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Re: What Year is the Rapture?


oops! forgot to include the 3rd tier reference mat'l:

Recently I had the great pleasure of watching the video ‘The Jonah Code’ by Michael Rood





I was reviewing my Jonah code notes today and how magnificent the three tiered prophecy fits like a glove.

it just so happens that this point in history is tied to the Daniel 3-tiered prophecy so much so that to ignore it would be like abandoning all common sense.


One area came to mind, "the midst of the week" and how this could have a different meaning than what we assume for the typical application... the Hebrew word "uchtzi" in Daniel 9:27 usually translated "midst" or "middle" literally means "half of", could simply suggest "contained within" or "surrounded, encompassed" sometime within the 63rd Shavuah.

okay so here's my adjustment by simply rewording Kayce's article (which is nearly identical)...

Michael often explains how prophecies are fulfilled to the day, even the hour.
However, when I examine his subdivision of the seventy final years then the accuracy becomes a bit sloppy.

If we start counting the 70 years from Shavuot 1948 (and in my opinion this is correct), then the application of 62, midst of the year, final seven (also divided in two halves) leaves a floating part of the year at the end.

But if you start counting from Shavuot 1948, then there is a period of some 4 months between Shavuot and the first of the seventh month, simply because we use the phrase 'in the midst of the year' as a condition of the 70 sevens prophecy.

This problem would disappear if we did not count from Shavuot in 1948, but from the 1st day of the first month on the Biblical calendar in 1948.

However, if we look at the pattern of the end of one layer of the prophecy starting the beginning of the next layer, Shavuot is THE point where the 70 weeks ministry of Yahshua ended and where the third layer should begin, and especially since Israel was born on the last seven of the seven sevens before Shavuot, Shavuot 1948 should be THE DATE from whence to start counting.

In my view the last seven should start at Shavuot and NOT at Yom Teruah, which is the first day of the seventh month, and the phrase 'in the midst of the seven' should NOT be translated into 'in the midst of the year', but rather 'contained therein' or between the time, surrounded.

This gives our 2011 to 2017 timeline a new envelope with which to commence (since Nisan 1 falls before Pentecost in 2011). This would be more in tune with the 70 weeks prophecy's structure and all bets are still in play!

Bottom line: the 70th Week of Daniel should begin sometime between NOW and Pentecost 2011 since we are now in the midst of the 63 Shavuah.

We won't be able to determine Pentecost accurately until the Abib barley shows in the spring. For now we can determine the close proximity based on Hillel/calculated calendar.

So the timeline is still in play here and I've only assigned placeholder beginning dates to bookend the Tribulation.

Dear Tommy,

I would like to share Daniel's 3 layer shavua prophecy being fulfilled in below senarios:-

1ST LAYER:- 70weeks of years
= 62weeks + 1week + 7weeks
= 434years + 7years + 49 years
= 490years

Fulfillment of 62weeks = 434years…

From Cyrus Decree till Jesus preached Acceptable year of the Lord to Jews...
is 434years (62weeks of years)...
Pls note this period includes the 49years (7weeks of years) from the same decree of Cyrus till Artexerxes's decree to build the walls of Jerusalem within 52days. see Nehemiah 6:15.
Note 52days is the same period from Jesus' death (cut-off) 3rd day + 49days till Pentecost.

Fulfillment of 1 week = 7years…

Jesus preached the Acceptable year of the Lord to His people in Nazareth after His ministry in Syria (Luke 4:15-30) note that He mentioned 3 years 6 months in verse 25

in the midst of the week Jesus was crucified.
+3or4 years in Judah and then being cut-off in the midst of the week(7years)
note that in Luke13:1-9
He mentioned 3 years in verse7 and 1 year in verse 8

after possible few years…HolySpirit filled (Stephen) was rejected.
+4or3 years when Stephen(HolySpirit) was rejected and stoned to death.
see Acts Chapter 7:51-60 "Ye…always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did…And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit…and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge…"
Thus ended the week of 7years.

Fulfilling of the 7 weeks = 49years…

From the decree to build Jerusalem in 1967 till 2016 [or quarters in 1969 till 2018]
Israel miraculously won the war in 6Days and rested in the 7th Day.
It would be fulfilled that Israel will build the wall in 2016 or 2018.

