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Re: Dreams, Visions for Month of November

DJIA INDEX 11,100.00 +70.00 !!!!!



Dreams confirming CHRISTMAS RAPTURE 2010

From MANY DIFERENT people !!!
Halleluiah dada Comes !!!

Dream 1
In this vision, I was inside the church and a lady was giving me a gift. I felt like this was Christmas. Then the spirit of God carried me outside to let me see what was going on and Jesus was coming. At a moment you think not, then cometh the son of man. I asked God what was coming to Chicago. He said, Chicago will burn. Then in vision, I, saw the Sears tower. I was on one side and Jesus was coming on the other. The light got so bright, that it shined right thru the sears tower. All I could see of it was its skeleton. ......

dream 2
I had a dream last week where I received a wedding invitation. The
invitation was trimmed in green and red (Christmas colors) and it told
me to remember to bring a Christmas present. Doing some research,
there is a case to be made that Tishri 15, or the first day of the Feast
of Tabernacles is the real birthday of Jesus. I have witnessed some
revelation that would seem to confirm this thesis. So, a wedding
invitation with a Christmas present. Not sure of the whole meaning,
but I'm keeping an eye on the middle of next week.

Dream 3
I had this dream on January 31, 2001:

I had to hurry, or I would miss my bus. It arrived at the bus stop at 11:44 AM exactly. I wanted to run, but my legs felt like lead. There was a gentleman with me, running beside and slightly behind me. He looked vaguely familiar, like a combination of several people I know.

When we arrived on the college campus, it was already growing dark, but it was the middle of the day. It was not an eclipse; we had a partial on Christmas Day, and we weren't expecting another one for a long time. My brother had said that it would be another 500 years before we had a solar eclipse on Christmas Day.
There was going to be a gathering in the quad in the center of campus later in the day, and preparations were already underway. A woman handed me an envelope; I could barely see it and her in the growing darkness.

"Your symbol is in there," she said. "It will indicate what you are meant to do."
I opened the envelope. Inside was a tiny plastic window cling in the shape of two Christmas bells (complete with bows and holly).

My mysterious friend and I walked down the quad, past the library. I looked up at the sky. It was as dark as midnight, and the sky was full of stars. Then I noticed that on the south side of the sky, up very high, among the stars, there were two long, luminous arrows. The arrows pointed north. One was orange, with a dotted line trailing the arrowhead. The other was shorter, a sea-green color, with a double line trailing the arrowhead.

Next to the arrows appeared a number of Native American petroglyphs. Many of them were abstract, but several were human figures.

"Hurry or we'll be late," said my friend. "There's no time to lose."
I looked at him. He wasn't looking at the sky.
"Did you see those figures in the sky?" I asked.
"What figures?"
"So you hadn't seen them."
"I guess no one saw them but me." He didn't respond.
"Maybe I'm hallucinating. Guess I'd better talk to my doctor."
I woke up from the dream knowing that time was very short.

dream 4
My son had a very long dream end of October of the marriage feast and it was 2010. Jesus showed him who would be left behind, who would be raptured and what it would feel like. He saw we were feasting and as people died in the tribulation they waited outside the inner gate. My son saw who would be a part of the millennium. We were taken up at sudden destruction and the time was around the American Thanksgiving and Christmas 2010. There was a cornucopia on the table in my new home.

Dream 5
A Dream Concerning Israel & This Coming Christmas Season
by Mike Poremba

In an unusual dream two weeks ago, I believe God showed me that an
event of tremendous significance involving Israel is going to take place
between now and Christmas Day (in fact, I sense it may take place right
around Christmas, itself).

In this dream, I was looking over a beautiful snow-covered forest (I'm
currently in Los Angeles). Suddenly, several dog-sleds (like you might
see in the arctic circle) came from different directions - each headed
towards the same spot.

Each of these sleds and their accompanying dog-teams were
decorated in red-and-green trim, in obvious Christmas fashion.
Although I'm not that much into Christmas, myself, these decorative
sleds had a stunningly beautiful quality to them. The scene looked like
a supernatural 'quintessential', holiday postcard.

Then, suddenly, I was transported from overlooking this scene to the
spot where the sleds had stopped.

