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Re: Dog pictured floating to sleep in owner's arms has died

Aaawww...makes me sad - what a beautiful friendship. Hopefully they will see each other soon!

Re: Dog pictured floating to sleep in owner's arms has died

Yes, me too hope so

Re: Dog pictured floating to sleep in owner's arms has died

Ohhhh, how sad. I bet he is heartbroken. I've had enough bad news today and then to read this too.

Re: Dog pictured floating to sleep in owner's arms has died

This story really tugs at my heart too Donna.

I have an old kitty that has had a mild case of arthritis in her front legs. She started to show signs of increasing stiffness. After a trip to the vet this week, she is now taking Glucosomine and Chondroiton sprinkles to see if it helps.

My heart goes out to Mr Unger for his loss. Our pets are like family. At least to me.

Re: Dog pictured floating to sleep in owner's arms has died

Dear Donna,
My sis, what a beautiful love story of a man and his dog. What a blessing that he was able to love and care for his dog for so many years. Their bond even though his dog passed will never be broken. He is in Heaven now and his owner will see him again soon. God bless this wonderful man for taking care of his dog with so much love and compassion.
Thank you for sharing this heartfelt story with us.

God bless you..

Re: Dog pictured floating to sleep in owner's arms has died

My heart breaks for both of them. May God richly bless both John and Schoep. They will be together one day again where there will be no arthritis or death. When the temperature will always be just right and the love between them shared once again. Both will run and play together like their youth. Jesus is reaching out to them both. Indeed pets are our children, too. Schoep appreciates what John did for him and knows it was to help him. Surely such a tender , loving heart as John demonstrated means He knows Jesus. If not we must pray he does soon for their grand reunion. Jesus, John and Schoep together. It's a love that continues unbroken as Angel Wings has said. This story does have "forever" written all over it.

Email: victorychanter@raptureintheairnow.com

Website: Rapture In The Air

Re: Dog pictured floating to sleep in owner's arms has died

Re: Dog pictured floating to sleep in owner's arms has died

Aww. Rest in peace, doggie.

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