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Warning to all reading at RITA

Ezekiel 3:20-21
20 “If righteous people turn away from their righteous behavior and ignore the obstacles I put in their way, they will die. And if you do not warn them, they will die in their sins. None of their righteous acts will be remembered, and I will hold you responsible for their deaths.
21 But if you warn righteous people not to sin and they listen to you and do not sin, they will live, and you will have saved yourself, too.”

Word from the Lord to Charity:
Blessed are the humble; Cursed are the proud"

I am a HOLY GOD. Many of My people have become unmindful of this awesome REALITY; they are careless in the way they approach Me; they pretend to honor Me, but their hearts are far from Me. They turn up their noses at My humble servants who faithfully speak My truth. And they will soon find themselves in a place that they never imagined such “holy ones” could possibly be found.

Oh, how BLESSED are those who have responded to My call to repentance! For the call has gone out to all My children, and several have allowed me to do My cleansing work in their lives.

Yet many others have refused to hear and heed my warnings. To these I say: “Do you not know, has it not been said, that I am coming for a bride without spot or wrinkle? Do you truly believe that you are [acceptable in My sight] without coming to Me, humbly asking Me to search and cleanse Your heart?”

The line has been drawn between the humble and the proud. The Day shall reveal the motives of each man’s heart. And that Day is now upon us.

Everyone who loves the Lord here on this forum: The Lord is compelling these words of warning to go out now because now is the time to be serious and examine our lives. He compels me and others to give these warnings for the reason that if we do not, blood may be on our hands and I, myself, could not live with that.

I am not trifling with anyone, nor trying to make you feel guilty, Just warning all who would listen to thoroughly examine yourself, and if there be any known sin in your life, GET IT OUT! Keep very short accounts with the Lord. Repent when you know you have sinned. Do not think that you will pass inspection if you have willfully and knowingly continued in sin against Him. He will not tolerate it in the day of His coming. He knows your thoughts and all your excuses. You cannot trick Him, coerce Him, or show Him your salvation ticket to get into Heaven if you know what you have been doing is wrong and do not repent.

There is no time! The time is now! Be brutally honest and make sure you are right with the Lord!!

I am speaking what the Lord has put on my heart. May He bless it to reach those who need to hear this message!

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Matt. 7:21 says that only those who do the will of the Father will enter the Kingdom. And what is the will of the Father? In John 6:40 Jesus said the Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life. That excludes anyone who subscribes to a plan of salvation that isn’t based solely on the fact that Jesus paid the full penalty for all the sins of our life, leaving nothing for us to do except believe that and accept it.

As for James 2:19, we have to remember that the demons believe in God because they’ve seen Him. But believing in God does not save anyone. As we see from above, it also takes believing that Jesus died for all our sins. This is where the demons fall short. Either they don’t believe they’ve sinned or they don’t believe Jesus died for their sins.

Comments that we have to strive to live our lives to become more like Jesus is not a condition of salvation. It’s something we do out of gratitude for the salvation we’ve been given, and it comes from following the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Otherwise it’s just an attempt to attain the goal by human effort instead of relying on the Lord’s completed work. Remember, grace plus works equals works. We’re saved by grace through faith, not by works. (Ephes. 2:8-9)

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Romans 7:15 I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.

John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

I am a sinner, and there is nothing I can do to fix that but remain in the vine.

Email: cidp@aol.com

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Ezekiel 3:20-21
20 “If righteous people turn away from their righteous behavior and ignore the obstacles I put in their way, they will die. And if you do not warn them, they will die in their sins. None of their righteous acts will be remembered, and I will hold you responsible for their deaths.
21 But if you warn righteous people not to sin and they listen to you and do not sin, they will live, and you will have saved yourself, too.”

Word from the Lord to Charity:
Blessed are the humble; Cursed are the proud"

I am a HOLY GOD. Many of My people have become unmindful of this awesome REALITY; they are careless in the way they approach Me; they pretend to honor Me, but their hearts are far from Me. They turn up their noses at My humble servants who faithfully speak My truth. And they will soon find themselves in a place that they never imagined such “holy ones” could possibly be found.

Oh, how BLESSED are those who have responded to My call to repentance! For the call has gone out to all My children, and several have allowed me to do My cleansing work in their lives.