At this point, an individual - whom I believe represented an angel -
approached me dressed in the purest of green garments one could
imagine (again, the color representing the timing of this event).

With tremendous intensity and emotion, the person began to speak -
in Hebrew! (This was perplexing, because I do not speak the language).

As the individual spoke, however, the first word he uttered was 'Judah'.
Then, quickly, a half-dozen words/syllables followed.

Although I could not understand him, I knew this person was speaking
about Israel and something - I believe - that is going to transpire around
this Christmas season. Although I was not shown exactly what that event
is, it was obvious to me that the implications are very significant - if not
extremely so.

At first, I was perplexed by this dream and did not know what to do with it.
After prayerful consideration, I've decided to submit it to the Body of Christ.

Perhaps God is calling us to be extra prayerful this holiday season
concerning events in the Middle East.

Sincerely In Christ Jesus,

Mike Poremba

Dream 6
I must share this dream with everyone here, please bare with me, it's long but I had to share all the details with everyone. I had it this morning, it's now 9am, I had this dream around 7am.

I had a really powerful and vivid dream this very early morning, that was so real and intense, that I thought I wasn’t dreaming.

The dream started off with me, my husband and our son “I am not married, or have any children,” our son was around 8 years old. We were in this outdoor base ball field watching a game being played. The entire stadium was surrounded by this very large and very tall connected bleacher of seats. We were sitting in the front.

The baseball game was being played at night and the season was winter, near Christmas, but it was still a week or two off, not sure how close to Christmas it was at the time.

I remember my husband being very angry and upset, but he wouldn't say it out loud, my husband was a very passive and gentle man but he was boiling from within with anger and it was directed at the people around him.

The reason was because our son was relentlessly bullied non-stop, they abused our son, every year this went on and on, my husband though sweet and kind, I could tell though, it was hurting him with anguish, and rending him apart from within.

The people would tell our son that he was no good, laughing at him and mocking him, spitting on him and physically bullying him. My son was a beautiful boy, very loving and kind but he wasn’t a very good baseball player and always lost the game to the team he played on each year. This year they wouldn’t let my son play because he was such an awful player and that he wouldn’t follow the rules, he would stop in the middle of a game to save a baby bird if it was on the field, or he would be off looking up into the sky, day dreaming and the ball would fly past his head.

They hated him, yelled at him, mocked him, and bullied him relentlessly causing our son and his parents to cry often.

This year my husband was so angry, he said he had enough of the abuse of our son, and that he was going to do something about it. I didn’t know what.

We sat there quietly, watching the game. I was sitting next to my husband holding his hand, and our son was in his lap. My husband told me, “just watch darling, I have something prepared for, all of them.”

Suddenly during half time, this float that was motorized came onto the field, it began to go around the circular field. There were people on this float but they were strange, they were dressed in military type outfits but kind of with a Christmas theme, the people around us were over-joyed and began to clap, smile and laugh, the people on the float were smiling, laughing and waving at the crowd with very friendly manners.

A horn like instrument began to play, like a trumpet plays when something huge is being announced. Then out of the ground of this float a band rose up, they were playing Santa Claus is coming to town. I asked my husband did you do this? My husband then only nodded his head as he was intently staring at the float.

The people all around us were loving this entertainment and laughing and singing along. But my family alone were the only ones watching somberly.

Then the people on the float began to wave at people to come aboard, that it was so much fun and they were having so much fun, to join them in the festivities. People began to climb aboard this massive float, they were even handing their children to the ones on the float to take them, toddlers, babies, children and adults began to climb and be brought aboard this float.

As the float reached us, I knew in my heart that something wasn’t right about the float, that I couldn’t and wouldn't get aboard, somebody behind us grabbed our son, and was going to put him on the float. My husband then screamed out in such fury and upset, never seen him like that before, “NO!” And he then jumped up and grabbed our son from this man’s arms and held our son very tightly and protectively close to his chest.

He grabbed my arm also and told me firmly not to get on the float. The man climbed onto the float and just laughed at us both. Suddenly the sky began to get darker and I could see the sky begin to turn a reddish color.

