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Re: My Husband Dreamt Of Joyous Reunion With Old Friends .......... He Also Heard ~~~~~~ " THIS FRID

Prophet, 4 more days from the 23rd?

If so, that would make it the 27th. My mother sold her house and moved 12/27/2007. Then I got married and moved into my husband's new house 12/27/2008.

12/27 means a day of moving to me.

Re: My Husband Dreamt Of Joyous Reunion With Old Friends .......... He Also Heard ~~~~~~ " THIS FRID

I have been given a Promise, a Prophecy, and a Declaration.

Now, I am simply waiting. The last time the LORD JESUS CHRIST came to me I wasn't ready. I wish I could have been, then I would NOT have had to suffer these last 3 brutal years of refining.

Earlier this year I was told..."In 3 days." Exactly 3 days later, by Divine appointment, the Lord kept HIS word. The miracle that happened was something I will never forget if I live to be a thousand years old.

Now, I am waiting again, with the hope that like last time I will receive another Blessed Divine miracle of even greater proportion.

I can tell you that I wait with some trepidation. No one is given great gifts without there being Holy expectation and Divine responsibility attached.

I seek to do the Lord will with the hope of one day being free of this place, free of evil, free of suffering, woe, and worry.

So, having wandered in the desert all my life, I now hope to be moving into the promised land soon.

Re: My Husband Dreamt Of Joyous Reunion With Old Friends .......... He Also Heard ~~~~~~ " THIS FRID

I have been given a Promise, a Prophecy, and a Declaration.

Now, I am simply waiting. The last time the LORD JESUS CHRIST came to me I wasn't ready. I wish I could have been, then I would NOT have had to suffer these last 3 brutal years of refining.

Earlier this year I was told..."In 3 days." Exactly 3 days later, by Divine appointment, the Lord kept HIS word. The miracle that happened was something I will never forget if I live to be a thousand years old.

Now, I am waiting again, with the hope that like last time I will receive another Blessed Divine miracle of even greater proportion.

I can tell you that I wait with some trepidation. No one is given great gifts without there being Holy expectation and Divine responsibility attached.

I seek to do the Lord will with the hope of one day being free of this place, free of evil, free of suffering, woe, and worry.

So, having wandered in the desert all my life, I now hope to be moving into the promised land soon.

I am feeling your pain and suffering prophet and will pray that we all shall leave this wicked planet to go home with out beloved savior and Lord Jesus Christ.. So praise Him and give all glory to the Father!

Re: My Husband Dreamt Of Joyous Reunion With Old Friends .......... He Also Heard ~~~~~~ " THIS FRID


From Watchman's Cry



I awoke in a very dark place, with only one light near me that I could not look at. It wasn’t because it would hurt my eyes, it was that it was impossible to look that direction. It didn’t matter though.

I knew who I was before.

The King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Living, Breathing God of all creation.

I knew I was not dead, but I also knew I was brought before him to make a choice, or lets say to clarify the choices I have.

I was completely naked. Not physically, but I knew that I could hide nothing. NOTHING! I was stripped of my family, I was stripped of my circumstances, I was stripped of everything in this world that I loved, and everything that had been a stumbling block in my past and present life. It was just me. Transparent to the deepest parts of the soul, the intents, the desires, what I truly loved.

I was utterly ashamed. By most people’s standards I am a good guy. I have grown up in the church, believe in Him, His blood that was shed for me, and His resurrection power. But standing in front of God is a whole other thing.

I said I was naked. Let me explain more about that. What I realized at that very minute was that the things that give me comfort in this world would be stripped away in eternity. Relationships with family, friends, doctrines and beliefs, all the things we choose to believe to make us feel secure, all the things I held onto to make me feel like I was OK. It was not enough. Church associations, bible verses memorized, Christian lifestyle, having a good reputation, etc.. It didn’t mean squat!

In that moment I realized that the only thing that mattered, and the only thing that I would bring with me when I leave this place and appear before the the Great I AM was my love for Him and my love for His Son.

Nothing else mattered. My family could not stand there with me, my pastors would not be there to help, my own self-woven truth that I chose to believe would be shattered in light of His ultimate Truth. I was separated. It was just me and Him, and the things like going to church (as a religious function) didn’t matter, studying the Word didn’t matter. How much I knew about God, the Bible, and His promises didn’t matter. What did matter was my lover for Him. Or, in my case my lack of love for Him.

(As a side note – I only recently realized that had I loved him more than anything else, I would have never wanted to leave. I would have been full of joy to be in the presence of Him – finally!)

I realized I was alone, naked, and stripped of excuses. I began to mourn, deep sorrow began to well up in me. The horrible part was, I was mourning and aching for the things of the flesh. I began to see that the things I enjoyed in life, like being able to just relax with the family and watch a movie. To go out on the lake in the boat for a day of fun with the wife and kids. To simply take care of my own, and try not to think about those in need. To keep God as an important “part” of “my” life, and not put him in total charge of everything, not totally surrender my life, my living flesh to him as a sacrifice.

After all, at this moment of truth, of transparency, of nakedness, I knew that this was completely “anti” Christ. This was me wasting my days, filling my life and my family’s life with meaningless “fun” activities. Activities that in eternity would be meaningless. I knew that if I wanted to gain Christ, I had to forsake the things of the flesh, I had to sell everything I had to buy the field that had the treasure buried in it.

But I mourned because I had the mirage of life suddenly disappear and I had nothing. My life was empty. I could see it all, and as I thought about the things I missed, the things I loved in life, they all seemed so dark, so sinful. I also knew that no-one else would ever understand what I was doing if I truly gave all my heart to God. I would be one odd duck compared to even the most “holy” of Christians.

I knew that I didn’t have the love I should for the Father. I realized that I was more in love with a happy life filled with things that brought “me” happiness, that joy from doing the Fathers will. I was more in love with the illusion that I could go about my daily life – live for myself, acknowledge God and enter into the Kingdom of Heaven one day with crowds of cheering saints.

I could no longer fool myself, and I knew I had a choice to make. I hardly know how or where to begin. I have never seen any living example of a true biblical saint, Christian, disciple, believer or whatever you want to call those who are called according to His purpose.

I have seen the church going crowd that much like myself is more interested in being like the world, desiring wealth, cars, power, popularity, acceptance and love of others. Where is there desire for God? They praise God with their lips, but their hearts are far from him, just like my own.

I have seen it on TV with the Benny Hinns and the Joyce Meyer types who are teaching another gospel a gospel of success, a gospel of happiness, a gospel of self help, a gospel of “God wants to make you fishers of Wealth!” Instead of fishers of men. When the service is over, instead of going out and healing the sick, preaching the real gospel, and casting out devils – in other words doing the great commission, they jet-set around the world in private jets to their multi-million dollar estates scattered here and there – paid for with offerings from the poor and ignorant.

The only place I know of where I could find this kind of faith, this kind of commitment was in the bible. There you find Jesus, his disciples, and the early church believers who gave everything to God. They sold everything they had to buy the pearl of great price.