Yet many others have refused to hear and heed my warnings. To these I say: “Do you not know, has it not been said, that I am coming for a bride without spot or wrinkle? Do you truly believe that you are [acceptable in My sight] without coming to Me, humbly asking Me to search and cleanse Your heart?”

The line has been drawn between the humble and the proud. The Day shall reveal the motives of each man’s heart. And that Day is now upon us.

Everyone who loves the Lord here on this forum: The Lord is compelling these words of warning to go out now because now is the time to be serious and examine our lives. He compels me and others to give these warnings for the reason that if we do not, blood may be on our hands and I, myself, could not live with that.

I am not trifling with anyone, nor trying to make you feel guilty, Just warning all who would listen to thoroughly examine yourself, and if there be any known sin in your life, GET IT OUT! Keep very short accounts with the Lord. Repent when you know you have sinned. Do not think that you will pass inspection if you have willfully and knowingly continued in sin against Him. He will not tolerate it in the day of His coming. He knows your thoughts and all your excuses. You cannot trick Him, coerce Him, or show Him your salvation ticket to get into Heaven if you know what you have been doing is wrong and do not repent.

There is no time! The time is now! Be brutally honest and make sure you are right with the Lord!!

I am speaking what the Lord has put on my heart. May He bless it to reach those who need to hear this message!

Thanks so much carlee...Great post....
I wished
I was warned earlier in my life about my sinful ways...oh I wasted so much time I could have been serving him..I thank our Awesome LORD that he didn't come back then or I for sure would have been left behind..
A close friend of mine saw JESUS on HIS throne for a few seconds...I was with her when she had the vision....She burst out crying because of HIS fierce holiness ( compared with our current state) It really frightened her...

HE is seriously HOLY, HOLY, HOLY!! and we shall hopefully see HIM very soon!

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Josh, all the Lord needs to have from you is if you have gotten rid of wilfull sin in your life. If you can truthfully say you have, then He would be content. If not, then this warning is for you.

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Thank You Lord for these words! Search our hearts and minds oh Lord! Cleanse us and forgive us. Help us to repent and sin no more in heart and mind. Cleanse me Lord and make me white as snow.

Search me, God, and know my heart.
Try me, and know my thoughts.
See if there is any wicked way in me,
and lead me in the everlasting way.
(Psalms 139:23-24 WEB)

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
(1 John 1:8-9 KJV)

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Miss Cheryl, it greatly blesses my heart to know that you have heeded the Lord's leading in your life and understand this message!

Bless you, Dear one, and may the Lord richly bless your kindness!

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Thank you, Carlee, for your post. I know you are warning us with a pure heart of love for your Savior.

Those with eyes to see and ears to hear and hearts that are tender toward the Spirit of God, will understand what you are saying. It's between each individual and the Lord.

Galatians 5:19-21

When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Josh, all the Lord needs to have from you is if you have gotten rid of wilfull sin in your life. If you can truthfully say you have, then He would be content. If not, then this warning is for you.

Carlee, are you a sinner? Or are you the only one on earth who doesn't? So when you sin, you accidently sin? How does one accidently sin....every saved believer is a sinner that sins willfully. All praise be to Jesus who dies for ALL of those sins, past present AND future. I can see that you are a believer in conditional security. The bible doesn't support this theory. I am saved forever by grace through my faith in Christ....he JUSTIFIES me all the way to the rapture (or if i die).

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Josh, all the Lord needs to have from you is if you have gotten rid of wilfull sin in your life. If you can truthfully say you have, then He would be content. If not, then this warning is for you.

Carlee, are you a sinner? Or are you the only one on earth who doesn't? So when you sin, you accidently sin? How does one accidently sin....every saved believer is a sinner that sins willfully. All praise be to Jesus who dies for ALL of those sins, past present AND future. I can see that you are a believer in conditional security. The bible doesn't support this theory. I am saved forever by grace through my faith in Christ....he JUSTIFIES me all the way to the rapture (or if i die).

Josh, it isn't worth the argument. Come over to some of the worship threads and enjoy the wait with us. I don't like to see you getting beat up over this.