There was chaos all around us, as people began to scramble onto the float with much eagerness and impatience, even physically and verbally fighting each other to get onto the float. It was awful.

Suddenly my husband began to point at them and scream out as he stood up, Yes go, go all of you evil people whom have hurt and abused my son! At that point I didn’t know what to think but could only huddle against the bleacher seat, watching the madness around me.

I looked around me then and noticed that the entire stadium was empty except such a tiny handful of people left, many even just four strangers including myself, my husband and our son were still in our seats. Everyone else was on that float that was still going around but in an maniacal manner, they were laughing and singing Santa Claus is coming to town! But it literally now, sounded like a choir gone mad!

I began to whisper there is something not right about that float, and began to inch my way up the bleachers to the top to get as far from it as possible, my husband and son followed along with the few people left.

We got to the top of the bleacher, we were so high up now we could see everything below us, the man beside me began to say, there is something not right with that float. I knew then in my heart, that the float was doomed and that something horrific was going to happen. I grabbed a hold of my husbands arm for protection and comfort, snuggling as close to him as possible, whom had our son beside him now, and grabbed the strangers arm beside me to hold onto him also as he grabbed the other person beside him.

The float made one more half circle around the stadium, then it rigidly stopped as if it died, and then, it exploded! The explosion wasn’t like anything I have ever seen before it was like it was entirely consumed by the sheer heat and fire of the blast, it was as if the earth swallowed it whole in fire and brimstone!!

Dream 8
Samuel Garcia (11/04/07)
Last night/this morning I had a dream that I had in two parts. The first part I awoke and asked THE LORD to give me further understanding of and then I went back to sleep and THE LORD gave me the second part of the dream. In the first part of the dream I felt like I had just left church, it being Sunday and I was headed towards the store I work in which is a check cashing store; as I approached it I noticed that it was closed and that alarmed me because it was open when I left to go to church in the morning, so that concerned me but I did not see my bosses car so I decided to call her but I got a recorded message from the operator about the phone being out of service or something like that. I also noticed that I did not see any cars driving in the streets and it seemed like it was around CHRISTMAS time; then I woke up. The second part of the dream started exactly in the same location the first part started — in back of the store; then I walked towards the front of the store and I noticed that the store was closed again but then I looked a second time and the store had become a ONE DOLLAR BARGAIN STORE but it seemed like it had shifted. The store had shifted and it was in a location where a massage parlor currently is. So I went inside and asked what appeared to be a security guard what had happened to the people that owned the check cashing store and the guard assured me that that family was well and in good health. I did notice that inside the DOLLAR STORE the items were in a open box and low quality and they seemed to be CHRISTMAS accessories. I stepped out of the store and felt that I was in the future and it was anywhere between 2008 and 2010 and I told the guard that I was aware that I was in a dream but as I said that I felt myself leaving the dream; then I woke up. I felt that the dream basically was saying that a MAJOR economic collapse was going to happen in this country due to the fact that I did not see any cars driving in the street and that the check cashing store which requires you to have large sums of money has become a ONE DOLLAR STORE with poor quality items.

Dream 9
Later that day we talked and I asked the Lord when this was to happen...He said "SOON"...TO RETURN AT CHRIST-MAS, and with that He showed us the Wedding Supper and a cloud....Israel was all lit up at this time which was shown...like during the time of Hanukkah. The Christ-Mas was referring to His Christmas...not the one we celebrate (most likely the time of His birth)

Dream 10
December time of GATHERING
I dreamed that my husband and I were in the city and we knew that the end was near. We were talking about how the signs were unmistakable. The next thing I remember I was at home. My front door was open. It was raining outside heavily. The road and yards were flooded. My son Michael, who was 9 at the time, was at the computer. I was wearing my long white pajamas and Michael was wearing a very long t-shirt that went to his ankles. As I was walking toward the door I was thinking about the things that my husband and I had talked about earlier and recalled visually in my mind the lunar eclipse that was happening right then in the dream seeing the moon all red.
Then suddenly my body fell to the floor. I could not move nor speak but I could hear and see.
Michael quickly knelt down beside me yelling “MOM!!” and trying to find out what was wrong. Right then 4 angels were at the door. The one who I remember was tall and thin, with white skin, colorful hair, and had a blue shine of light all about him. The angel spoke to Michael and said to him "Michael, she will be ok but it is time for you to go now for you are one of the chosen and the time has come." The angel took Michael by the hand and then went outside

As the angel leaped off the porch Michael withdrew his hand and said "Please, let me go and say goodbye to my mom." Michael turned and went back in to my side.

