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Prayer Request and Update

Hello Everyone,

Just an update since my last prayer request.....Our daughter Stacy finally got a job last week, Praise our Lord! She had been unemployed since her College Graduation in December 2008, so she is very happy and excited.

But, I am again asking for prayers for my husband Bob. Tomorrow at 2 he has a phone interview with a Worldwide Bible Distributor. Please pray that the interview goes well and that he might be given the job. Imagine spreading the Good News of Jesus everyday! It would be a Blessing not only because he has been unemployed for a year and half but also the job would be a Blessing just to work in a Christian atmosphere. I can only imagine.

So, thank you all for thinking about us and thank you for the prayers you already sent up. They have been working, one down...one to go! I love you all!

ysiC Panthia

Re: Prayer Request and Update


Praising the Lord with you for your daughter's new job! Thank you Father for your provisions!

Praying for your husband Bob, that the Lord would go before him and prepare the heart of the employer for Bob's interview. Lord, we know you have a plan for Bob, a plan to prosper him and not harm him, a plan for a hope and a future. Thank you Father, in Jesus name.

Praising you Father for your tender mercies!

Re: Prayer Request and Update

Panthia, many say the heavens are open at Pentecost which begins Tuesday. Praying for the blessings to flow out of the windows and doors of heaven for you and your family and that every need will be met in Jesus name.

Re: Prayer Request and Update

Hi Panthia,

Great news about your daughter, praise God!

Working for a Bible distributer sounds like such a blessing. I will pray that he gets the job!!!

Father, I ask that You grant favor on the part of the interviewer for Panthia's husband and that he will give him this job. I ask that You give her husband the right words to say and the confidence in which to say them. Father, I ask that You open up the windows of heaven to give this family the financial blessings that they need. I ask all this in Jesus precious Name. Amen.

Let us know it it goes tomorrow, sis!!

Re: Prayer Request and Update

Hey Panthia...
I'm so glad to hear the good news about your daughter's job.. Praise our Dear Father for his goodness and mercy. Like you said .. one down, one to go!

Praying for Bob to get this job with the Bible Distributor. What a joy knowing his purpose every day going to work of spreading the gospel! Praying the interview goes really really well tomorrow and he hears good news this week that he has the job. Will remember you and Bob in my prayers.

You know how we're looking at Pentecost Panthia -- I'm sure hoping this is it... which means jobs here on earth and bills, etc. will not ever be an issue again for us. Can you imagine????

Bless you and your family Panthia.

Re: Prayer Request and Update

Oh, Panthia, I am delighted to be able to praise the Lord's goodness for your daughter and also to pray for favor for your husband in his interview tomorrow. Praise God for the wonderful job opportunity~ May the Lord's favor and grace be upon him and may he be filled with the knowledge of the Lord's goodness and lovingkindness toward him. In Jesus Name

Bless you dear Panthia!

Re: Prayer Request and Update

I am in agreement with all prayers that have already been sent up for you husband and rejoicing with you over your daughters job.....I speak blessing and great success over your daughter inJesus name...

Re: Prayer Request and Update

Oh how I know how you feel. I have a son who is looking for work in the trade of plumbing. He has gotten 2 jobs and because of the economy has been laid off twice now and only a few short months working at each place. He needs to find work and soon. Not only that his dad may even cut off the child support because he is not apprenticing.....

But I am so greatful. I know God is taking things in control.

I am happy to hear this news over your daughter and yes will keep your husband in my thoughts and prayers.


Re: Prayer Request and Update

Oh Dear Sisters......Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support. It is so true that we have all been tested over and over in this past year or two isn't it?

I pray that our Rapture will come soon, but in the mean time we must provide for our families and continue our lives. So, yes this job for my Husband would be an unbelievable gift from our Father. He would be purchasing, keeping inventory and selling the New Testament. How cool is that?

Keep praying, just a few more hours to go. I'll give you an update as soon as we hear any news.

Love you All
ysiC Panthia

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