They forsook the flesh, and forsook the things of the world in order to gain an eternity of joy unspeakable and full of glory.

As I read the bible it is so clear and the words of Christ, and the words of the apostles are so direct and understandable.

- Those of us who try to save our lives will lose them, but those who lose their lives for Christ’s sake will gain them.
- If we love the world, the love of the father is not in us.
- If we love Jesus, we must keep his commandments.
- If we believe, signs and wonders WILL follow us. They will cast out devils, walk on serpents, lay hands on the sick – and they SHALL recover! (that one is just for the apostles right? Then is the great commission also just for the apostles? It is part of the same scripture afterall.)

I could go on, and on writing down scriptures that the church has spent decades making excuses for, or teaching that Gods’ grace is so big that it covers it all – our lack of obedience and all. Really?

Then why are we to work out our salvation with fear and trembling? Why did God put in the Bible to FEAR HIM literally hundreds of times, over and over? Do we fear him, or have we turned him into a big Love Ball in the sky?

Have we completely deceived ourselves?

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. That is what I know. I know that I will never be the same. I know that my life is no where near where it needs to be, but I am trying. My pride is gone. My illusion is gone. And my desire for the God is beginning to really take hold of my life. For 6 months I hardly even spoke about this dream to anyone except my immediate family, and even then cautiously. But I felt an urging from God to write these things down and send it out – because they must know!

My dream ended.

I awoke. It was 3:00am. I was wide awake with an extremely heightened sense awareness, and insecurity. It was so much to take in and so much to lose that I had to try to sleep. What is it with us people who have grown up in the church? What did they do to us? We truly are the Pharisees of the 20th century. We have been given a gift and yet we want it for free with no strings attached and with no consequences of our choice. We want it all, to love God, get saved and love the world too.

We want to say that we are saved because we believe in God, but doesn’t scripute say that even the demons believe and tremble. It isn’t enough. We must crucify our flesh, we must love Him, and the proof of our love will be our lifestyles and our fruit – not our knowledge. What fruit have we produced? If you are anything like me, you are in desperate need of a savior!

I have since made my choice, but I still struggle. It is hard to forsake the things you can easily have, the things you desire, and follow Him.

I strongly recommend that you take a good look at your own life, and choose you this day whom you will serve. Don’t believe the lie that you can serve God and mammon. Don’t believe the lie that you can have it all.

Dream #2

(about 3 months ago.)

Again I instantly knew I was in the presence of God, and again I was ashamed of what I was. Again I was transparent, but this time the focus was not on me. I felt terror for those who were walking in unbelief. I knew that their days were numbered and that they MUST hear the Gospel.

When I say those walking in unbelief, I mean the sinners and the church goers alike.

There was such an urgency. Such a calamity coming to those who are unprepared. I began to feel the terror they would feel. I began to feel the sorrow of the Father. But mostly I just felt what they would feel if they did not hear the true gospel. To say they would be afraid, to say they would regret, to say they would be sorry does not even begin to explain the intense emotion they would face. Terror. Terror like nothing I have ever felt before. No more chances. No more excuses. NO MORE TIME.
Helpless. Condemned. Awaiting for the words of Judgement to come from His lips.


I awoke again at about 3:00am. This was again more than my mind could bear. I tried to get to sleep, I tried to get some space, some time between this event, this dream, and myself. It was too intense. It was too hard to think about.

Please, take all this to heart. Please get on your faces before the Living God, and repent. Please let him take control. We have got to repent! We must give our whole lives to him, not just a piece. We are not old testament servants, we are new testament sons. We don’t get to just tithe 10% - we must give it all. We don’t get to just be circumcised and have a little piece of flesh die, we must sacrifice our whole bodies, our whole lives. We don’t get to just follow certain laws to be righteous, we must give over all our will to his will – because we will not only be judged for our actions, but our thoughts and our intents as well.

It will be worth it. It will be joy unspeakable and full of glory. It will be the only way you will survive what is coming with your soul and spirit intact.

I pray that everyone who reads this is pierced by the Spirit of the Living God. I pray that a clarity will come to you as you hear these words. Lord God, Abba Father, draw them to You. Bring them in. Touch their hearts, take away the scales on their eyes. Let them see that anything not born in the Spirit will not stand. Let them hearken to your calling. Let them disregard all things, traditions, and beliefs that are not of You. I ask that none, not one person who reads this will walk away from this warning. I ask that everyone, yes everyone Father, will remember their First Love. Thank you my Lord. In the name of Jesus, amen!

Re: My Husband Dreamt Of Joyous Reunion With Old Friends .......... He Also Heard ~~~~~~ " THIS FRID


Ok, I was just remembering a dream I had last year sometime in the fall I think.

In that dream, I was walking through a woody area in the day, it suddenly got dark, I was whisked up into air. However, I was hovering over the earth. At that moment, I saw fireworks start to go off.

Now, I have posted this before and thought it represented New Year's Eve or 4th of July.

But as I think about it again, a certain detail I had overlooked.

The trees in my dream. . .had NO LEAVES.


Fireworks On New Year's Day .......... After Countdown Moment To Midnight !!


Ok, I was just remembering a dream I had last year sometime in the fall I think.

In that dream, I was walking through a woody area in the day, it suddenly got dark, I was whisked up into air. However, I was hovering over the earth. At that moment, I saw fireworks start to go off.

Now, I have posted this before and thought it represented New Year's Eve or 4th of July.

But as I think about it again, a certain detail I had overlooked.

The trees in my dream. . .had NO LEAVES.


Fireworks usually start to go off at midnight of New Year's Day, after the countdown moment to 12AM.

Trees without leaves may be a symbol of winter time, just like now it is the winter season.

Wow, thanks for sharing!! We are going soon, hopefully!!!!

Re: My Husband Dreamt Of Joyous Reunion With Old Friends .......... He Also Heard ~~~~~~ " THIS FRID

...The only part of it which I remember (and probably all that was significant) was: “…these states which hate Me.”...

Might "states" also refer to national states, i.e. nations? Is God about to deal with the nations that hate Him?

Website: armstrongcomics.blogspot.com/

Re: Dreams/Visions for the month of December

Shalom Aleichem Everyone ! I'm from Indonesia and I'm new in here and I got dream on Monday night ! not sure it was a rapture dream.

In my dream is that I'm in a group of peoples than suddenly someone shouting "YESHUA ! YESHUA ! HIS coming !!. than a huge amount of clouds shaping like a pole came down to earth with several chariots came from the sky. We're all approaching the place that the cloud came on and bow down to light that come from a person that is very very light, I know it's YESHUA and HE give each of us a number above our head, I got 101 and a woman about middle aged besides me got 45 I'm still confuse, I'm asking the woman besides me "What number is this ?", she didn't know either, then suddenly all of us fell asleep (like falling to the ground) and then I woke up from my sleep.

I'm still confuse but very happy about that dream. because in my place (Indonesia) we hardly bring gospel to everyone because most of peoples in here are moslems and getting that dream is like refreshment to me.