The angel came again and stood in the doorway and said "Michael the time has come, we have to go, we only have until the end of December to gather all of the chosen ones and it is already December 4th."
Then the angel turned and began to walk away expecting Michael to follow them. Michael went out on the porch and was watching them walk away. Then my strength and voice came back to me and I went quickly to Michael on the porch and encouraged him to go with them. He said "I wanted to stay with you because I don't know them."
Then I told him. "You are chosen, you have to go, you are chosen. Sadly he went off the porch and toward the angels who were now heading toward the intersection of our street. As Michael approached them the angel turned to him and opened his arms and embraced Mike, appearing to absorb him, maybe to put him with the other gathered ones. Just then a car came speeding down Maryland Ave. from Iowa St. toward them. The car drove through them then did a u-turn and drove back the way it came. I turned back from looking at the car and saw that the angels were gone and Michael was laying in the road dead. I ran as fast as I could to him. I knelt down beside him and cried out to the Lord, "Father, please restore him." Just then a light seemed to come from within him and I heard the Lord say to me. I will make Michael whole again, but he cannot come to me yet because he turned back to the world.
After I remembered the above dream then my husband's father said to me, "It doesn’t matter what anyone says, the tribulation is about to begin." Then I awoke.

MORE Dreams confirming CHRISTMAS RAPTURE 2010

ALL these dreams are just SOME of the confirmations that the Lord has FAITHFULLY provided me with for the below dream he gave me last year dec 14 2009 now i KNOW my dady is coming for me THIS christmas 2010
be blessed

Rapture dream 5:00 AM 12/15/09
THE WEDDING SUPPER a dream within a dream
So i asked if i should share this dream this morning and the lord said to share so here goes...
I prayed for a revealation of the time/HOUR we are in, last night 12/14/09 before going to bed and
I was walking and a bolt of lightning hit me then i was changed immedieatly then i could see a
tunnel of clouds spiraling up and Jesus reached down his hands through the clouds took me by
the hands, as if extending an INVITATION, next thing i know i was in like a building suspended in
MID AIR, OH MY GOD this building was in MID AIR and upon reaching i saw So MANY MANY
People i knew from earth and that was an indecribable fullfillment of pleasure for me,
ECITEMENT was everywhere LITERALLY, one moment i was on earth then next thing i was in
this HEAVENLY PARTY/BALL suspended in the sky OH MY GOD, everyone was BEAUTIFUL or
for lack of a better word EVERTHING was PERFECT, the buiding, the clothes we wore, the
colors were more defined, i looked out side and saw a PURE PERFECT GARDEN with PURE
water there, BEATIFUL YELLOW Flowers O MY GOD that was it i couldn't help my self anymore i
wend down on my face saturated and OVERjoyed and gave thanks and wept because i
understood that jesus had died for me to come to this place,i felt UNWORTHY,then From the
depths of my Being PRAISES BURST out of me, i couldn't stop them if i wanted to, and i would
not want them to stop either, it was the most pleasure for me to praise my god, we will all enjoy
this PRAISE PLESURE IN HEAVEN, WE were singing and i remember thinking while i was in the
dream that i was going to remember the song we were singing so i could share it, but when i
woke up only one thing i can tell you for SURE is that we were singing SOMTHING ABOUT
CHRISTMAS !!!! ....YES IN HEAVEN??!!! Maybe HE is trying to tell us somthing here,
anyways it was a praise song and it had the word CHRISTMAS in it, i find that strange, don't
you??!! our voises were unitted and perfect, the dream ended but with a suprise, i woke up out of
a dream within my dream, i did not know that it was a dream within a dream UNTIL the end of the
"HEAVEN PARTY DREAM" , when i woke up from the "Heaven Party Dream" i came from under
my sheet and went to wake up other kids (one of which was my nephew and i earlier saw him up
in HEAVEN at the BALL) they were sleepin in their beds ( many beds were in this room) i woke
them up one by one very excitedly, one by one and asked"did you get the same dream?" " were
you just there in HEAVEN too?" and to my amazement Most of them said YES, so i think this part
of the dream was to show me that we "THE GLORIOUS BRIDE" are going start GETTING the
SAME DREAMS on the SAME NIGHT at the same TIME, after that i woke up. WOW WOW
key words description of Dream: FINALLY,RECONCILIATION,EXTREME
There was ALOT more details to this dream but i wrote only what i REMEMBERED.
I am now going to pray and tell him thanks then head back ta sleep 5: 50 Am
Love always.

