and Refresh your Spirit,~HUGGS~ In Yeshua's Love.

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Lynn dear Sis,

I hope they allow some tears in heaven
(Tears of joy)

Because I want to feel each one roll down my cheek as I see you receive your crown of righteousness and the many other rewards from our precious Lord and King, Jesus

Love ybiC / Paul

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Agreeing with everyone in prayer!!!

Lynn you are a great blessing to us all here and don't let the enemy wear you down and make you feel like you are not loved because you are loved more then words can say!!!

And just think of all the souls that are being saved because of this beautiful site and family of Godly people and most of all God is very proud of you and this site is not about us it is all about saving souls for Jesus and helping encourage and comfort each other in friendship and prayer while we wait for Jesus to return.

God used you Lynn to open up this site and it has grown because it is blessed. And there is no way God is going to allow Satan or anyone for that matter to try and shut this site down!!!

It is here because God wants it here and if there is anyone who is trying tear you down I pray God you humble them and make them feel bad so this stops!!!

Love you Lynn

And Remember the Strong will Survive!!!

And you are a survivor!!!

Website: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=667676418&ref=profile

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

I am so sorry , i will be praying. However the board doesnt need to be a burden , there are many people here to share in this no one person should have to bare any heart ache.

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Praying for you, Lynn.

Lifting you up to our Savior for both you and Jerry's health concerns. Praying that our Father might meet your finacial and health needs both. Praying for His peace to flow like a river for you, and bath you in His comfort and grace.

Also, praying for this BB. Praying for all members, to allow the Holy Spirit to guide them in all conduct, thoughts and words. May we lift each other up in His love, and enjoy each other's fellowship in Christ Jesus. In Jesus'name, Amen.

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all the effort, energy, sweat and tears it takes to keep this board running. I agree with Andy that this is my favorite site on the entire internet also. What a wonder it is to share with one another, encourage one another, study with one another, love on one another. Please know that I am praying for you and Jerry, for your aspirations, dreams and for this ministry that you have been so generous to share with all of us. You have accomplished so much that I am in awe of your efforts.

To those who have brought Lynn down with your demands against your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ...you should be ashamed. We are all adults here. So show some maturity. Please stop all the name calling, the back-biting, the gossiping. How the Lord hates that. How about instead of sending a condemning e-mail to Lynn, you try sending an e-mail of thanks and appreciation for all that she does for ALL of us. Thanks to our other moderators Brenda and Donna as well. None of you gets thanked as often as you should for keeping this board the treasure that it is. You have my heartfelt thanks and appreciation.

Heavenly Father,
Please comfort Lynn in your arms, collect the tears from her eyes and grant her peace and solace. We pray for Lynn's health and for her husband Jerry's health. Lord grant them strength and rejuvenation. Restore them to their earlier vigor and vitality. Lord pour out on Lynn and her family an abundance of blessing that she may know that You are God and that You love her even more than all of us do. We thank you and praise you in the powerful name of Your precious Son, Jesus. Amen.

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read


I totally agree..it is GROW up time people..we are all adults here and lets start acting like it..

Lynn I am so sorry that you have been under pressure from anybody..

Hug time..


Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read


I totally agree..it is GROW up time people..we are all adults here and lets start acting like it..

Lynn I am so sorry that you have been under pressure from anybody..

Hug time..


Well said Michael and Sarah - I can't add anything further. Blessings to you and Jerry, Lynn - please relax and rest with no burdens from RITA - this is my prayer for you and Jerry.

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Dear Sister Lynn, I agree w/ALL our above RITArians' above posts of comfort to you & your family.

I too, love & appreciate you, and I can't thank you enough for allowing me the previlge to joining our fellow RITA family here. I love this temporary new home until we're taken to our permanente heavenly home in the sky.

I too, lift you up in prayer.


Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Lynn, if you need to take time off, do it, with our blessings, I think everyone would agree.

Paul, thanks for the self-policing--it is needed.

Whoever is writing to Lynn (and/or Brenda and Donna) about problems, try this: if it is about someone else on the board, pray for them. It's amazing how that resolves problems (in your own head).

If it's about something you don't like about the format, take a large paper sack, put it over your head, and breathe deeply for at least 20 minutes. This board won't bother you any more. If you do wake up, you will have forgotten what was bothering you, and everything will be wonderful.

There...wasn't that easy?

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Don and Knight Michael I second your posts.
Lynn God Bless you girl and may he answer all your prayers.