Sometimes I feel myself that I'm the only one who got real saved because Most Christian in here although they have a church, they don't worshipping the true God (YHVH), they call father is allah but JESUS name is still JESUS because mistranslation of our bible in Indonesia replacing YHVH's or LORD's name with allah . Still I'm very sad about this deception among Christian who refuse using FATHER's name.

If you miss something, feel free to ask.

YESHUA please come !!!

JESUS bless YOU ALL !!

Email: mcgyver19822003@yahoo.com

Re: Dreams/Visions for the month of December

God bless you truly Yohan, I had a vision of light shining so brightly on those in countries occupied by Muslims. God is reviving those with visions and dreams and saving those whom pray to the wrong God for the true praise goes out to the prince of peace. The King of Kings you're blessed because Jesus is sending His dreams and visions in these end times and your spirit is singing with Christ because He is coming so very soon, you that have eyes see and those that have ears hear the coming of the King. We shall meet soon. Praise God, Glory to the almighty because He is the light and He is our savior. God bless in love. :)

I had a vision of a large angel in shimmering white robe with a golden sash rising a horn slowly to his lips to blow. This happened to me yesterday. Glory to God.

Re: Dreams/Visions for the month of December

GOD Bless You too Diana, thanks for the comment, I hope we all gather soon when we all caught up at the sky with JESUS.

Luckily GOD helped us, Right now, we at Indonesia got a special Bible that using literal scripture translation from Masoretic Text and Textus Receptus, called ILT Bible (Indonesian Literal Translation Bible) that using real FATHER'S NAME (YHVH) rather than normal Indonesian bible. Compare with KJV, ILT Bible is almost same in content translation.

The world is very stuffy with sins

Email: mcgyver19822003@yahoo.com

Pastor John Kilpatrick .......... A Massive Earthquake Will Divide America Into Half !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Credit ... http://www.johnkilpatrick.org/download_file.php?id=11

Below is a prophecy from Pastor John Kilpatrick.

Prophetic Vision And Dream:

Pastor Kilpatrick wants to share with his partners and friends the following vision and dream he had in April and May 2008. He has never posted a vision or dream on the internet, but after talking with some close friends, intercessors, as well as those in prophetic ministry he has agreed to do so. His intentions are not to alarm the Church or the public, but to forewarn us to pray concerning what he has seen. At this time, we do not have the full revelation or meaning of this vision and dream, but know that the Lord is trying to warn us and prepare us for the days ahead. Please help us pray to the Lord concerning this matter.

Sunday, April 27, 2008 - Vision

As I was approaching the Daphne Civic Center for Sunday morning service at Church of His Presence, I had a vision which lasted for about two or three seconds. In this vision, I saw the ground buckling before me. It was so real that I actually moved aside to avoid what I was seeing. I knew immediately that it was an earthquake, and the thought crossed my mind that the damages of this earthquake could have the potential to exceed those of Hurricane Katrina of 2005. Please understand that I am not saying that the Lord told me this. It merely crossed my mind.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - Dream

I awoke trembling and shaking at 5:00 in the morning after having a startling dream. This was one of the three most profound dreams that I have ever had during the ministry the LORD has called me to. I feel that this dream is an addendum to the vision I had on April 27, 2008.

In this dream I saw the words "wind and water". I only saw the words but did not actually see any wind or water damage. I then found myself overlooking a river which instantly became so wide that I could no longer see either of its banks.

The dream then shifted, and I was with one of my parishioners running through what appeared to be an old abandoned school house. This empty building began to shake. The shaking was so violent and severe that it was like the bucking of a wild horse tossing us around. My teeth were clapping so hard from the impact that I tried to clinch them to prevent this from happening.

In this dream I knew I was experiencing a massive earthquake. The sounds were so catastrophic that the thought crossed my mind that the devastation could likely exceed Hurricane Katrina of 2005. I did not see the devastation behind me; I only heard it. In all of my life I have never heard such catastrophic sounds. These were the scariest sounds I have ever heard.

The dream then shifted once more and concluded with two names on what appeared to be an old Spanish map. One name read Indianola and the other Europa. When I awoke, I was shaking as if I had chills and fever. I could not stop trembling. All through the day I felt as if I had just had the dream 10 minutes ago.

This dream so shook me that my wife and I immediately went to the internet to do some research. I also contacted some close friends in the ministry and reliable intercessors concerning this dream. What we found was startling.

There are towns called Indianola, IL, Europa, MO, and Indianola, MS. These towns run in a line from North to South with Europa, MO being near the middle of them. The Mississippi River runs between them with Europa, MO being by the epicenter of the New Madrid fault. After seeing this, I believe the dream could be concerning a devastating earthquake on the New Madrid fault.

Many reputable friends in ministry have felt that this dream was not to be interpreted as a spiritual dream because they felt that it has literal implications. Even now, two days later the intensity of this dream is the same. I do not want to come across as an alarmist concerning what I saw. I also don’t want to put fear in the public or the Body of Christ.

However, I cannot help but feel that God gave me this as warning to prepare us for the days ahead and to pray concerning this matter. Please know that I did not see any time frame as to when this may happen. Please pray with me concerning this vision and dream.

Fair Use: For Discussion & Educational Purpose Only

2010 Rapture confirmation?

2010 Rapture Confirmation?

Hello Rita. My name is Brian from Lebanon, PA, and I’ve been lurking on Rita since spring and enjoying the dreams, information, and exchange of ideas. I have a beautiful wife Julie, and 4 kids, Luke, Jessica, Ben, and Nate. I’ve been a Christian since elementary school, but only within the last year has my passion for Jesus really soared.

After all the missed dates, I find myself disappointed but not giving up. I continue to read the dreams and visions on Rita, Five Doves, etc. I find myself wanting to believe, but hesitating, thinking that this will just be another missed date. Now the reason for this post…

As for my background, I have only had one dream that I can ever remember seeing Jesus in the sky. It was probably about 12 years ago. I have not had any other dreams that I can remember about the rapture, Jesus, or angels. But two nights ago before going to bed, I asked God (silently, not out loud) that if He’s coming for His Church before the end of 2010 to give me a rapture dream. Then I fell asleep.

I woke up a couple times during the night bummed out because I didn’t have a dream. Then around 5 am I had a dream related to the rapture. In the dream, it was nighttime and I was driving my car. The sky was dark when all of a sudden I saw a figure like a man ascending upward in front of me. It appeared to be about 30-40 yards ahead of me and when I first noticed it, it was 10-20 feet above the ground and moving straight upward. It was standing still, facing me, with a sword in its hand, with the sword pointing straight up. It didn’t move at all, just slowly went straight up.

I say a “figure like a man” because I don’t know if it was an angel, Jesus, or a risen saint (the dead in Christ will rise first…). My first impression while in the dream was it was either Jesus or an angel, I guess because I’m not sure why a risen saint would have a sword. The appearance of this figure was not overly bright. The outline and edges of the figure were like gold lines, like a 3-D wireframe solid (yes, I’m an engineer).