dream 2
Patty Rapture dream 10/14/2009
On the 14th of October 2009, Patty RP posted the following,
"Last night I had my first ever Rapture dream. I dreamed that I
was raptured at
night, during Christmas. It was pitch black outside with the
stars shining
Somehow the molecules of my body were rearranged (changed
in the twinkling
of an eye) and I literally flew through the walls of my house. I
could not feel
the walls, but I could feel great joy knowing where I was going.
I looked down and I could see it was Christmas time as the
houses were
decorated with lights and I saw lighted candy canes on lawns. I
kept going up,
up...and I didn't feel any cold whatsoever even though it was
winter. There was
no time to put on a heavy coat and it was not needed anyway.
Above me were
the lights of the stars and below me were the lights of the
decorated houses.
The only thing wrong with my dream is that it seemed to last
so short a time. I
would have loved to have dreamed this for hours, but it
seemed only a minute.
I have had other fantastical dreams like flying, running on a
lake, like many of
you have...but this one was the first ever dream of being
raptured even though I
have obviously been thinking about that subject for quite a
while. Also, it was
the first ever dream I have had of Christmas, in my life. I
certainly experienced
lots of Christmases, but don't recall ever dreaming of it...
When I woke up this morning, the first thing I said to myself
was: I have to tell
the Doves!"
From RITA:

dream 3
Becki Dream 2007
In the Year 2007, Becki had the following dream,
She writes,
"I would like to tell you all about a dream that I had in 2007.
It may just be only a dream, but it seemed so real to me.
In March of 2007 my sister past away. Oh, how I missed her so much.
We were very close. We saw each other almost everyday or we would
talk on the phone. She was 40 when she passed away.
After she died, I had prayed and prayed to the Lord to please let me
have a dream about her because I missed her so much. After a couple
of months I got my dream.
In my dream I was so happy to see her. We were walking down a road
and she wanted to show me a store. The name of the store was
"Temple Mount Gift Shop". Inside the store were thousands of bicycles.
They were everywhere. You could hardly move around the shop for all
the bicycles. They were even hanging from the ceiling. I ask her why are
there so many bicycles, and she told me that there would be lots and
lots of kids here for Christmas.
Well, I just knew that the rapture was going to be Christmas of 2007. I
have wondered if maybe the Lord was letting me know the season that
the rapture would happen. After pondering about this dream, she didn't
say this Christmas (2007) she just said Christmas.
This might have been just a dream. But, it is a dream that I will never
forget. It was so vivid and in color. I usually don't dream or don't
remember my dreams. I haven't had a dream about her since.
Just wanted to share it with you all."

dream 4
Well the lord has really been working through me in dreams. The first he showed me to
warn people about his coming and to look up! The next time he spoke it was through a
literal vision of how fast the end will come. Then he showed me through a dream the
importance of being ready.
He gave me a dream two nights ago that I have spent time praying about since.
My husband and I were driving to go Christmas shopping, we were talking about what
each child wanted. All of a sudden I saw that my husband was veering off the road. I
shouted to him but we flew into the ditch so fast and the calm road we were traveling on
got so fast and I was literally white knuckled flying ahead so out of controlled. I felt we
were going to die I thought about my three children at home and the fact that we would
leave them alone and never return for Christmas. When I thought I was just about to die
the most amazing thing happened, We went into a bright soft light and were lifted there
was an amazing calm and all fear and worry faded. I woke with a huge gasp!
I have prayed about the dream alot and was shown this, we have veered off into the end
time and it will be literally white knuckled from here on. You will worry about your
children and loved ones and you need to pray and spend the last time you have
interceding for them. But ALL pain and fear will be instantly taken away when we are
I prayed to Jesus that he would give me a scripture before I send this out today. I was
lying in bed last night and he gave me Ezekiel 12: 27-28. I looked it up this morning and
was amazed by it.
27 Son of man, see, the children of Israel say, The vision which he sees is for the days
which are a long way off, and his words are of times still far away. 28 Say to them then,
This is what the Lord has said: Not one of my words will be put off any longer, but what
I say I will do, says the Lord.