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Josh, you are not going to be judged on what you believe, but what is truth. The Bible makes it plain that YES, hallelujah we are saved by grace! However, if we call Him "Lord" (Master), but do not obey Him, then how can He really be our Lord? He will say "I never knew you."

Willful sin is simply sin that you ignore or make excuses for, rather than confessing and asking Him to help you GIVE IT UP.

I love you brother.

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Charity is Crying for Jesus to Come
Thank you, Carlee, for your post. I know you are warning us with a pure heart of love for your Savior.

There is a reward that goes with repentance.

Last fall I sang with a Christian band at a rest home. WE were all strangers God brought together. Banjo Mike told me my music is annointed. I know. -said I.

Part of the reward that comes from repentance- David Wilkerson taught me years and years and years ago.

I still wrastle with my sin.
I am a sinner saved by grace.

Gene and I are getting better as we grow-
we bite less and less-
this I know.

This Christian told me -mollie a humble sheep you be -
in pride I walked away you see.-
I was so proud I wuz humble-
help me Lord as I stumble.

Mike told me to work on my timing,
what is timing?: Music is a strange thing to me,
all I know I got from He.

Walk by faith and not by sight;
and always choose the road thats right.
I'm a sinner saved by grace
soon I'll see my savior's face.

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Charity is Crying for Jesus to Come
However, if we call Him "Lord" (Master), but do not obey Him, then how can He really be our Lord? He will say "I never knew you."

Willful sin is simply sin that you ignore or make excuses for, rather than confessing and asking Him to help you GIVE IT UP.

I used to be a Christian who went astray;
at every fork in the road I'd choose the wrong way;
if this becomes a habit,
what will become of me;
my prayer life changed the rest of me.

When I was wrong I thought that I was right
my eyes were blinded by the night.
Open up my eyes I cried,
a lonely road repentance be,
as I grasp for eternity.

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Texas Sue
Josh, all the Lord needs to have from you is if you have gotten rid of wilfull sin in your life. If you can truthfully say you have, then He would be content. If not, then this warning is for you.

Carlee, are you a sinner? Or are you the only one on earth who doesn't? So when you sin, you accidently sin? How does one accidently sin....every saved believer is a sinner that sins willfully. All praise be to Jesus who dies for ALL of those sins, past present AND future. I can see that you are a believer in conditional security. The bible doesn't support this theory. I am saved forever by grace through my faith in Christ....he JUSTIFIES me all the way to the rapture (or if i die).

Josh, it isn't worth the argument. Come over to some of the worship threads and enjoy the wait with us. I don't like to see you getting beat up over this.

You are right TS, you just can't make some people see it. I won't take it any further.

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Charity is Crying for Jesus to Come

Willful sin is simply sin that you ignore or make excuses for, rather than confessing and asking Him to help you GIVE IT UP.

I used to hang on to that.
But God changed my heart.

Thank you Lord.

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Galatians 5:19-21

When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

Sorry, but this scripture is not talking to born again believers, it's talking to unbelievers. This is the problem, a lot of christians apply scripture that is not talking to us that are eternally saved. I used to do the same thing until someone showed me the error of my way. There is one requirement to be saved forever no matter what happens after you are saved and that is...believe on the one that God sent, Jesus Christ.

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

19Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God.

20Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin.

Righteousness Through Faith
21But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.

There is no difference, 23for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

25God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished— 26he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

This must be the thread that started the bitterness on RITA last night. Carlee, I don't understand why you started this thread when this is a pre-trib rapture forum. Whenever salvation doctrinal issues are brought up on this forum, it always ends up ugly. I know that Lynn can't be happy about threads like this, and especially now when we are so close to our redemption.


Email: hogwoodk@gmail.com

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Aren't those of us who are of God indwelt with the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth?

I agree Josh, we are forgiven past, present, future.

Hbr 10:14 For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.

Eph 1:3 Blessed [be] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly [places] in Christ:

Eph 2:6 And hath raised [us] up together, and made [us] sit together in heavenly [places] in Christ Jesus:

So it is a done deal for us who do believe and are indwelt by the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit will be evident to the believer and others. If there is no fruit, then we could wonder about salvation. But I think it is pretty evident that anyone who cares at all about the coming of our Lord and the rapture and the things of God at all has the Spirit.