2ND LAYER:- 70weeks of days
= 62weeks + 1week + 7weeks
= 434days + 7days + 49 days
= 490days

Fulfillment of 62weeks = 434days…

From the time Scribes and Pharisees which were of Jerusalem came to Jesus, possibly 40 days before the feeding of the 4000 which could be another passover, 1 year before His entry into Jerusalem in 10th of 1st month.
= 40days + 384days (1year with Adar2) + 10days (mth of Passover)

= 434 days
= 62weeks (days)

Fulfillment of 1 week = 7days…

Jesus entry into Jerusalem on 10th of 1st month

in the midst of the week Jesus was crucified on 13th night buried before 14th (Passover).
+ 3 days in Jerusalem
+ 1 day being crucified and buried on day4 (being cut-off in the midst of the week)
+ 3 days (3nights) before resurrection

= 7 days
= 1 week (days)

Fulfilling of the 7 weeks = 49days…

From the resurrection till pentecost = 7 weeks [Holy Spirit Baptism]

= 7 x 7 days
= 7weeks (days)

3RD LAYER:- 70 years of (weeks)
= 70 Pentecost (7 weeks per year)
= 70 years

Fulfilling of 62weeks = 62 years…

From the time Israel was born as a nation in 14 May 1948AD which is 6th Sivan till 2010AD
= 2010AD 6th Sivan - 1948 years 6th Sivan
= 62 years (365.2468 days per year)

Fulfilling of 1 week = 1 year…

Rapture by Jesus and Covenant of death within 2011AD?
= 1 year before Pentecost of 2011AD?

Fulfilling of the 7 weeks = 7 years…

From the rapture till 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ = 7years (shortened Tribulation period)
= 7 years (<360 per year?)

Just my guesses

Email: mikettc2002@yahoo.com.sg

Website: www.simplesite.com/7churches

Re: What Year is the Rapture?


My study on Joseph is 26 pages long with several charts, it is a Word document. If I posted it on RITA the charts would be left out.

Plus I wanted to try to get everything written down on paper before I present it on the internet. However if someone is interested in what I am working on I can email my studies.

However it would be nice to talk with you DJ and share a few thoughts on the tribulation. I would appreciate some fellowship with someone who is like minded on this subject.

Here is a brief summary of what I am working on.

8 possible paths point to 2031-2038 for the 7 years of tribulation

1. The prophetic stories of Joseph and Joshua reveal a 2,000 year gospel period that started from the resurrection and will end in the 2030-2033 timeframe which will be followed by 7 years of tribulation that will end in approximately 2037-2040.

2. The prophetic numbers 83, 84, 85, 86, 90 within several stories reveal the number of years for the generation that was born or alive when Israel blossomed as a nation in 1948 to events of the 7 year tribulation, 2031-2038.

3. Jesus stays with the Samaritan woman and her friends 2 days (2,000 YEARS), then Jesus returns to Israel to heal the officials son at the point of death in the 7TH hour (7TH year of the tribulation) followed by Jesus healing a crippled man of 38 years at the pool of Bethesda. (2,000+38 = 2038 when Israel who is at the point of death and spiritually crippled in the 7th year (7th hour) of the tribulation is miraculously healed by Jesus).

4. Psalms 83-90 AND 91 reveal the years of 2031-2038 for the tribulation. Psalm 76 may reveal the year of 2024 for the war of Gog.

5. 6 blood moon eclipses happen during 2032-2034 (5 of which are visible from Jerusalem) on feast days at the same point in time when the saints are put to death during the first 2 years of the tribulation in 2031-2033.

6. 483 TO 490 years in Daniel is prophetic for the 7 years of tribulation and it is similar to 83-90 years from 1948 when Israel will be in the tribulation. Israel’s 400 years of affliction in Egypt is prophetic for the persecution of Israel throughout the 4 corners of the world. When Israel’s symbolic 400 years of persecution in Egypt (the world) is added to the 83-90 years (from 1948) of Jewish occupation of Israel it totals 483-490 years, or the same number of years for Daniel’s 70th week known as the tribulation.

7. Ezekiel’s 430 years of judgment for Israel from the decree of Artaxerxes in 445 B.C. (or 2520 years calculated by Chuck Missler) ends on January 5, 2040 when the rebuilding of Jerusalem will begin shortly after the end of the tribulation in 2038.

8. 83 years from 1948 is the year 2031, or the beginning of the tribulation. Take the number 83 and add it to Daniel’s 70th week (the tribulation) and it equals 153, a number which represents the nations at end of the tribulation. Jesus told his disciples where to fish and they caught 153 fish which is prophetic for the end-time harvest of people throughout the nations of the world during the tribulation.