dream 5
The Lord has really been revealing the closeness of His coming with you. He is fullfilling
His promise to pour out His Spirit in these last days. I received some dreams in my email
and I feel like I should post them here as well for your decernment. Here they are:
Dream 1
I was in a large room on the second floor of a building with other moms and some kids.
We were a large group-maybe 20-25 in all. Chairs were in a circle and the room was dim
with a reddish hue. I was not feeling excited about being there. There was lots of chatter
about the latest toys ect for the kids-whats the hottest thing, were can you get it and what
store has the best price. I work in retail in real life and in the dream found myself sharing
my knowledge about what I knew. Specifically I was speaking to a woman next to me
who was all excited to get her daughter some doll liken to the Bratz Dolls that are
popular. I am feeling bored and uninterested in anything these women are talking about
but find myself joining in the conversation simply because I am there and have the
knowledge they are asking about, but it is all emptiness to me. Suddenly I look across the
room and two people who are sitting together across the room simply disappear before
my very eyes. I am dumbfounded and realize it is the rapture but I am still “here”. Two
things go through my mind simultaneously:
1) Lord this is a terrible time for the rapture-it is in the middle of the Christmas
holidays….everyone is stressed and concentrating on getting ready for Christmas. (in my
dream) I thought I have been so busy I have not read my bible in days….it is a dark and
rainy “ordinary” day…..Yes Lord you definitely picked a bad day…..(The thief in the
night scripture comes to mind)
2) Have I missed the rapture because I am still here 2 seconds later? I examined my heart
and found unrepented sin…..However peace overcame me when I rebuked the fearful
thought of being left behind with the thought that, “No, I will go because I am His and his
death on the cross has washed away all my sin and I love him.”
As soon as I claimed the truth of that word I felt a chemical reaction going on in my body
and I could feel my spirit separating from my body. I felt like I was rising from my body
but sitting down at the same time. I couldn’t tell if I was “spirit” or “physical body” so I
passed my hand over my arm and my hand went right through my arm! I then heard some
commotion outside and opened the door and stepped outside on the balcony of like an
apartment building to see an emergency vehicle (ladder firetruck?) in front with the
driver in the truck saying to me, “is everything ok mam’ ? There was chaos in the street
and I knew this man was very very fearful but trying to do his job and respond to the
calls. I was completely peaceful and full of joy and the Spirit and I knew he could sense
this like I could feel his fear. It was then the dream ended and I knew that I was here is
some kind of glorified body to minister to this man and others…..I was spirit but he saw
me as a normal human….. End of dream

Re: Dreams, Visions for Month of November

I had an AWESOME dream last night. It was quite long and quite vivid.

It started out with my wife and I walking in a parking lot. We were walking towards a place where the rapture would take place. Everyone knew the time. Everyone was looking up. We saw her father there. We were all making our way to a church area. We saw a storm coming. It started out with huge cracks of lightning circuling in the sky very far away from us. This lightning was dancing around in a small spot within the sky so we just stood there and watched. All of a sudden without warning the storm was upon us. It started raining, the wind was blowing, the lightning was everywhere - it was like we got slammed with a hurricane. We started running for our car to ride out the storm. Cars were getting picked up and slammed against others. We were all running. All of a sudden, someone said "there's the rapture". It was a shimmering portal that appeared in like under a store canopy. The air seemed to behave more like water. Everything on the other side was all twisted up like looking through a stained glass window. We needed to walk through this portal to be raptured. Everyone was scared to walk through it. I grabbed my wife's hand and we ran through it, fearful it would close. We made it through and were on a bridge. The bridge ended in a huge plaza. There was at least three different levels about 6 inches in height from the one below it. Each level of the plaza was tiled in white marble. Attached to the bottom level was two parallel rows of white marble stairs leading down into the clouds. Between these two parallel rows of stairs was a beautiful bed of neatly manicured green grass. It was gorgeous outside, sunny and warm. There was no more storm. The sky was a beautiful blue and the weather was just perfect. Some people were sitting in this plaza on some white marble benches while others were lining up to go down either one of the staircases. Some of the people seemed to be really afraid because the stairs went down into a cloud and you couldn't see what was below it. I could hear cheering and applause down below so I once again grabbed my wife's hand and ran down the stairs. This is where it gets weird - really weird ( probably because I was playing 'name that planet' with my little girl ). I was pretending I was a game show announcer.

