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Dreams of the Rapture 2

I had an unusually vivid dream last night. I dreamed that I was standing in a long line of people that was leading up to this beautiful pearl colored opening of a jewel encrusted wall.

I knew in my dream that this place was Heaven, and the pearly gate was the one so many people talked about where they saw Peter standing and asking them a question about why they should be let in.

As the line got shorter and shorter and I got closer, I could actually see a white bearded man wearing an off white coarse wool robe and beat up looking dusty sandals. I immediately knew it was St. Peter.

I finally got up near to the front of the line and could hear what St. Peter was saying as each person came by. He was asking "and I suppose you want to see Jesus"? Everybody was saying yes and being told to go on in.

When the person in front of me had his turn to answer the question, he got this funny look on his face and blurted out,..... "Well, actually, I was looking for the chick RITA that I keep hearing about."

Email: tparbar@gmail.com

Re: Dreams of the Rapture 2

Tom - spank!! LOL

Email: cherrygrovetech@gmail.com

Re: Dreams of the Rapture 2

Re: Dreams of the Rapture 2

I heard about her for years, a meter maid, very lovely too!

Re: Dreams of the Rapture 2

Good one! You really had me going!!

Re: Dreams of the Rapture 2

Too funny!

Re: Dreams of the Rapture 2

Re: Dreams of the Rapture 2

Re: Dreams of the Rapture 2

Good one, you caught me on that one...


Re: Dreams of the Rapture 2


that was so good you should enter it in...


it's free

Website: www.biblebelievers.com/

Re: Dreams of the Rapture 2

The first part of your dream, Tom, reminded me of a video that was posted on RITA years ago!

Yes, while we waited together, even then, for the sound of the trump!

I am unable to place the video here, but this is the link:

Heavenly Hope

Oops! You'll need to click "Flash" at the top left of the page ~~then click "3"~~and finally "HOPE"

For those who haven't seen it before, I hope you enjoy it, and for the others who have, I hope it brings back fond memories!

Re: Dreams of the Rapture 2

That's rich, Tom. Love it

Re: Dreams of the Rapture 2

BTW, Saturday is the 'Feast of Saint RITA'... ;)


Not that I believe in this, but interesting coincidence...

Re: Dreams of the Rapture 2

BTW, Saturday is the 'Feast of Saint RITA'...


Not that I believe in this, but interesting coincidence...

Sister Rita had a great devotion to the Passion of Christ. "Please let me suffer like you, Divine Saviour," she said one day, and suddenly one of the thorns from the crucifix struck her on the forehead. It left a deep wound which did not heal and which caused her much suffering for the rest of her life. She died on May 22, 1457. She is the patroness of impossible cases. Her feast day is May 22.


ROFLOL!!! Saint RITA we are.

Re: Dreams of the Rapture 2

Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor... ;)

BTW, anyone find a patron saint of the bible? i.e. Saint So&So read and studied the bible, and believed it with all their heart. They used it for discernment and guidance in their lives. They used it to identify and avoid false doctrines and to be a better witness for Christ.


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