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Please pray with me for AMY!

I sent this letter to Amy, my son's girlfriend. She needs the Lord in a very big way. She has 3 children. I don't think she even believes in God. Please pray with me that she will be receptive to the gospel before it is too late. Time is so short. Thank you guys.

Dear Amy,

I wanted to write to you apart from anything having to do with Michael. You have been on my heart and in my prayers for many days now. I wanted so badly to sit down with you and get to know you better.

I want to share with you my life and what Jesus means to me. I don't know anything about your heart or where your thinking is as far as God is concerned. I just know you may not have really ever understood the truth about the good news of the message in God's word.

First of all, you have to have a standard in life. Either you believe the bible is the word of God and it is a standard of truth, or it is not. If it is not, then what is your standard? If God is not real, then what is? If you could imagine with me for just a little while, that the bible is the standard of truth, let me share with you what it says.

First of all it says God is the creator of all things. He is Lord of all He creates. He created man (Adam & Eve) to have fellowship with Him forever. They were created to live forever, with eternal spirits, it was wonderful. But as you probably know, Adam and Eve blew it big time! When they did, they threw the whole human race into sin and broken fellowship with Him. Even the land was cursed. Every person born after that moment, was going to still live forever, but separated from God. That's the hell part! That's the bad news.....

But God loved man so much that He planned to make a way for all men and women everywhere to come back into fellowship with Him. But the only way, was that someone had to pay the price for our sins, who was without sin! That meant He would have to come Himself and die for us. He loves you and I so much, He was more then willing to do that.

He did in fact come to earth as a baby. He had an earthly mother, but His father was God Himself. So He was born without sin, and was now able to live among us humans, and die for us. What a death He died! They crucified Him in the most cruel way possible, and He could have called 10, 000 angels to protect Him and set Him free. But He didn't He took the pain for you and me willingly so that you and I could be forgiven. Because He was without sin, He was the only one ever who could die for our sins. Now He had a way to redeem mankind back to Himself. But even though the price was paid in full, it had to be received by the individual to make it so.

So.....to make a long and beautiful story short! We each have a choice to accept the gift of the sacrifice of Jesus as our payment for our sins, or reject Him. It is that simple, and that's the good part! All we have to do is ask Jesus to forgive us of all our sins and come into our lives and be our Lord, and He will! He says He will come into us and live with us forever!

I want so much for you to receive what He has so lovingly provided. The really wonderful thing is this: If you were the only one who ever sinned, He says that He loves you so much, that He would have died just for you Amy! Now do you see why I love Him so?

He wants to come into your life and the bible says "He adopts us into His family". We can never be alone after that. He will never leave us or forsake us.

There is another wonderful part of the story. He says for those who are His, those who have been forgiven, He is coming again to take them to heaven where He is. This part my sound like a fairy tail, but it is VERY true.

He left us His word, the standard of our life. In it, He told us ahead of time about His coming as a baby and Savior. He also tells us of a second coming as King of Kings over all the earth. But, before He comes as King, He promised to come and remove all the true believers, off of the earth to be safe with Him, while the whole world goes thru a VERY terrible time. The time that the bible describes is unbelievable! I don't want to upset you by going into how bad it will get.

My intention is to give you an opportunity before that time comes. Bob and I have studied the prophecies for almost 30 years now. We believe God is showing those who are watching, that the time is up. You don't have much time left to make a choice. Maybe hours, days! I want you to be safe. Jesus offers an escape. I'm not trying to scare you, I'm trying to warn you.

I wish we had the time to get to know each other better, then you would know I'm not a fake. I gave my heart to Jesus almost 30 years ago, and my life was saved and changed. I have never regretted that descision. He is worth it! He will make something beautiful out of your life.

Questions? Please feel free to call me any time.


I love you and I am praying for you.


Email: weaman@mac.com

Re: Please pray with me for AMY!

ing with you Karla for your family and friends who you want to know the Lord and to be forgiven and go in the Rapture before it is too late, in Yeshua's name, Amen

Email: newskinagain167@yahoo.com

Re: Please pray with me for AMY!

Oh that is beautiful, powerful and annointed.

The Holy Spirit will use it to pierce her heart and show her the desperate situation her soul is in right now. And that her only hope is Jesus.

I am praying right now in agreement with you.


I lift up Amy to you in The Name of Jesus. I pray that She realizes the urgency and utmost importance of being right before You.

I pray that nothing else in the world matters but being Saved. I pray that her eyes are opened to the truth of the gospel , her ears hear Your spirit call her name. She senses and knows that The King and Creator of The universe wants to make her whole and complete and wash away all her sins.

I pray that she doesn't delay one second. But cries out ...calls out .. that she bursts through Heaven with her cry. I pray that all Heaven bends an ear at her heartfelt plea. And at that very millisecond Jesus blood covers her and that heart of stone is turned to a heart of flesh. That at that very moment a roar of rejoicing sounds through Heaven that she is saved and a pen is lifted dipped in blood to write her precious name in The Lambs Book of Life. And The Holy Spirit comes and seals her with His presence and God says... This one is mine.

In The Name of our Only Way. Jesus


Re: Please pray with me for AMY!

Beautiful! Thank you all.

Email: weaman@mac.com

Re: Please pray with me for AMY!

For Amy

Email: randyjan@windstream.net

Re: Please pray with me for AMY!

Rapture Ready Randy

For Amy


Karla, what a beautiful, loving letter to Amy. I pray that the Lord will touch her heart in a mighty way, and the Holy Spirit will come to her, convict her of her sins, cleanse her, wrap her in His love, and make Jesus real in her heart. In Jesus precious Name. Amen.

Re: Please pray with me for AMY!

Karla ~~ your heart and soul went into this!

Parts of it could be a sticky!

I'm in agreement with you and pray that her heart is gripped with the truth of your letter to her. Lord, bring truth and conviction and the touch of Your love upon her being, that she will know that she knows the Kingdom of God has drawn nigh to her through this message. Let it be a message from Your heart to her heart Lord God, even this night! Amen and we give You all the glory Lord, in Jesus Name ~

Re: Please pray with me for AMY!

Karla, I've prayed for Amy and also for my (?) future
grand son-in-law in this regard.

His name is Nathan and he needs his heart prepared by the Holy Spirit as well.

If you would pray for him that he may receive the Good News and pray for me as well, that I might share with him the Good News so he will be ready.

My grand daughter who is expecting in July and Nathan have moved in with us today as they have nowhere to live.

I Peter 4:8 And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.

Karla, I took the liberty of copying your letter to Amy and incorporated in my letter to Nathan to read.

Thank you for the inspriation.

God Bless your heart my dear Sis and thank you in advance for your prayers for Nathan and my grand daughter.

Your brother Joe

Email: jpcarr@att.net

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