On the other side of the cloud I discovered that the stairs led to a 'game show'. The game show was killing all the people who went down the stairs. We discovered that the 'portal' we went through wasn't the rapture but a dimensional portal that is linked with the desert in pakistan. The man running this game show is a very sadistic man. If you get a question wrong, you're put to death. My wife and I answer all of the questions correctly but the guy still wants to put us to death. I grab his gun, and point it at his head and tell him to let us go. We make him take us back to the portal through some stairways and backdoor passages. We arrive at the portal

Hope ya liked Any thoughts?


Re: MORE Dreams confirming CHRISTMAS RAPTURE 2010

Continuation of:

The 12 new moons of 2010!!! (the last 5)

Was a sign of the rapture given to me on Saturday / Sunday night - 11/27-28???

On Saturday, as I mentioned, it just seemed I was supposed to write something about these new moons and "711" so I asked a friend to let me use her office computer (they were closed on Saturday afternoon) and I went up and did this post. That night, 11/27-28, I went to bed early and woke up before midnight. I looked at the clock and it was 11 something. Then, I just couldn't sleep so, after a while, I wanted to look and see if it was Sunday yet. I looked and it was 12:05 a.m. CST (I'm still in Mississippi where it is Central Standard time and, of course, without my computer). "12:05", I thought, could relate to 12/5 which begins exactly "7" days from that night.

I'm staying in a room on a 2nd floor and that night, as I was laying on my left side after waking up, I was facing the east wall where most all of the blinds were completely closed except a small opening on one window where you can see about 1/3 out. Just laying there in the middle of that night, I noticed a strange light that looked like a street light but knew there shouldn't be one there. This bright light was coming through that 1/3 open section of blind along the east wall approximately 21 feet away from my bed. Then, I finally saw it was the moon shaped like the ark and it was moving upwards in the small opening.

So, having done this post just that afternoon, I thought it VERY interesting that this was moving upward and out of view AND this same moon will "disappear" in 7 days.

(After the sun came up, I looked at what I was looking at. The open section of the blind only let me see even a smaller section of the sky and I had to be looking throught the thick branches of a tree as well.)

Anyway, after I saw the moon go "upwards" (even as the Ark went up as the water rose) and leave my view from the bed, I went downstairs and outside to get a better look. I was SHOCKED to see that this "Ark shaped" moon (flat top / round bottom half moon) was right at the handle of the sickle of Leo - a "HARVEST" sign!!!


Also, since I do not have ready access to my computer, I tried to remember one of Val's visions.

About all I could remember was that both hands of the clock were pointing to where the "1" was on the clock but the number "7" was where the "1" should have been. In other words, both hands were pointing to a "7" which was at the "1" position.

I am at the library now confirming the above (I've looked up her vision).

The number "7" means "spiritual completion" as in the days of Noah when God said, "My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh" (Genesis 7:3). The fact that the hands were in the "1" position, fits PERFECTLY with new moon # 1 of 2010 when it made the "O" in the heavens!!!!!!!!!!!!! Val also stated that it was as if it was "DAY" but the sun was BLOCKED!!!

This vision goes PERFECTLY with the 12 new moons of 2010 scenario!!!

From the "7th" new moon onward this year, 2010, we are heading for more and more evil times (just like the "ark / moon" rising in the east)!!!!!!!!!!

