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Re: Winter Duathlon Race 1 Results

I went to watch Chris go through transition after the bike circuits and waited to see you enter transition (in case you needed to know where to put your bike!).
You were nearly half a lap behind I thought ( I had been following your progress) but you sped past to do another lap. I wondered then whether you had been overtaken by Chris (maybe had some trouble out on the circuit or just slowed down for a while) or whether you had made a mistake with the counting and done an extra circuit (as a few FVS TRI had done). Checked with Chris whether he'd overtaken you and he said he definitely hadn't...
Just done a calc on the bike time and it stacks up you did 13 circuits not 12.
Oh deary me, what were you thinking of Duncan?

To anyone else reading this - multi-sport competitions are a tricky business - not like straightforward running races.