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Love you precious Lynn - and Donna and Brenda - with my eternal thanks for this precious oasis. Just know how much you are valued by us - and that one day soon you will hear from Yeshua's own lips, "Well done, good and faithful servant"!

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Dearest Lynn . . praying you get the rest and strength you need.

Any lurkers or questions, here's my e-mail:

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

"Whoever is writing to Lynn (and/or Brenda and Donna) about problems, try this: if it is about someone else on the board, pray for them. It's amazing how that resolves problems (in your own head)."

What we hate in others is is the faults in our self.

You Chirsitan dont have love.

Do I?

You snappy christian.

I am ?

yes. oops.

When i hate you ;
i hate me. oops

I am just like thee.

Look at those stupid people leaving Egypt Lord;
who see all your miracles
and dont trust you yet.

You should kill them, Lord.
Why did Moses interceed?

Then I walked a little farther in my Christian walk;
and i was just like them.

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Andy (firecharger)
Lynn, just so you know, this is my favorite forum on the WHOLE WORLDWIDE INTERNET!

I pray the Lord gives you peace in this situation and in your fantastic ministry!

Rita is the cave;
where the people of God are hid.

The other Christian forums
just dont cut it
for me.

Thank you Lynn;
cave leader ;
for providing us
the cave.

The Upper Room.
Wait in the upper room untill pentecost comes.
Pray together.
for one another.
Ya'all need my strength ( his strength ) to stand.
in the storm.

I think all of us are in a storm
of one kind or

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Lynn, FIRST I AM LIFTING YOU UP TO THE THRONE OF GRACE. I Pray that He will speak words of peace and comfort to your heart and give you the strength that you need, pysically and spirutally and emotionally. I plead the blood of Jesus over you and that His angels will totally surround you.

I thank you for this website and that He will continue to bless it and keep it running smoothly and in unity and that He will receive all the Glory.
I ask this in Jesus name, amen.

May His Blessings be Upon You and Your Family...Virginia

Email: varnke@roadrunner.com

Website: RITA

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

I am here watching when I can (I work full time so it can be hard to check on RITA throughout the day). Donna is here as well. It can get pretty challenging at times when things break out here and behind the scenes on RITA. Lynn has been under tremendous stress for a very long time, we need to help her in prayers and in fellowship with each other and get along.


p.s. I am the one that deleted the thread towards OLA. Something like that is what I am talking about and totally uncalled for!

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Thank you for communicating this information to us. I'm new on the board so wasn't aware of the situation with Lynn.

Thankfully, Brenda and Donna can offer their talents to relieve and share the responsibilities of moderating. It's a difficult position to say the least.

Thank you Lynn for your service to the Lord and to us. I'm confident that the posters will take it to heart and cooperate.

People here seem to be most accommodating when a need arises. Congratulations members for your thoughtfulness and careful consideration of others. That is what attracted me to this board and why I joined.

Email: sweetbyandbyx2@yahoo.com

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Lynn my dear sweet and wonderful sister in the Lord!

How I pray right now that you will get the breakthrough in your life which will release the burdens that are weighing heavy on you~!!

I just wish you could call on other members to take on the challenge of being moderators so that you can have some time to get your life in order and so that the load would be less of a weigh to bear!!!

Let me even pose this question on a post!!!

I do pray Lynn that the Lord will give you the strength to receive what He has for you so that your well deserved crown can be claimed by you in Heaven as you wear it proudly!!!

Did I say Proudly? Is that allowed in heaven!

Well, maybe wear it deservingly!! There that's better!

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Thank you everyone. Wow what a loving gathering of brothers and sisters I have. Donna and Brenda as some very special people, we have been together as mods and friends for a very long time. We three share the decision making responsibilities we share in the ministry. We all started this blessing called RITA and we have been steadfast and faithful ever since we were called to start RITA. What glory we have shared, it has blessed us beyond our wildest dreams.

Yesterday I had a bad day. My Mother's day turned into tears and sorrow. My son told me that my daughter-in-law Jill does not want me to be there when Levi is born. In no way, shape, or form am I to be there. This means I will not get to see my new grandson at all. I really don't know why she is doing this, but she is. My son and I have been so close and I don't understand why he is letting this happen. It is a mystery to me brothers and sisters. He said he would call me when Levi is born. I am so hurt and upset, well I guess I am well beyond hurt right now, I am devastated. I do not recognize this child that I raised, he has never done anything like this and I did not raise him to do things like this to people, especially his mother.