9. For 30 days before the 10 day feast of Rosh Hashanah (that begins in September) a trumpet is blown each day warning Israel to repent and return to the Lord before God’s judgment begins during the feast of Rosh Hashanah. This 30 day period of trumpet blasts is also known as “Teshuva” which means to repent.

If the 10 days of Rosh Hashanah is prophetic for God’s judgment of mankind during the 7 years of tribulation, could it be possible that 30 days of Teshuva is prophetic for 30 years of birth pangs (trumpet blasts) warning people to repent and return to the Lord before the tribulation begins?

If the tribulation begins in the September timeframe of 2031, a possible 30 year period of Teshuva also known as the birth pangs may have begun in September of 2001.

And what was the first trumpet blast heard around the world in September of 2001 that reveals the 30 year season of Tehsuva has begun? It was 9-11.

The meaning of this date is known around the world and since 9-11-2001 the world has seen tsunamis, major hurricanes and earthquakes that are trumpet blasts warning mankind to repent before the tribulation begins.

It would appear the 30 year period of birth pangs (known as 30 days of Teshuva) warning mankind to repent and return to God before the coming judgment of tribulation began with the twin towers falling in New York on 9-11-2001.

Email: gcon@usfamily.net

Re: What Year is the Rapture?

I don't think we really know what year it truly is, with all that has happened in history in the past 2k years. How can anyone know for sure what year it is?

for example:
some say Jesus was born in 2bc so would that make it 2013 and not 2011.

others say he was born in 7 bc

the calendar has been changed by the roman catholic church at least once

the dark ages lasted for at least 500 years

Europe was invaded by barbarians, moors, ottoman empire, many times, who did not use the same calendar

the black plague killed at least 1/3 of Europe.

If it truly is 2011 i guess it would be a miracle that it is the correct year since Jesus birth.


Email: joshua8661@yahoo.com

Re: What Year is the Rapture?


I for one, do not feel the rapture is within the next few days. Why? I have always believed that all those who were looking, watching and waiting would be given a sure sign at least three days in advance. The reason is because of patterns and pictures in scripture.

Just a thought for your consideration.


This is very interesting. My Dad Oden Hetrick suggested 3 days of darkness prior to the rapture, because of patterns and pictures in the Bible. That would be a sure sign. He likened it to a death experience.

I'll tell you for sure after it happens!!!

Email: missjoyh

Website: www.odenhetrick.com

Re: What Year is the Rapture?

Fulfilling of 1 week = 1 year…

Rapture by Jesus and Covenant of death within 2011AD?
= 1 year before Pentecost of 2011AD?

great work mike...
1 year before Pentecost of 2011AD would less than 4months now!

seems right to me too

Jean says we are 60 days on borrowed time already...
I say 10 years and 60 days

Veronika says the Lord is testing our faith!
I say the rapture may happen any moment now! really!

“1-1-11” = 1ST DAY OF HANUKKAH (adjusted calendar)
On 1-5-2011 at sunset begins Shevat 1, month 11 of the Scriptural year. It will be 11-1 or 111 and the Rosh Chodesh, the new moon
“1-8-11” = 8TH DAY OF HANUKKAH

29th of January 2011 - Possible Rapture Date!

April 23rd, 2011 (eve of Firstfruits, begins 70th Week?)

Re: What Year is the Rapture?

Joy Hetrick

I for one, do not feel the rapture is within the next few days. Why? I have always believed that all those who were looking, watching and waiting would be given a sure sign at least three days in advance. The reason is because of patterns and pictures in scripture.

Just a thought for your consideration.


This is very interesting. My Dad Oden Hetrick suggested 3 days of darkness prior to the rapture, because of patterns and pictures in the Bible. That would be a sure sign. He likened it to a death experience.

I'll tell you for sure after it happens!!!

F.M. Riley is another one expecting 3 days of darkness at the time of the rapture:

Website: armstrongcomics.blogspot.com/

Re: What Year is the Rapture?


great work mike...
1 year before Pentecost of 2011AD would less than 4months now!

seems right to me too

thanks Tommy,
and credit to all who have provided lots of information which helped in my work to compile using jigsaw puzzle or suduko method AND most important of course by help of HolySpirit.

for we can do nothing without Him.

Praise,Glory,Thanks be to God!

Email: mikettc2002@yahoo.com.sg

Website: www.simplesite.com/7churches

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