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Pentecost - the day when heaven opens

I am listening to Dr. Robert Heidler teach on Pentecost and he just said that Pentecost is the time for the heavens to open and God to pour out His provisions for His people. He said it officially begins on Tuesday night at sundown and all day on Wednesday. That would be May 18-19.

My thoughts - Open Heavens? Open as in "Come up here...."???? Please let it be so.

Re: Pentecost - the day when heaven opens

I hope so....

Re: Pentecost - the day when heaven opens

Tuesdays are Jewish wedding days..maybe we will get married on a Tuesday THIS WEEK lol

Re: Pentecost - the day when heaven opens

Love it! Love it! Love it! But I still think May 22-23

Email: weaman@mac.com

Re: Pentecost - the day when heaven opens

Whether its the 18-19 or the 22-23, it is all within the Pentecost season. One other thing he said is that at Pentecost when God had Moses come to Mt. Sinai and God gave the Torah, He was revealing Himself to the people. His word is the revelation of WHO HE IS. He is His Word and the Word is Him - just like John wrote in the first chapter of his gospel. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

According to a Jewish tradition that Robert read from, it said that when God spoke His voice was seen by the Israelites as great sound waves that rippled out into the air and that they heard God's voice. They said that the soundwaves like flames actually engraved the stones with the laws.

Can you imagine being in a group of about three million people (they had just left Egypt remember) and hearing God's voice streaming down from the black smoke and flames on top of that mountain?

Re: Pentecost - the day when heaven opens

I believe May 18-23rd is definitely the timeframe we should be ready and watching for our redemption. I read earlier today that May 18 is a good possibility because it is the THIRD day of the week, and the Bible mentions raising us up on the third day. Also, it will be May 19th(Sivan 6) in Jerusalem while it's still May 18th here.


Email: hogwoodk@gmail.com

Re: Pentecost - the day when heaven opens

I believe May 18-23rd is definitely the timeframe we should be ready and watching for our redemption. I read earlier today that May 18 is a good possibility because it is the THIRD day of the week, and the Bible mentions raising us up on the third day. Also, it will be May 19th(Sivan 6) in Jerusalem while it's still May 18th here.

oh good..I hope it happens in the morning before my son goes to school so we will be together...but then are we maybe suppose to be getting a sign before? maybe tomorrow we will get it...

Re: Pentecost - the day when heaven opens

Good thinking Kevin. That sounds right. One other thing said during the service tonight is that the Jews always read the books of RUTH & EZEKIEL during the Pentecost season and counting of the Omer. He suggested that we read those books.

I thought about the smart people on RITA who have already clued us in on Ruth being the book read during Pentecost. I didn't know about Ezekiel being one read also and the thought came to me, "is the Ezekiel 38 & 39 war going to happen at Pentecost?"

Re: Pentecost - the day when heaven opens

I have been watching Pastor Larry Huch and he has been talking about the windows of Heaven being open for God to bless us. We are not supposed to come before the Lord empty handed at the three festivals. He backed it all up with scripture. He said this is the time for give us signs and wonders, prosperity and other stuff. I ordered his book and have been reading about breaking generational curses. Its VERY good, and I am not much of a reader!

Re: Pentecost - the day when heaven opens

Rhi, David Herzog who is a Messianic believer and preacher also has a great book out on the windows of heaven opening on the feast days. He says there is a special blessing for participating in the appointed days on God's calendar. I have David's book but don't remember the title. You can find it on his website.

I have heard Larry Huch's teaching too. He has a church here in Dallas and I have gone there for several different special meetings he has had. Love Pastor Larry and Tiz Huch. They are wonderful.

Re: Pentecost - the day when heaven opens

I have been watching Pastor Larry Huch and he has been talking about the windows of Heaven being open for God to bless us. We are not supposed to come before the Lord empty handed at the three festivals. He backed it all up with scripture. He said this is the time for give us signs and wonders, prosperity and other stuff. I ordered his book and have been reading about breaking generational curses. Its VERY good, and I am not much of a reader!

it sounds awesome...can i borrow it when you are done? :) I hope we are gone this week..I hope I hope I hope...

Re: Pentecost - the day when heaven opens


Very cool that you got to visit Huch's church.
He is so knowledgeable about the Jewish customs.
You sure have great churches in Texas.

Re: Pentecost - the day when heaven opens

2HH, there are some wonderful churches in the Dallas-Ft Worth area. It is a blessing to live so close. Larry and Tiz Huch are very sweet people and really down to earth. They walk around and greet, talk to people and give hugs before the services start. Larry always tells everyone he is not a "celebrity" preacher just another Christian saved by the blood. Not many like him.

He has quite a testimony and after hearing it I understood his humility. God literally snatched his soul from the fire as the book of Jude described. So he truly knows the power of God to save and change a person and has never forgotten it.

Re: Pentecost - the day when heaven opens

Yes he really does have a powerful testimony. I have seen him tell it on TV. Those who are fogiven much- LOVE MUCH! Amen!

Yes he is wonderful to remain humble. I think some of the celebrity seekers will wish they had remained humble as well. (this does not mean every famous Pastor sought celebrity.)

Re: Pentecost - the day when heaven opens

As I was reading this thread, those Holy goosebumps suddenly came over me!!!

I believe that during the wee hours of this morning, I got a very loving hug from Jesus...for which I felt way down in my stomach. Me thinks that this was His way of alerting me to the fact that His coming to rapture us off of this planet IS VERY near.

Has He hugged you today yet?


P.S. All you have to do is say His name, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus..." Then He'll come to you.

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