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RITArians, I feel strongly that we're supposed to band together and not pull apart, regardless of hurt feelings or whether or not we feel like it's our time to leave this board.

I feel it so strongly in my spirit that satan is attacking our fellowship here. If he can break our spirit here on RITA, then what will he do to our churches?

I have felt for the past five years that this is where I get more fellowship and love than anywhere else in the Christian world. Now satan is trying to take that away, too.

NO, NO, AND DOUBLE NO!!! We must, I REPEAT, WE MUST band together and be ONE!

COREY, you, brother, of all people should understand this. You have done the studies. You have prepped us for this Pentecost, and we are looking diligently forward to this date. You need us and we NEED YOU AND JESSE!

CHARITY, dear sister, you have a wonderful, beautiful family, and I know you want to do your best by them. I sense you are tired and frustrated, and probably not getting the much-needed rest that your body needs to handle emotional and hurtful things, right now. You have been our strong sister and encourager in the past. I don't think you want to leave us; I think you just got your feelings hurt. You are a very forgiving person, and I know you will let these things go.

LYNN, my dearest, you are so very bone weary and tired, and this forum is taking its toll. Perhaps you should pray about taking a leave of absence from moderating, or at the very least, take your e-mail off. Yes, honey, you're tired, and God knows that. Please...you've done such a wonderful, spirit-filled job, but you are worn out, dearest!

STAR, you have been such a blessing. I thank you that you have listened to God and have been His instrument of messages to us. These messages have blessed us immensely.

SCOTT, I appreciate your humor and the levity you bring to this forum. We need you so much.

HUMBLY, I KNOW you still read, but you don't speak much. But when you do...well, when E.F. Hutton speaks...you get the picture.

And PAUL/AUSSIE, my dearest brother, you are a real blessing. You would never, NEVER hurt anyone intentionally. That's just not in you, mate. I don't even think that gene exists in your body!!!

MELANIE, You are such a blessing. In the face of everything, you still praise God.

TEXAS SUE, We are getting tired, aren't we dear? We have been watching for so long. But it's just right around the corner! YIPPEEE!!!

VIRGINIA, Your messages have inspired and lifted me. Thank you for hanging in there with Chris. He's been through some tough times.

MA AND LAZ, my dearest sisters. I've been so privileged and blessed to have met you in real life. I'll look you up in heaven when I get there.

DONNA AND BRENDA, you are such wonderful blessings to Lynn and to us. Thank you for moderating along with Lynn, and for all your hard work.

I love you ALL! I could go on and on with the names of people here, but I'm just doing this off the top of my head.

I want us to hang tough. We are CHRISTIANS, and we don't back down. Keep going forward and pushing on toward the goal.

I'll see you soon. Lovingly, Rhonda


Well Said! Amen and Amen! We are FAMILY


I feel the same way. The trumpet needs to be blown. We all need to armor up and prepare for battle. The enemy seeks to destroy our fellowship here. I also say "NO!"

1 Peter 5:8 (NASB)
Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NASB)
And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart.

2 Timothy 4:17 (NASB)
But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, so that through me the proclamation might be fully accomplished, and that all the Gentiles might hear; and I was rescued out of the lion's mouth.


AMEN Rhonda.......RITA will always be here until that trumpet sounds and God says 'COME UP HERE'. I will not shut it down.
I love you all to much to shut the doors of the church. God wants us together or He would not have brought us together. So let's honor God by standing toe to toe for His kingdom. Even this morning at 12:30 a.m. I was adding two new members to our family. We prayed for more to join our family and God is sending them to us. We must make them welcome and bring them into the fold with love and respect.

I love you all so much.....................Lynn

Email: ljpoohbunny@insightbb.com


Rhonda dear Sis,

Love you heaps Sis.

I agree with you 100%

The enemy wants a fight, no problem. Lets take the fight to him with something that he fears

Prayer!!!!! God has said when we pray we have power and authority.

Lets storm hells rusty gates

RITA you are covered in my prayers, join in prayer warriors

Love ybiC/ Paul


Rhonda, dear sister, Bless your sweet heart! Such an exhorter!

I would like to share the scripture that the Lord led me to this morning, as I was praying for everyone here. May His Word soothe and bind and heal~

Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord?

Who may enter your presence on your holy hill?

Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right,

speaking the truth from sincere hearts.

Those who refuse to gossip

or harm their neighbors

or speak evil of their friends.

Those who despise flagrant sinners,

and honor the faithful followers of the Lord,

and keep their promises even when it hurts.

Those who lend money without charging interest,

and who cannot be bribed to lie about the innocent.

Such people will stand firm forever. Psalm 15

May His Holy Name be praised forever and ever! He loves His children~ may we continue to walk in His ways, as children of the Light!
Love to each and every one~ Melanie


Yes, everyone here is a blessing!

Email: mariacallison@hotmail.com


Rhonda...you have a heart of gold, my friend!! So well said, AMEN and AMEN!!! I feel like you, this is the ONLY place in this world where I can "hear" from fellow watchers (we are a very rare breed these days).

I feel like i know you all so well and this is my favorite "place" to go!! Let's keep watching together for it can't be long now my brothers and sisters.

lovingly, in Christ our Lord,

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