Val's vision:




Superkitty Dreams

Superkitty thinks today was the last "Normal" day. it snows again Wednesday evening... And superkitty works wednesday.

My Husband Says He Dreamt Of The Number 4

My husband says, he dreamt of the number "4" last night.

"4" could mean several things. Eg: Thursday as in the day of the week. December 4 as in the 4th day of the month. Or any other meaning.

Well, just sharing.

Re: Superkitty Dreams

Superkitty, Wed evening is Dec 1. At sundown it begins the next day which is 25 Kislev= 1st candlelighting of Hanukkah on the eve of Dec 1.
"Fair Use For Educational or Discussion Purposes"
When is Hanukkah (Chanukah) in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015?

Hanukkah starts on the Hebrew calendar date of 25 Kislev, and lasts for eight days. Here are the coinciding secular dates for the upcoming years:

2010: December 1-9
2011: December 20-28
2012: December 8-16
2013: November 27-December 5
2014: December 16-24
2015: December 6-14

The first candle of the menorah is lit at nightfall of the first date listed above


Re: Dreams, Visions for Month of November

I believe you Diana. That was a powerful dream and warning to all who would heed its seriousness. My e-mail is shelbyt777@yahoo.com... couldn't find yours...I would like to e-mail you some information I'm sure would be of interest to you.


Email: shelbyt777@yahoo. com

Re: My Husband Says He Dreamt Of The Number 4

Wow, I needed to see this, on the 23rd I was praying and received a visual #4 and been really wondering and praying more about it. I am still looking for the answer...its past 4 days which is what I thought it would have meant..(27-28th) so I am not sure.

In Christ,


Email: mkomperda@yahoo.com

Re: My Husband Says He Dreamt Of The Number 4

Wow, I needed to see this, on the 23rd I was praying and received a visual #4 and been really wondering and praying more about it. I am still looking for the answer...its past 4 days which is what I thought it would have meant..(27-28th) so I am not sure.

In Christ,


Wow, double confirmation!!

Hope it will be December 4, 2010.

Let's see, yeah...

Re: My Husband Says He Dreamt Of The Number 4

This was what I was really hoping on. 4th is great! Maranatha Lord!

Email: mkomperda@yahoo.com

China and Russia Strike .......... A Vision Received by Brother Dumitru Duduman April 22, 1996.

China and Russia Strike .......... A Vision Received by Brother Dumitru Duduman April 22, 1996.

Read the article at http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/nov2010/China%20and%20Russia%20Strike,%20Dumitru%20Dudaman%20Vision.pdf

Link is taken from http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/nov2010/harveyt1130.htm

Quake in NYC


And today there was a 3.9 quake and MANY MANY felt the quake in NYC and long island and all... BUt they just shruged it off. Could this 3.9 be the first quake and the next there is bigger one?

ATTENTION .......... The Sleeping Giant Is Slowly Waking Up .......... !!!!!!!!!!


And today there was a 3.9 quake and MANY MANY felt the quake in NYC and long island and all... BUt they just shruged it off. Could this 3.9 be the first quake and the next there is bigger one?

Earthquakes... uh oh......

Predictions and prophecies like earthquakes, San Andreas fault line, great West Coast quake, California quakes, 5.5, 8.1, 10+ magnitudes, etc.

As well as a long series of earthquake dreams that SuperKitty has once posted before.........

Seems like they will come to pass soon!!

Just recently, I have been wondering when those prophesied earthquakes will occur. America has to be rendered weak and helpless by devastating quakes, before its enemies can take the perfect chance to throw missiles towards it, and perhaps destroy or end everything.

William Branham, in his final prophetic vision, saw America in ashes!!!!

Come on, people.
THIS IS NO JOKE !!!!!!!!!!

Many warnings have been given by those God-chosen messengers to us from the past till now.

I seriously believe it is coming..........

Re: ATTENTION .......... The Sleeping Giant Is Slowly Waking Up .......... !!!!!!!!!!

Re: ATTENTION .......... The Sleeping Giant Is Slowly Waking Up .......... !!!!!!!!!!


thanks for bumping it up

yeah that is a dream of the new york destruction by someone

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