Website: comingintheclouds.com/forum

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Carlee I couldn't agree more. No one is trying to suggest a devoted follower of Christ has to be afraid of hell when they make mistakes or get into the flesh.
There is nothing that will snatch them out of God's hand. They are forgiven. *THEY ABIDE IN HIS SHLETER*. It is the ones who do not we are worried about.

Problem is the word plainly says that many will think they are saved and in right standing with God and will be thrown in hell on judgement day. THAT IS WHAT WE ARE TRYING TO AVOID, THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE WE ARE TRYING TO REACH. NOT YOU TEXAS SUE! NOT YOU TOM!

I have posted many articles and words over the past 1 1/2 yrs warning Christians to get serious.

It is time we all do. If you are already serious about your faith then why prevent others from being warned and repenting by lashing out? Why help people remain deceived? So many people say a sinners prayer and think they can live like the world, return to their vomit and stay saved forever. THAT IS A LIE. The Lord is LONG SUFFERING and He pleads with people to get rightm stop LIVING IN SIN, and walk with Him but IF THEY CHOOSE NOT TO MAKE HIM LORD AND WALK WITH HIM HE WILL NOT FORCE THEM TO DO SO. He EVENTUALLY will blot their name from the Book of Life.
He uses the term himself. How dare we say that is not possible when JESUS CHRIST SAYS IT IS.

I am sorry this has to be divisive. I don't want anyone to miss heaven. I know Carlee, Charity, Melanie and whoever else tries to warn readers here just care and want ALL people to be saved and in right standing with God. THAT IS TRUE CHRISTIAN LOVE.

I am not arguing with anyone. I have said this so many times. I pray someone has heard this message and trust they have.

I love you all and pray no one who reads this thread will miss his opportunity to spend eternity with Christ. There is no greater tragedy than to think you are saved and you are not. God forbid.

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Thats it. I am new here but not to other rapture sites but there are too many on this site and others preaching things that are contrary to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If we are so perfect that we can save ourselves outside of Jesus then we would not have had to put lamb's blood on our door post. My flesh is sinful but my spirit is not. (Paul) Very soon I will not have to worry about the sinful flesh and I know most of you here feel the same way. How is it love when you go around causing Christians to doubt their faith? Does watching for the Rapture and counting numbers while sitting in front of my computer casting doubt on other Christians faith make me Holy, God forbid. It is Grace plus nothing. Save the lost don't lose the saved.

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

John I am not sure how you read the bible (if you do) and miss all the scriptures telling people to make their calling and election sure and to renew their salvation daily with fear and trembling.

Should we just put a marker through those?

No one is suggesting we be perfect. As if there is no middle ground between LIVING in WILLFUL sin (after accepting Christ) and being perfect. There is a big area there bro.

I truly think your response is incredible in light of what I just wrote. If you feel unsure after reading that maybe you need to. Many need to be afraid and are not.

Fear is the first step to wisdom (salvation)
Fear is a good thing if it makes us repent of our sins and return to Christ.

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Carlee I couldn't agree more. No one is trying to suggest a devoted follower of Christ has to be afraid of hell when they make mistakes or get into the flesh.
There is nothing that will snatch them out of God's hand. They are forgiven. *THEY ABIDE IN HIS SHLETER*. It is the ones who do not we are worried about.

Problem is the word plainly says that many will think they are saved and in right standing with God and will be thrown in hell on judgement day. THAT IS WHAT WE ARE TRYING TO AVOID, THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE WE ARE TRYING TO REACH. NOT YOU TEXAS SUE! NOT YOU TOM!

I have posted many articles and words over the past 1 1/2 yrs warning Christians to get serious.

It is time we all do. If you are already serious about your faith then why prevent others from being warned and repenting by lashing out? Why help people remain deceived? So many people say a sinners prayer and think they can live like the world, return to their vomit and stay saved forever. THAT IS A LIE. The Lord is LONG SUFFERING and He pleads with people to get right stop LIVING IN SIN, and walk with Him but IF THEY CHOOSE NOT TO MAKE HIM LORD AND WALK WITH HIM HE WILL NOT FORCE THEM TO DO SO. He EVENTUALLY will blot their name from the Book of Life.
He uses the term himself. How dare we say that is not possible when JESUS CHRIST SAYS IT IS.

