My apologies for the delay in responding to your communique.
As you are no doubt aware, the word "Initiation" simply means "the action of beginning something".
Initiation into a Circle or Order is a ritual which symbolizes and/or helps to begin an inner transformation of the Initiate.
Today, all too often, the ritual is merely symbolic and serves only to link the initiate to the group egregore (group energy or thoughtform) and to create a political lineage.
Such methodologies are often missing from the body of knowledge passed on to the "initiate" within such Orders - and relieving hapless seekers of their hard-earned money is all too often the primary agenda of far too many organisations.
Too often,in other cases, dogma takes the place of the personal mystic experience that is the Hallmark of the successful Initiate.
Nevertheless, it is incumbent upon anyone who chooses to undergo such a ritual, to pursue knowledge and power until their Initiation becomes effective and they set foot upon the Path.
Each seeker must blaze their own trail into the Wilderness of the Spirit, and each must also struggle to overcome the focus of the mind on Consensus Reality.
The actual Transformation of the Initiate only takes place if the seeker undertakes to pursue a methodology on his own, such as you have done.
All efficacious Initiation is really self-initiation, and this refers not to some basically worthless self-dedication ritual at the hands of some 'group' or 'guru' - but to years (if not lifetimes) of sustained effort.