After seeing this figure ascend higher where I couldn’t see it very well, I noticed other figures in the sky ahead of me and around me going up. These were further away, so they were more like gold blurs. At this point, I tried calling my wife and kids to tell them what I was witnessing, but didn’t get an answer. In my excitement, I started driving faster and faster trying to get home quickly. I didn’t know where I was. Things started getting blurry due to the speed, as if I was going 200 miles per hour. My ’86 VW diesel jetta would be lucky to do 100 miles per hour, so I don’t understand how I was going that fast. I then started to notice red blurry things whizzing by me which I figured out were stop signs. I hit the brakes and skidded into someone’s yard. I got out and walked around. Then I saw the owner of the property and I apologized for messing up his yard. Then I woke up.

I don’t understand some of the details of this dream, but I’m not hung up on that. I’m just praising God because He would listen to my prayer and give me a rapture dream. I have no problem thinking that God can speak to others, but I've been deceived by the devil for too long, telling me that I'm a nobody. I, and you, are worth more than the riches of the whole world to Jesus, and he paid an even higher price with his precious blood to redeem us. I belong to Him and thank Him each day for the payment He made.

It looks like our time here is extremely short, so make it count! May you be as blessed and encouraged by this as I was. My kids are excited to see Jesus and are listening for the shofar!

Re: 2010 Rapture confirmation?

Hello Brian, YESHUA bless You !

It seems like there is no more time again, last night I got a dream again that my church in Indonesia not getting raptured and entering tribulation period.

I must tell them not to praise false god (father allah) and Must Praising real GOD'S name YHVH.

Email: mcgyver19822003@yahoo.com

Night Vision

Credit ... http://all-things-new.net/topic/6750483/1/


December 16, 2010

Last night, the Lord showed me something rather peculiar. He showed me a allegory of the enemy trying to bombard me with fiery darts. As I stood strong and immovable the fiery darts came towards me, but they never touched me or even reached me because I caught them in mid air before they struck me. I remained untouched and unharmed and not a hair on my head was singed. The Lord then gave me this prophetic word for the body of Christ.

The Lord says I am giving you night vision to see in times of darkness. I will direct you in the midnight hour and release the ability for you to see through the dense clouds that try to encompass you.

Do not fear the fiery darts of the enemy because as you abide in Me and keep on the full armor at all times, every fiery dart that comes against you will be quenched.

I will open your eyes to the tactics of the enemy and he will be defeated and his agenda against you will be cancelled. I will reveal what the enemy is planning in secret and give you strategies to annihilate his plans.

You will be unharmed by his fierce attacks that are relentless and seem to be so frequent. As you abide in Me and My word abides in you, give no place to the devil and you will experience My protection and My favor.

When the enemy comes in like a flood and the evil seems to dominate, I will give you night vision to see through the darkness says the Lord.

Psalms 119:105
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.

Isaiah 54:17
No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me," Says the Lord.

Ephesians 6:10 - 11,16
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil...

Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.

Re: Dreams/Visions for the month of December

i has a couple of things that i want to share ..first this morning while i was praying i was asking Jesus how much longer till we can come home? then i saw what looked like a scoreboard time clock in my mind with . on it was 4:36:00 with the last 2 set of numers caounting down fast like milleseconds..down know exactly what He was showing ill leave it up to your interpretation.the second thing was yesterday my coworker who is a fellow believer came to me excited and said that her niece woke up her sister(the nieces mom) ,who is not a believer, in the middle of the night by shaking her when the mom woke up the 6 yr oldlittle gir said"mommy Jesus is coming!!!" gave me the chills!! well thanks for letting me share this with you..

Re: Dreams/Visions for the month of December

i has a couple of things that i want to share ..first this morning while i was praying i was asking Jesus how much longer till we can come home? then i saw what looked like a scoreboard time clock in my mind with . on it was 4:36:00 with the last 2 set of numers caounting down fast like milleseconds..down know exactly what He was showing ill leave it up to your interpretation.the second thing was yesterday my coworker who is a fellow believer came to me excited and said that her niece woke up her sister(the nieces mom) ,who is not a believer, in the middle of the night by shaking her when the mom woke up the 6 yr oldlittle gir said"mommy Jesus is coming!!!" gave me the chills!! well thanks for letting me share this with you..

Wow that was powerful I always believe what the children say about Jesus especially the very very young as God speaks to them where adults won't listen the little ones will, as Jesus loves them and they're blameless.

I am wondering if that time meant 4 days from now that would be tuesday which means the 21st as many have heard and the blood moon happens that day also......

Praise the Lord! Come Lord Jesus come!

Also Yohan you're very correct Allah is not God's name!! Yahweh! Glory to the Father alone. Pray for your people...For I believe strongly that Islam will be the devils tool..to use during the tribulation to behead the left behind that won't worship the beast. They're a blood-thirsty zealot fanatics that will kill anyone whom don't believe in their faith.. God the Father is holding them back in this time of grace but not for long as soon His children will be gone then all hell will overcome the earth...God have mercy on those asleep and wake them up before it's too late..

Re: Dreams/Visions for the month of December

Yes Diana, maybe I will get fasting, hopefully it will do good enough.

Email: mcgyver19822003@yahoo.com

December 20th/21st, 2010.
" The Fruitful State Of America Will Come To Naught "

Credit ... http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/dec2010/virginiaa1220-2.htm

Virginia Arnke (20 Dec 2010)




On Nov. 15, 2010 Star received the message below and I posted it here on this website around that time. She was asked yesterday by the Lord to post it again as it for "NOW".... May the Lord give you discernment as you read it...



In JESUS name.... amen


His Blessings... Virginia Arnke

Re: " The Fruitful State Of America Will Come To Naught "

Ola Ilori (20 Dec 2010)
"Re:"I heard the voice say this...""


Patty wrote:

"It was at 12a.m. as I checked my clock. I heard a male voice as I had woke up at that moment saying COME UP HEAR! This was the early morning of 12/17/2010.

I am confident that in my home that the Lord is preparing us to be ready."


Hi Patty,

What's so interesting is the timing you heard the male voice!

It was on the 17th of December 2010!

This just happens to be the correct Day of the 10th of Cheshvan - The very Day Noah was given a 7 Day warning and told get into the Ark, with his household.

The flood then began 7 Days later on the 17th of Cheshvan

Could it be the Church was given a 7 Day warning on the 17th (10th of Cheshvan) December 2010?

Could it be the Lord is getting ready to take us Home on the 24th (17th of Cheshvan) of December 2010?

Could it be we'll all be spending Christmas 2010, in our Mansions, in Heaven?

Lord, let it be so!



Peg Fenn had a dream in 2000, 7 Years after her husband went home to be with the Lord.

It appears that her husband is expecting her to be with him on a Christmas Day.

Peg Fenn writes:

"Walking up a very steep hill. The sky is very blue, no sun but it is very bright.

As I reached the top of the hill. There is a brick fronted greenhouse.

Its small panes are steamed up and as I approached to look inside. I could see rows and rows of reds, whites and yellows.

All Christmas plants whose leaves were a beautiful shiny
waxy green.

I could see Poinsettias in all colours, Christmas cactuses, roses, lilies and begonias, amaryllis and hyacinths.