I am sorry this has to be divisive. I don't want anyone to miss heaven. I know Carlee, Charity, Melanie and whoever else tries to warn readers here just care and want ALL people to be saved and in right standing with God. THAT IS TRUE CHRISTIAN LOVE.

I am not arguing with anyone. I have said this so many times. I pray someone has heard this message and trust they have.

I love you all and pray no one who reads this thread will miss his opportunity to spend eternity with Christ. There is no greater tragedy than to think you are saved and you are not. God forbid.

2HH....excellent and wise post.

yes, 2HH,warning is loving and not condemning....there are warnings from JESUS all over the Bible....from one end to the other end...all the way to the last page in Rev.22:18..where HE says not to add or take away ANY words of the prophecy of this book or GOD will add to them the plagues that are written in this book....the warnings posted here by members are from the WORD of GOD and from their hearts, not intended to hurt or condemn anyone but to help...

thankfully,JESUS always shows great love, compassion and mercy and understands all of our weaknesses while we are in this flesh body..

...Yes, sadly, we believers do still sin at times.. but if we confess HE is faithful and just to forgive us...

But soon, LORD willing, we will ALL be at home in our perfect and sinless Glorified bodies, praising our KING OF KINGS!!
Oh what a day to Celebrate!!


Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Bless you Cheryl. Amen to your post. The Lord loves us and He warns us. We as His ambassadors must love His body and do the same.

His will is that no one will perish but billions will on that great and terrible day.

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Thank you Lord for your scripture
and help me to obey.

Make me my Lord, obedient to you.
Help me heed the warning of the watchmen.

With my whole heart I have sought thee. psm 119: 10
Let me not wander from thy command. psm .119 : 10

They hated the watchman in the old testament day
Let me learn from their mistake and never stray away.

Thy word have I hid in my heart; that I might not sin against you. psm 119: 11

Which part of the Bible
shall I cut away?
I will keep teh blessings
and throw the curse away.

Deut. 28

With only half a Bible
how long can I stand?
Lord we missed the way with you
Theirs darkness in our land.

2 Chron 7: 14

The cup of Jeremiah is a bitter draught.
I wish youd given a happy cup to me
it is joy I sought.

Let this cup pass from me,
never the less its thine will to be done.

Mt.26 :39

Its true the scribes and pharasees dont like me very well, When they come after you (my servent)
They come after me (Jesus) as well.
Lord I thought that you
were my Teddy Bear?
I fall on my face at your feet,
please keep me out of hell.

Cleanse me of my sin oH Lord, and make me over new.
Give me oil in my lamp and let me be worthy
to stand in your presence.

The scripture makes me happy,
the scripture makes me sad;
open up my eyes oh Lord,
and don't let me be bad.

Before I was afflicted,
I went astray, but now I have kept thy word. psm 119: 67

I cling to your word my Lord,
as I walk your path;
please be my friend oh Lord,
and help me to obey.

He is a friend to all who obey.

he became the author of eternal salvation unto all that obey him. Hebrews 5: 9

They searched the scripture daily to see if what was taught was true. Acts17: 11

For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3: 23

Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

Mt. 6: 14

We see through a glass darkly. 1Cor 13: 12

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

This must be the thread that started the bitterness on RITA last night. Carlee, I don't understand why you started this thread when this is a pre-trib rapture forum. Whenever salvation doctrinal issues are brought up on this forum, it always ends up ugly. I know that Lynn can't be happy about threads like this, and especially now when we are so close to our redemption.


good job Kevin...this put peopel on the defensive.....and it flowed over onto the other thread.... if you hold it in then it eventually comes out in other places amen...

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Thats it. I am new here but not to other rapture sites but there are too many on this site and others preaching things that are contrary to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If we are so perfect that we can save ourselves outside of Jesus then we would not have had to put lamb's blood on our door post. My flesh is sinful but my spirit is not. (Paul) Very soon I will not have to worry about the sinful flesh and I know most of you here feel the same way. How is it love when you go around causing Christians to doubt their faith? Does watching for the Rapture and counting numbers while sitting in front of my computer casting doubt on other Christians faith make me Holy, God forbid. It is Grace plus nothing. Save the lost don't lose the saved.

john not everyone thinks this way....so it works 2 ways here what about the newbies that leave..or waht about the ones that did not announce their leaving and just left..they matter too....

