Bravenet Web Forum

This forum is for the use of all bikers to use as a question and answer database, if you would like to ask or discuss anything "feel free". paul & andy (The devilsbridge team )

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polce intimidation

In response to the rider who does not go to Devils Bridge anymore because of Police intimidation, perhaps he may like to consider the following points:

As an Ingleton resident I am frequently intimidated by a significant minority of inconsiderate, dangerous and noisy bikers during the weekends. My journeys are frequently ruined through near-miss experiences and lack of respect for other road users. Before dismissing my comment I invite you to walk or cycle along part of the road between Ingleton and Hawes on a sunny Sunday and you will understand my feelings. Perhaps the so called 'police intimidation' that is referred to is a response to numerous complaints from myself and other local residents.

Re: polce intimidation

I will accept that there are bikers who are inconsiderate to other road users if you can accept that some car drivers are a menace, Iv lost count of the near misses that have happened to me when i'v been travelling within the speed limit, and thats not mentioning the halfwits who like to play bumper tig, (following too close)pulling out without looking,turning right while indicating left,and many other stupid mistakes that drivers make.For example: today i was nearly in 3 (yes 3!!!) accidents involving car drivers talking on mobile phones while trying to drive and execute manouvers ie. turning right at junctions, overtaking, and one was trying to change a tape over at the same time as trying to talk into his phone and drive.
There are idiots out there but dont for one second think that everyone riding a bike is a dangerous rider,I know that not all car drivers are out to get us (but there are times when I think they are)