The steam was coming from an overhead steamer in the nursery spraying the plants with a steady stream and helping to keep them fresh.

The small droplets on these windows and on the plants were all covered in rainbow colours.

A Christmas greenhouse!!

As I walked around to the side of it (I remember my husband saying before he died that he would build me one but never did.)

There was a door and I realised that this really was a house with an attached greenhouse.

The door opened and my husband was standing there smiling.
He was very young, looked to be around 33 or 34 and said,

"This is the greenhouse and house I promised you".

In the Year 2007, Becki had the following dream,

She writes,

"I would like to tell you all about a dream that I had in 2007.

It may just be only a dream, but it seemed so real to me.

In March of 2007 my sister past away. Oh, how I missed her so much. We were very close. We saw each other almost everyday or we would talk on the phone. She was 40 when she passed away.

After she died, I had prayed and prayed to the Lord to please let me have a dream about her because I missed her so much. After a couple of months I got my dream.

In my dream I was so happy to see her. We were walking down a road and she wanted to show me a store.. The name of the store was "Temple Mount Gift Shop". Inside the store was thousands of bicycles. They were everywhere. You could hardly move around the shop for all the bicycles. They were even hanging from the ceiling. I ask her why is there so many bicycles, and she told me that there would be lots and lots of kids here for Christmas.

Well, I just knew that the rapture was going to be Christmas of 2007. I have wondered if maybe the Lord was letting me know the season that the rapture would happen. After pondering about this dream, she didn't say this Christmas (2007) she just said Christmas..."

The Wheat And Tares

For everybody in this forum,

I got dream again, this time it's about The Wheat And Tares (from Mt 13:24-30,36-43).

In this dream I got my hand a sickle and a landlord gave me an instruction to cut the wheats in the field from the tares for Him and guess what...so few wheats I cut and there is more of tares than wheats on the field and wheats that I cut was so fresh and fruitful.

I guess it's the time, get ready for wedding celebration ! YESHUA will get us all !


Email: mcgyver19822003@yahoo.com

Re: Dreams/Visions for the month of December

I had a dream of Valerie at Rapture Flight to Heaven. I saw that she was very young and had on a nice outfit and hair reminiscent of a movie star in the 1960's. She was very well put together like Doris Day. We at RITA, RFTH, and 5Doves were assigned to help her. She was in charge of making these beautiful decorations and banners that say things like Jesus Christ is Lord, He is King. We made them and then she was telling us where they needed to be placed. We were all in Heaven and we were playing around children in what appeared to be a park with swings. There was even a fence she wanted decorated!

Re: Dreams/Visions for the month of December

I had a dream of Valerie at Rapture Flight to Heaven. I saw that she was very young and had on a nice outfit and hair reminiscent of a movie star in the 1960's. She was very well put together like Doris Day. We at RITA, RFTH, and 5Doves were assigned to help her. She was in charge of making these beautiful decorations and banners that say things like Jesus Christ is Lord, He is King. We made them and then she was telling us where they needed to be placed. We were all in Heaven and we were playing around children in what appeared to be a park with swings. There was even a fence she wanted decorated!

Wow my friend Nikki!! That is surely powerful I can share this with Valerie if you like, this is so lovely!! I love your beautiful dreams from the Lord they speak so loudly to my soul and yearn for our King!! Come Lord Jesus come!! I love the children also!

Re: Dreams/Visions for the month of December

I had a dream of Valerie at Rapture Flight to Heaven. I saw that she was very young and had on a nice outfit and hair reminiscent of a movie star in the 1960's. She was very well put together like Doris Day. We at RITA, RFTH, and 5Doves were assigned to help her. She was in charge of making these beautiful decorations and banners that say things like Jesus Christ is Lord, He is King. We made them and then she was telling us where they needed to be placed. We were all in Heaven and we were playing around children in what appeared to be a park with swings. There was even a fence she wanted decorated!

Nikki, welcome back! Missed your posts!!

Re: Dreams/Visions for the month of December

I had a dream of Valerie at Rapture Flight to Heaven. I saw that she was very young and had on a nice outfit and hair reminiscent of a movie star in the 1960's. She was very well put together like Doris Day. We at RITA, RFTH, and 5Doves were assigned to help her. She was in charge of making these beautiful decorations and banners that say things like Jesus Christ is Lord, He is King. We made them and then she was telling us where they needed to be placed. We were all in Heaven and we were playing around children in what appeared to be a park with swings. There was even a fence she wanted decorated!

Nikki do you know what Valerie looks like I am speechless right now...Because I just checked RFTH did you know that she looks like? Because she looks like Doris Day but older she is a grandmother she just posted her picture right now, she is blond, with a short kind of 1940's hairdo really nice! I am in awe if you don't know what she looks like before you had this dream, I just saw her picture right now, I have never seen what she looks like either just talked to her through email...wow this is a very strong dream and confirmation from the Lord!!!

Re: Dreams/Visions for the month of December

I had a dream of Valerie at Rapture Flight to Heaven. I saw that she was very young and had on a nice outfit and hair reminiscent of a movie star in the 1960's. She was very well put together like Doris Day. We at RITA, RFTH, and 5Doves were assigned to help her. She was in charge of making these beautiful decorations and banners that say things like Jesus Christ is Lord, He is King. We made them and then she was telling us where they needed to be placed. We were all in Heaven and we were playing around children in what appeared to be a park with swings. There was even a fence she wanted decorated!

Nikki, this was a really neat dream! One of the things I used to enjoy doing in my younger years is to put up decorations for the holidays. I can see myself doing that in heaven with everyone. And the part about your dream that I liked the best was that we were in heaven playing with the children in a park. I hope that means that we'll be in heaven for Christmas!! And amazing how you knew what she looked like!! Wow, what a cool dream, thanks for sharing!

Re: Dreams/Visions for the month of December

Lisaleenie, I am so excited I can't stand it! I didn't see children in my dream, just us decorating. I wonder if it could be part of a suprise? A suprise for the children?

Diana, I do not know what Valerie looks like. In my dream she had this skirt on which was below the knee. And this very expensive lavendar/greyish jacket which looked like wool and had a bow on the upper right side with big, big circular buttons. She was coordinating us everywhere she wanted these decorations. We were willing to listen to her and do this job, even though it was not our task. We just thought the job she had was beautiful, so we willfully helped her. During the dream I swang on a swing. That was it.

Diana, go ahead and share with Valerie. Someone hates me and they followed me over to that forum and ripped her forum apart. They did it here in the past too. But it is futile because the signs are here and there is no more disputing what is happening. LOL!

Grace, I haven't been posting because I have been going through my house cleaning, getting rid of stuff, watching the timeline and getting ready to meet the Lord. I went from being a blonde to a red head now also! And here in LA it has been raining a full week nonstop.

I do not know what this dream I had means but I saw flooding and then climbing stairs to Heaven. Can't figure out if the rain here is when the rapture will happen....or if the water is the Holy Spirit.