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

This Paul washer video came to my mind after reading your post....he weeps over lost souls just as JESUS does


Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

2HH....excellent and wise post.

yes, 2HH,warning is loving and not condemning....there are warnings from JESUS all over the Bible....from one end to the other end...all the way to the last page in Rev.22:18..where HE says not to add or take away ANY words of the prophecy of this book or GOD will add to them the plagues that are written in this book....the warnings posted here by members are from the WORD of GOD and from their hearts, not intended to hurt or condemn anyone but to help...

In my church we quote scripture-
we dont throw rocks at any one we just read his word.

If the shoe fits, wear it?
Gollie Bill.

Should we have censored Christianity?

Lets cut out Leviticus 18.
America is trying hard to stray away.
One day they will put in jail
the accusing one.

I was at a Baptist Church and gave them a hard scripture. The leader said, a coin has two sides,
the unity was good and plesant; and her wisdom dazzled me. It was a good day for me: it was good day for us all. I will shut up when I hear my saviors call.

Acts 4:18

Lord help me through this life as I stumble and I fall.

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA


Problem is the word plainly says that many will think they are saved and in right standing with God and will be thrown in hell on judgement day. .


People dont like that part of the bible.

But Lord, Lord, I cast out demons in your name.
I laid hands on the sick in your name...

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA


2HH....excellent and wise post.

yes, 2HH,warning is loving and not condemning....there are warnings from JESUS all over the Bible....from one end to the other end...all the way to the last page in Rev.22:18..where HE says not to add or take away ANY words of the prophecy of this book or GOD will add to them the plagues that are written in this book....the warnings posted here by members are from the WORD of GOD and from their hearts, not intended to hurt or condemn anyone but to help...

In my church we quote scripture-
we dont throw rocks at any one we just read his word.

If the shoe fits, wear it?
Gollie Bill.

Should we have censored Christianity?

Lets cut out Leviticus 18.
America is trying hard to stray away.
One day they will put in jail
the accusing one.

Sounds like a wonderful church you attend...

I just read Lev.18 again after reading your post and boy was THAT a warning and a half!..especially verses 27-30...america surely has strayed away....

you truly have a wonderful way with words that is truly a special gift from almighty GOD!!

GOD bless u richly Mtmollie

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Children of God please stop fighting.
It is causing a rift in our family and that is not good.
I know some of you mean well but it is causing divisions. And we don't need that at this late date.
As I said in another thread we ALL need to seach our own hearts and let God be the judge of us not each other.
Love you all

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

Little Anne
Children of God please stop fighting.
It is causing a rift in our family and that is not good.
I know some of you mean well but it is causing divisions. And we don't need that at this late date.
As I said in another thread we ALL need to seach our own hearts and let God be the judge of us not each other.
Love you all

Amen, Anne.

I pray we all search out the Logs in our own eyes, rather than searching Rita for the specks in our brother's eyes. In Jesus' name, amen!

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

"Children of God please stop fighting."

Rita dear, I did not know
that quoting scripture would grieve you so.

Pulling the big fat plank from off my eye
maybe it has left me blind?

should I obey God,
or man? Quoting scripture; singing songs;
teh bride of Chaist I dance along ...
alone mostly.

Charity a kindrid sprit of me;
we weep together and we grieve.

Re: Warning to all reading at RITA

"Children of God please stop fighting."

Rita dear, I did not know
that quoting scripture would grieve you so.

Pulling the big fat plank from off my eye
maybe it has left me blind?

should I obey God,
or man? Quoting scripture; singing songs;
teh bride of Chaist I dance along ...
alone mostly.

Charity a kindrid sprit of me;
we weep together and we grieve.

Oh my, my....what a heartfelt response..

Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Joh 1:2 He was with God in the beginning.
Joh 1:3 All things were created through Him, and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created.
Joh 1:4 Life was in Him, and that life was the light of men.
Joh 1:5 That light shines in the darkness, yet the darkness did not overcome it.

Isa 40:8 The grass withers, the flowers fade, but the word of our God remains forever."

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