Help me pray that Jill and David will have a change of heart.


Email: ljpoohbunny@insightbb.com

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Oh Lynn, dear sister! My heart breaks for you. I know how much my grandchildren mean to me.

I pray that the Lord will take the hurt and replace it with peace and comfort.

Let us pray that the Lord comes soon and then you will be with Levi for eternity! Praise the Lord!

You are loved!

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Thank you Paul for bringing this to our attention. Thank you brothers and sisters responding above.

Lynn, I'm so sorry you were bothered after everyone promised to behave themselves while you were gone this weekend, too. I've not been around too much this weekend to know what was going on.

Brenda, I did see the Ola postings and winced -- that was so unRita- like, it really bothered me and I for one am glad it was removed. It actually called out specifically a name from among us. I'm sure hurt feelings are involved. I just ignored it but should've stood up for the one pointed at, but didn't want involved in any of it.

Lynn, you've been so good to me, helping me to get started at Rita and encouraging fellowship. You blessed me abundantly. Now I'm hurting on your behalf. You do need peace and rest. We love you and are thankful for Rita. You really have a load right now. I understand and appreciate that. I know my brothers and sisters here do,too.

Donna and Brenda , You also are greatly appreciated. I'm thankful for your moderating skills as well. You are greatly appreciated and loved so much. I'm so sorry this has happened. I really do think your success has been noted by the enemy of our souls and he's trying to wreck havoc at this late hour. Never forget Jesus promised to fight for this site. Perhaps we need to pray for Rita and our moderators, asking Jesus to do just that.

In love, VC

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

That is so nice of you VC and everyone here for all your kind words...

I KNOW we need to pray over this whole thing, especially for what Lynn is going through right now.

Could it be possibly hormones that Lynn's daughter-in-law is the cause for her to be this way? After all carrying a baby and being 9 months pregnant can have it's stress. I am trying to figure this out and it comes down to Satan finding his way to hurt us and bring us down.

Let's just pray and pray that David and Jill will see and understand that they have caused pain over their words to our dear sister (their mother and soon to be grandmother) and call her up with a change of heart.

I know they are good people and maybe just don't understand what they just did over this.

Lets pray that God will set it all straight...for Lynn and for RITA too!


Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Lynn ~ this is heartbreaking to hear!

All the excitement and joy waiting for the beginning event and introduction of this grandbaby into all your lives, and it seems shattered with afew words.

I am so sorry! This verse came to my mind:

"By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil. When a man's ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him."

Father God, in the Name of Your Son Jesus our Lord, I ask for mercy and truth to overtake for Lynn. I ask that Your mercy covers this situation and that truth will come to light and not remain hidden, in the fear of the Lord, for the purpose of peace, forgiveness and restoration. God, I know Lynn's ways please You Lord, therefore I ask and believe and trust that You are working to resolve this issue.

It is the enemy at work in the midst Lord, and I declare he is crushed under our feet, and that Lynn's son and wife are convicted, and freed, mind will and emotions, from this scheme of the satan. In the mighty Name of Jesus we pray, Amen

Love you Lynn
Believing for God's best....

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Lets pray that God will set it all straight...for Lynn and for RITA too!

Amen to all of Ritas prayers for Lynn, Rita and the mods.

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Dear Lynn,

Just wanted you to know that this is one of my favorite Christian forums and I feel very safe here.

Thank you for this forum, Lynn!


Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Lord we lift up David and Jill. We pray that you would soften their hearts. That you would open their eyes to the hurt that they have caused Lynn and would apologize. Lord we know that nothing is too big or too small for you to handle. So we make this request of intercession on behalf of our spiritual sister Lynn. We thank you for all that you do for us that we often take for granted.

We plead the blood of Christ on the RITA website. That you would shut down the attacks of the enemy who seeks to bring discord and strife. That you would bind them and sow confusion in their ranks. May you turn the designs of the enemy on themselves. We praise you and thank you in Jesus name. Amen.

Re: Subject - Lynn (Head Mod) / Important for all at RITA to read

Dearest Lynn,

Please do not grow weary in well doing.

This place is a source of living water for us all...daily!

I know words don't do justice to this, but please know what you are doing is bearing much fruit! You are investing your talents wisely!

I can only imagine the headaches, but hang in there...this battle will be so worth it in the end.

Keep fighting and we will keep fighting alongside you here.

I know this place is genuine in it's desire to please Yeshua and it has me drinking from it several times a day.

Thank you for your faithfulness. Seriously and sincerely...


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