My mom had a vision yesterday. She saw Jesus wearing a blood red robe for the martyrs in the tribulation. She saw Jesus over Israel pointing to people on earth (they did not know He was choosing them, they were walking around doing their own business) and calling 12,000 and then saying the name of the tribe.

Jesus has the mantles of the 144,000 ready. So if He is ready for the 2 witnesses, and the 144,000 then my guess is that we are outta here soon.

Do you think the 144,000 are having dreams of their future? If we are, I can't help but wonder. Do you think they are having visions of Elijah and Moses coming back?

Message From The Holy Spirit

The following is posted by Phil in Valerie's forum.
I wish to share it with RITA, thanks.

Here is a message given to me by the Holy Spirit back in October:

Hear this, I, the Lord, have spoken. I am coming very soon. Beware the end times all you who are unfaithful. The glory of the Lord will shine down upon you on the Day of Reckoning.

I am sending my Son, Christ Jesus, so that all may see and bear witness to the creation of the Almighty God and Father. Take note of everything you see and hear, for it has been prophesied in the Bible but many will deny it.

For the Christians, take hope, for I am coming soon and all will be revealed. Take heart, the end is near. The hour of my return is unexpected and the Lamb of God will return for His Bride. I, the Lord, have spoken this and so shall it be.

Destruction Of Los Angeles .......... William Branham Prophecy
Rapture Around Christmas .......... Confirmations From Lord


I note that people get in big trouble when they talk dates --- however, two friends recently had dreams vision of Obama as a snake --- and one saw him slithering away to India as a snake --- interesting. Now, I have received 3~4 confirmations from the LORD that we will not be here for Christmas --- I have asked HIM repeatedly and I never receive anything but an affirmative.

HE had first sprung this on me when I was thinking of Christmas coming up as I was walking alone to my car --- and the LORD spoke to me clearly and said you won't be here for Christmas --- but you won't be missing Christmas because there are many celebrations in heaven, in fact there are celebrations every day in heaven.

Wow, these were not my thoughts --- they just weren't --- they came into my head too quickly and I was not contemplating this at all --- I wasn't thinking about celebrations in heaven and there is no way I knew or contemplated that they have celebrations everyday in heaven --- too many words people are receiving that it is at hand --- I am sticking with being gone by Christmas --- and I strongly believe that it will be sometime in NOVEMBER --- maybe even possibly around Thanksgiving time frame also.

The LORD said I will not be celebrating Christmas --- Christmas is usually celebrated right after Thanksgiving --- well just some of my thoughts --- I am receiving too many miraculous messages from the LORD right now like I have never gotten in my entire life and I am not young! --- I will tell you the LORD has reveal much to me personally about my next life over the past month --- just as HE showed Maurice Sklar this past Aug.

His mansion in heaven in an out of body experience/or vision --- same for me --- HE has described things to me about the next life --- incredible things --- things I can't speak of to other people, --- I know the time is now --- because of these things JESUS is telling me right now about my life in the next life --- we are going to be gone for sure very, very soon... Besides, the politics/weather/times speak of it as well --- hold on --- we are going home very very soon.

just bump up this as an encouragement only

but still hope we shall be raptured by then

Florida Under Water .......... William Branham Prophecy
Warning message from a 15 yr old...received this today..

Daniel (17 Dec 2010)

"A message from God Himself"


Hi to all you doves! My name is Daniel, I'm 15 years old and I have received many dreams & visions from God and powerful, urgent messages from the Lord.. After looking and reading all of the posts on here, I felt now it is the time for me to post something on here for the first time and to share a very urgent strong message from the Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ to all who have ears to hear. This message I received began I believe was last weekend (I should've wrote the date & time), but the last words of this message from Jesus Christ were given to me on 12/10/2010 and on 12/11/2010 at approximately 10:27 A.M. Here's the message I received from the Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ: Daniel, these are the words I share with you, my faithful son. Write it down, for these words are faithful and true. I love you Daniel- I love you my precious Bride. We shall soon be together in the clouds, in the air, in Heaven for all of eternity. But for the rest of this sinful, godless world, they shall soon perish for all of eternity if they don't come to me & keep turning their backs on Me like I don't exist. It saddens me and breaks my heart to know that they don't believe Me, to know that they don't believe I shed My blood and tears for them. I'm calling upon all sinners to come to me for repentance of their sins, but sooner or later, My Holy Spirit shall not call anymore, My Church shall not preach My true Gospel and they shall be taken out of this world and evil will be allowed to triumph and rule and destroy the world during the coming Tribulation-especially the Great Tribulation. Which shall be, literally the worst time man has ever known, no, nor shall ever be again. It will literally be hell on earth for all of humanity; it will literally be the worst times ever recorded in world history. No one shall escape My coming wrath for all those that are left behind after the Rapture of My Church; that's why I'm calling upon all you people of this world, all you people who have not given their life to me, all people who are sinners to please "come to me with your heavy burden and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28). That's why I'm calling upon all sinners-all men-everybody to please pray that they all "may be accounted worthy to escape all things that shall come to pass" (Luke 21:36) and pray that they will go to Heaven if they were to die today, for I care for them. I love them no matter what they do against Me. Daniel, do not fear the trying times coming to this world, nor fear anyone or anything, but rathe fear Me, the Lord God who is up in Heaven waiting to take His Bride up in Heaven. Daniel, if you have any doubts that it is Me speaking to you, know this and believe this when I say "I AM" sitting at Right Hand of the Throne of God up in Heaven. "I AM" the One who died on the Cross for you. "I AM" the One who shed my blood for you on the Cross. "I AM" the One and Only Way, the One and Only Truth, and "I AM" the One and Only Life, and no one cometh to the Father God except through Me who is Faithful & True and rides on a white horse on My soon Second Coming. "I AM" the One and Only One who is Faithful and True. "I AM" Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Daniel, tell the people of this world that "I AM" coming soon to take my glorious, beautiful Bride out of this world and My Holy Spirit out of this world. Tell them to get right with Me or get left without Me, without My Holy Spirit, and without My Church. Tell the whole world, tell everyone you know that "I AM" coming soon! This is it Daniel! "I AM" at the last straw, "I AM" at my breaking point with this world-this sinful, cruel, evil, disgusting, grotesque, hateful, evil world. But soon and very soon, they will get what they want and that is a sinful, cruel, evil world-a world ruled by evil without God. They will get as they wish when they find out their world is ruled by satan himself when that dreadful, terrible time "comes upon the whole entire world and tests those who dwell within it"(Revelation 3:10), who belong to it, who are of it. Later on that night.... Dear Daniel, Write, these words down for they are faithful and true, coming from Me who is Faithful & true. You notice the lateness of the hour that is going to come upon the world. I have these words prepared for you so please write it down. You see the lateness of the hour- the Tribulation hour that is going to come upon the whole world & tests those who dwell within it. The time is at hand, "I AM" coming back! "I AM" coming soon to take back with Me the righteous who are dead in Christ and take back with Me those who are alive and accounted worthy to escape all things that shall come to pass. My coming is near and those left behind will be left to endure endure the worst. That is why I'm calling upon all sinners to come to repentance of their sins. I created Man in My image, "I AM" the Father God who created Man to worship Me, the Most High, but instead I get slapped at across the face just by seeing their sin and it is grotesque. It disgusts Me beyond anyone's imagination.... 12/11/2010 10:27 A.M. Daniel write these words down, for they are faithful and true coming from Me, who is Faithful and True. Behold, "I AM" coming soon, blessed is he who watches, blessed is he who keeps and hears the words of this prophecy, for they shall be accounted worthy to escape all things that shall come to pass and to e accounted worthy to go to Heaven if they were to die today. Behold Daniel! My coming is soon! My coming is drawing nearer and nearer every second- with very minute that passes by. Behold Daniel, my Bride shall soon be caught up in the air with Me who is Faithful & True, to meet me in the air so that we may be together up in Heaven, for all of eternity, so that this sinful world gets what's coming to them. We shall all partake in the Wedding Supper of the Lamb that is to come. But for those left behind, they shall partake in the Great Supper of God and they shall partake in My coming wrath, the Wrath of God for they chose to do so. They shall partake in the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world & test those who dwell in it, who partake in it for once again, they have chosen to do so. I have called upon man-sinners to repentance of their sins through My Spirit, but they refuse to listen. But now time I quickly running short, time is running out, the time is at hand for the Tribulation hour to come upon the whole world and test those who dwell within it and sooner than later My spirit & My Bride shall be taken out of this sinful world & into my Heavenly presence, where they shall abide their forever and for all of eternity, but for the rest of the world, once the Tribulation Hour has took its place, it will be too late for them. That's why I'm calling upon man now, for them to please pray that they may all be accounted worthy to escape all things that shall come to pass for it shall literally hell on Earth for those who are left behind. Man can mock Me & My faithful believers all they want but sooner or later, they shall see the truth that "I AM" God, the King of Kings, the Lord of the Lords & the One & Only true God of the Gods. "I AM" the Only, the Only Truth & the Only Life and no one cometh to the Father God except through Me, who is Faithful & True, who rides on a white horse in My soon return to this lost, sinful, cruel world. To judge the world for their evil deeds. Repent America of your sinful ways! But most of all, I want this whole entire world to repent of their sinful ways & to turn to me. Repent lost world! You are lost and you don't even know it! But come to me with your heavy burden, & I will give you rest & I promise you that you will find yourself again, but as a whole new creation in Me, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Time is quickly running short! Time is quickly running out fast! Come to Me all you sinners in need of repentance & I will make you as a clean whole new creation in Me. I will save your soul from hell & I will save you from My coming wrath. I cannot hold My wrath in Me any longer; it shall soon be poured out onto this lost, sinful world who continually desires the things of this world & does not desire to come after Me at all whatsoever. It is a shame to know that my once beautiful creation tarnished their beauty, tarnished their once worthy, beautiful reputation in Me & now they have chosen to leave and forsake Me and to stay with their lustful sinful desires. The things of this world are only temporary- to Me they are a thing of the past for sooner than later, the things of this world will not even matter to anyone anymore. The things of this world will soon be destroyed, will soon be perished in the things to come, the times that must quickly & shortly come to pass the things of this world offers only temporary satisfaction, even though it falsely promises eternal joy, happiness, peace, comfort, and satisfaction. But "I AM" the One who truly offers eternal satisfaction. Anyone who "...drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life." (John 4:14). "...I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." (Luke 5:32) That is all I have to say to this lost sinful world. And to my precious, beautiful, redeemed Bride whom I shall meet up in the clouds, in the air and we shall abide in each other's presence for all of eternity. Keep looking up My people, for your redemption draweth near (Luke 21:28). As for all you sinners, here is My message to you: Get "right" with Me, the Lord, your God, or get "left" behind to endure the worst. I the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ have spoken. Amen.

