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Rahm Admits: We 'Screwed Up' on Message

Email: jbeckloff@gmail.com

Re: Rahm Admits: We 'Screwed Up' on Message

Hi Jonathan, got a question for you and all of the REAL RITA FOLKS: what do you SEE on the face of this man you posted ? I can see it ! Lets hear it.


Re: Rahm Admits: We 'Screwed Up' on Message

This post came from another forum and I can't write it better, (also what good is this elaborate shield if your enemy is in the same town/state you are putting a shield over)

from Divinewatch says:

This is only a smoke screen to provide a little cover for his anti-semitic actions as of late.

There are many critics of this defense system, including some of the top experts inside of Israel. Many believe that this defense shield is inadequate and gives a false sense of security. The system seems to require a longer response time to activate than would be available in "real time" should a rocket be launched from Gaza.

All of Obama's actions, and those of his administration, have placed Israel in a precarious situation. His true goal - splitting the city of Jerusalem- would ensure a security crisis for Israel, a threat far greater than this shield will ever offset. The only thing that this system creates is something that Obama can stand behind and declare "See - I support Israel, I provided funds for this system to help protect them".

Don't believe it.
We have eyes to see the real story.


Email: newskinagain167@yahoo.com

Re: Rahm Admits: We 'Screwed Up' on Message

ALL of Barry Soetoro's staff, and him included...are nuthin' but a bunch of no good lyin' snakes in the grass liars--PERIOD!!!


Re: Rahm Admits: We 'Screwed Up' on Message

You've got that right--smoke screen-- What are they really up to? Backstabbing in some way I'm sure.

The Israeli's are too smart to fall for a line of bologna. Something's up for sure. And it doesn't smell good.

Also that's smug arrogance on Rham's face--thinks he can pull this off.

Re: Rahm Admits: We 'Screwed Up' on Message

Yes, Victory Chanter, smug arrogance, and more, what else can you see on that face......do you remember what you saw on PUTIN'S face some years back? Its a SPIRIT. Very similiar spirit.

AND......isn't this guy Jewish ? Rahm Emanuel ?



Re: Rahm Admits: We 'Screwed Up' on Message

Yes, all I see is BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Like we really believe what they say.

Yes, he is Jewish but, there are those willing to betray their people.

Email: mariacallison@hotmail.com

Re: Rahm Admits: We 'Screwed Up' on Message

I believe he's Mossad but also has serious connection to the Jesuits as I understand it. He's not a nice guy. Makes death threats, throws knives into table tops,etc. He's fitting in too well with the O. team. A lying spirit? Aperverse spirit? Unclean language oozes out. An Antichrist spirit? A con man type/mafia. The muscle behind the man--what am I leaving out here, Dewey?

Re: Rahm Admits: We 'Screwed Up' on Message

What am I leaving out? This guy is not Mossad, Mossad is the Israeli equivalent of our CIA, but many times more efficient. There is a spirit, a snake/lizard sort of spirit on this face, as is on Mr Putin, I have seen it for years, and another one, just a little bit slicker on Rahm. Con man mafia is of a different sort, usually more IN YOUR FACE. This one is well slicked over, smoother etc. As for the language he uses, its all over the WH. Has been for years !



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