He Who gives this warning and affirms and testifies to these things says, Yes (it is true). [Surely] I am coming quickly (swiftly, speedily). Amen (so let it be)! Yes, come, Lord

Dream of riding a white flying horse.

I had a fun dream this morning.

I was watching a movie. In this movie, some people in a jetliner were having trouble. A giant spaceship of unknown origin appeared out of nowhere and came to their rescue, then left. The passengers who were now on the ground were marveling about this when additional giant spaceships of unknown origin started appearing in the sky.

Someone radioed a pilot of another plane that was still in the air to tell him about it, and the pilot scoffed until he saw a giant spaceship in the air in front of him, at some distance.

The spaceship was going too fast for the plane the pilot was flying, so he disembarked from the plane, while still in the air, along with a white flying horse he happened to have. The horse did not have wings, but it could fly. I got the impression that the pilot could probably fly on his own, but the horse was faster--sort of a racehorse when it came to flying.

So he got on the back of the white flying horse and they raced up to the spaceship.

As I was watching this movie, I was impressed how the special effects people managed to make it look exactly as though a horse could fly. It looked like a most natural thing for a horse to do, to run through the air. It was as if its hooves had traction with the air, and running through the air was almost like swimming through the air.

Then the phone rang, I woke up and had to jump up to answer the phone, and got a Christmas greeting from the person on the other end of the line.

The dream was a pure entertainment dream. I don't think I've ever had a dream of any spiritual significance. But it was a fun dream about riding a white horse in the clouds, and I thought I'd share it.

Website: armstrongcomics.blogspot.com/

Re: Dreams/Visions for the month of December

I had a dream last night. My family members were standing in a group behind me, those that were still alive on the earth.

And my mother says, Nikki, did you hear the shofar?

A Dream .......... People Dressed Up In Bridal Wear .......... Waiting In Front Of A Countdown Stage

I had an uncanny dream last night.

In my dream setting, it was like the roof-top of a shopping mall. There was a stage in the center, and several other restaurants around nearby.

It seemed to be about 10PM in my area.

Some groups of people were still dining in the roof-top restaurants. Only a few started dressing up in bridal wear, standing and waiting at the bottom of the stage. But those in the restaurants were not in bridal wear. A few passers-by were also not in bridal wear; they were wandering around the roof-top, looking unconcerned.

Then there was this strange automatic machine for men to pay and shave or trim their beard/moustache. My husband was trimming his unwanted facial hair with it, and I was waiting for him.

The dream ended abruptly.

Perhaps, those in front of the stage are waiting for a countdown party to begin? I am not sure. Just a rather weird dream.

Re: A Dream .......... People Dressed Up In Bridal Wear .......... Waiting In Front Of A Countdown S

I had a dream last night of a huge , beautiful banquet in a mansion being set with crystal and gold plates and glasses. There were millons of tables everywhere and almost every table was set and ready to go. I saw just a couple tables left that angels were standing near them with dishes in their hands. I think they were waiting to be told to set those places. I think He is waiting for just a couple more...

Rapture Vision .......... HE IS COMING !!!!!!!!!! .......... By Virginia Arnke

Credit ... http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/dec2010/virginiaa1230.htm

by Virginia Arnke (30 Dec 2010)

"RAPTURE VISION ON 12/28/10 AT 9:00 PM...



Do not give up for 2010... as He promised... it will soon come to pass... Just trust Him!!!

STAR WAS SHOWN THE RAPTURE WHILE AWAKE AT 9:00PM ON TUESDAY, 12/28/10... BEAUTIFUL... HE IS COMING NOW!!!!by Virginia Arnke on Wednesday, December 29, 2010 at 11:01am.

I, Star saw Jesus in the clouds. I did not hear the shofar, but Christians from all over the world were leaving earth.

Everyone had both arms raised up to heaven and were moving fast. Jesus was saying "WELCOME" to everyone.

Angels were leading us... Earth had lost it's lovely blue luster for the light was now gone, but there was rejoicing all over heaven for the Bride was at long last with her Bridegroom.. GLORY TO GOD!!!

MARANATHA... Virginia Arnke

Re: A Dream .......... People Dressed Up In Bridal Wear .......... Waiting In Front Of A Countdown S

Brenda Sue
I had a dream last night of a huge , beautiful banquet in a mansion being set with crystal and gold plates and glasses. There were millons of tables everywhere and almost every table was set and ready to go. I saw just a couple tables left that angels were standing near them with dishes in their hands. I think they were waiting to be told to set those places. I think He is waiting for just a couple more...

Your dream really stirred my heart Brenda Sue.

Email: 4kaylyn@gmail.com

Re: A Dream .......... People Dressed Up In Bridal Wear .......... Waiting In Front Of A Countdown S

12-30-10 My son, When the moon is in the top of its' phase, there will be an explosion that will rock this nation unlike anything that has ever occurred. It will be such a blast that those who are near to it will all perish. I am no longer going to hold back my wrath from a nation that throws their sin up into my face and refuses to acknowledge that I am God and I change not. I will allow this disaster to occur and will not relent anymore. I am through talking to a rebellious nation such as this and they will now know me for the God of wrath that I am saith the Lord.

john Lawler
PS: I believe he is talking about when the moon becomes full. The date of the next full moon is 1-19-11. What got my attention about the date is the 911 at the end. The last time I received a word like this from the Lord was just before 911 occurred. I hope for all of us this is not the case.

God bless you,

john Lawler


To begin with, I am not offended in any way by what you have said. I got over being offended by what people say to me a long time ago. I do have a problem with what you and others believe, in what God will or won't do. I want to show you by a past prophecy that the Lord gave me in which he was not specific as to what or where an event would take place. The prophecy I want to share with you was given to me just prior to the 911 event that all of us know about. It is as follows:

8-28-01 My son soon there will be a great disaster that will hit this nation that will open the eyes of many as to the venerability of this nation by hostile nations. This will be a disaster of great magnitude unlike anything that has hit this nation in days gone by. I will protect my children through it all so don't fret or be concerned about you and your house for I have you covered saith the Lord.

On the day that this event occurred he gave me the following word:

9-11-01 My son today is truly a wake-up call for America. It is time for this nation to repent for the sins it has committed against a Holy God. for I will not let this nation go unpunished for its' sin. For I am the same yesterday today and forever. I will judge this nation as I have others in the past and it will come upon this nation suddenly unless it repents and turns back to me saith the Lord. I am now going to begin to move across this nation and begin to bring judgment to those areas where sin is running rampant and they will know that it is I that has brought this upon them saith the Lord.

I don't know what bible you are reading but the one I read every day talks about judgment and the wrath of God from Genesis to Revelation. I would suggest that you take God out of the box you have him in for he is the same yesterday today and forever. He has and will continue to Judge sin as he always has. Grace gives us time to get out of sin but doesn't give us a license to Sin. It is time for all to repent and especially those of the household of faith. My bible says that judgment will begin at the household of God. I hope you are not offended by what I have said and I hope you will allow the Holy Spirit to show you through the Prophets and book of Revelation that he does and will judge sin when it is not repented of.

God bless you,

john Lawler

Brief Explanation of the Moon Phases

The phases of the moon are caused by the relative positions of the earth, sun, and moon. The moon goes around the earth in 27.3 days, or 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes, on average. This measurement is relative to the stars and is called the sidereal period or orbital period. However, because of the earth's motion around the sun, a complete moon cycle (New Moon to New Moon) appears to earthbound observers to take a couple of days longer: 29.5305882 days to be exact. This number is called the synodic period or "lunation", and is relative to the sun.

The sun always illuminates the half of the moon facing the sun (except during lunar eclipses, when the moon passes through the earth's shadow). When the sun and moon are on opposite sides of the earth, the moon appears "full" to us, a bright, round disk. When the moon is between the earth and the sun, it appears dark, a "new" moon. In between, the moon's illuminated surface appears to grow (wax) to full, then decreases (wanes) to the next new moon. The edge of the shadow (the terminator) is always curved, being an oblique view of a circle, giving the moon its familiar crescent shape.

(some of above information courtesy of NASA http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov)

New Moon
Waxing Crescent
First Quarter
Waxing Gibbous
Full Moon
Waning Gibbous
Last Quarter
Waning Crescent

Edited by John Lawler on 12/31/2010 at 1:40am

Dream concerning this season

Be encouraged my friends and do not allow discouragement to enter your hearts. Over the past few months, I have been writing letters to many that await the coming of our Lord Jesus. The letters are due to the dreams that have been repeated in my life; each portion of the dream being illuminated with each year.

The dream that concerns me now took place in our present era (I know this from the faces in the White House and Digital devices). Listen;

A Portion of the Dream
In the dream the earth began changing (natural things it seemed), the weather patterns abruptly changed in many locations, in particular, the United States. There were also fires that began under the earth in the state of Texas following news about animals dying in a strange manner (each may presume a cause only to be baffled by other strange events). An earthquake soon took place following the dying animals and I saw many people looking up during this time, as though they were waiting to see something significant (these people are those waiting for Christ, the other half was waiting for another God to come to earth).

The White House, and those in power, began to fight vigorously in the dream; so much so, the people of the United States began to take matters in their own hands but only by discussion. A headline would appear soon after shocking the world and gratifying others. Texas saw the fallout from something exploding above the earth (possibly a satellite), complemented by fires coming from underneath the State.

That is when the change took place. The population of the United States diminished in number and the people of the United States were directionless. Many fled from where they were living; the highways were full of vehicles loaded with personal goods. The United States was altered in shape with many parts of it burning and other parts consumed by the oceans.

Do not lose hope and understand this; there will be supernatural things happening with no explanation, people may experience loss, but you are protected always. Keep watching and do not become discouraged, not now; this is the time for all to believe in the scriptures of truth.

Be blessed.

Email: mike@sdexdata.com

Re: Dream concerning this season

An earthquake soon took place following the dying animals and I saw many people looking up during this time, as though they were waiting to see something significant (these people are those waiting for Christ, the other half was waiting for another God to come to earth).

WOW!! Sounds like the rapture THIS YEAR. Surely, we're in the SEASON!!!!

Re: Dream concerning this season

This is a very interesting dream. However it should be put on the January Dreams sticky.


Email: tparbar@gmail.com

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