If you want to know what the rapture just might be like, then read this 2008 dream/vision that Rick Wynn had.
This is a full face glimpse of what it could be like when we are raptured. The only word that fits as a description is "Awesome" with a lot of WOW'S.
The Spirit and the Bride say "Come".
Rick Wynn (18 July 2008)
My Rapture Dream.
Hello all,
Just wanted to share with you a dream I had yesterday morning.
In my dream, I was at my job in my office reading some documents standing in front of my desk, which faces west. As I lifted up the papers to read, I noticed small circles of light far brighter than the regular lights in the office. The day was hot, sunny, blue skies without a single cloud. It must have been slightly before or after 12:00 noon. Without much thought I figured the light must be coming from the sun and then an inner voice interjected reasoning "no, that's not possible." It wasn't possible because there were no windows in my office as my office is situated within the outer walls of the building I work in. Thus, the light of the sun could not penetrate the walls of my office. Within a blink, I looked again and beheld more circles of light that not only illuminated the paper I held but also was now cascading along the wall and floor before me. These expanding circles of light were now even brighter so bright in fact, that I expected them to burn but it didn't.
As I spun around to see where the light was coming from, I could already feel the presence of it penetrating me through my center flooding my body simultaneously upward and downward. To the east, I saw that the wall . . . well actually the space between where I stood and the wall were as if it were being unzipped. As the "space" split open in front of me, the light poured in spilling all over the room, penetrating the walls outward until it lit up the entire office in addition to the entire interior of the building. Then I heard the sound of a gentle, yet powerful voice that spoke my name beckoning me to come. This magnificent voice sounded like a great flow of rushing water and I instantly knew it was the voice of Jesus. At that very instant, I felt a gentle ticklish-like tug at my belly and I jumped toward the light and felt an indescribable peace come over me, which I had never known yet understood that this peace was eternally mine. The power of God had entered me and changed me. I looked and my body had become as radiant and beautiful as the light where even my new robe, which radiated gloriously white with the golden sash around my waist seemed to be as part of my body.
I don't know how long all of this took, for it seemed as though it was all happening in slow motion. As I moved toward the opening where the light poured out, the room and even the life, as I knew it, went out of focus and the last thing I remember were the screams of those left behind, for they were terrified by the darkness and thunder. Instantly I understood that they didn't see what I had seen and experienced. For those left behind, the room and building became utterly dark, as did the whole sky and even the world. I knew it was the rapture. It was happening right now and Jesus took me! In a flicker of an eye, I had vanished right in front of the others in my office but I was able to experience everything in detail seeing the whole event. The light enveloped me completely and I was instantaneously flying high above the earth. I saw the Shekinah Glory of God illuminate the vast region of space as far as the outer edge of the galaxy as I ascended up high above the earth and met Lord Jesus in the clouds. I had already lost recollection of my life on earth as I looked toward my destination with overwhelming joy. I looked across the sky and saw multitudes of radiant people beaming up from out of the earth like beautiful flares from every direction. Each person's arms were outstretched toward Jesus.
Everything that pleased God, all that was holy and good in His sight was what I immediately understood. Every face He knew, I knew. Whomever I thought of that had come into the Kingdom, I immediately stood before them and knew them even though I may not have necessarily known them on earth. In addition, there was not one brother or sister there whom was unfamiliar to me. I saw and greeted so many people for instance who spoke the blessed hope on 5doves. I saw and greeted Peggy McIlveene and Pastor Riley and scores of others who believed on Christ. After I had awakened from my dream I also remembered that whoever had not been raptured, I had no recollection of. All of us know of others who are on the wrong path and are thus in danger of being left behind. Such people I knew, I had not even considered in my dream. It was as if they didn't exist or I had never known them. Thus, my mind and thoughts were also changed.
There were no boundaries concerning thought in all that the Lord desired me to understand. The most significant thing understood pertaining to such thoughts was my purpose of existing. God desired us to be eternal beings of purpose, one purpose-His purpose. That purpose was to praise and worship God. This is what I had been designed by my Creator to do. The indescribable feeling of being in the presence of Christ without distraction, sin, and evil, experiencing His eternal love, the lightness of being without burdens and the bondage of earthly life was the true life-reality. Earthly life was the dream from which I had awakened. In the presence of God, I wanted nothing else, to do nothing else. I just wanted Him. His love, presence, power, and glory were the essence of my very existence; I had no other purpose, no other reason to exist. I just wanted to praise Him and I would do it for all eternity.
Then my dream cut to a fast forward of some sort where I saw that everyone taken (raptured) were connected in spirit as one. When we praised, it was all in one accord. We bowed in unison and raised our hands in unison; we sang, glorified and spoke His name in one accord. The next thing I remember was that a multitude it seemed were sitting and everyone had in their hand a cup. Perhaps this was my interpretation of the Marriage Banquet in the dream I am not sure.
There was another fast forward and I looked up and the light of God grew brighter and brighter and as this happened, everyone in heaven was drawn towards it. There was a great event about to take place. I thought "Bema Judgment" and then there was another fast forward. The last thing I saw was multitudes mounting their horses and entering a spellbinding light whereby they were following Jesus who sat upon His white horse in all His Glory as King of kings and Lord of lords. Throughout heaven, as they mounted there was tremendous celebration, praise, and singing, then I woke up.
Perhaps this dream was all my frail mind could handle, but how wonderful if all our dreams concerning Christ and the rapture are a foreshadow of things far greater than we can even begin to conceive.
Praise be to God and His glory forever!
Your brother in Christ forever,
Rick Wynn
i hear of people on RITA saying december 4th is a major watch time.
i have my last SAT reasoning test on the morning of Saturday, December 4th, i wake up early in the morning and it would look just like what i dreamed, only that i would be getting ready to go take that test, not school.
Email: dragoonerzerg@gmail.com
Dug up this topic from the past.
Read a long series of earthquake dreams by SuperKitty at ...
I may make a newer updated video tommarow night after my workout at the gym and geting back from my buddies house :)
You know what? you all are preety much the only ones that actually head the warnings in my dreams. everyone else just scoffs and shuts me out.
I finally show my ugly mug lol.
My son had a confirmation of part of Rick Wynns dream/vision.
He said the rapture was very, very slow for us to experience but very fast to the world.
From Charity.....
For your discernment: A message from the Holy Spirit
Dear saints, I'm posting this for encouragement purposes. The Lord spoke this into my spirit on Nov. 27th. I later found out, earlier on that same day He told a friend He would be giving me a message. He is so faithful! I earnestly pray that it blesses y'all today. Our King is COMING, glory to God!!!
Oh My bride, My beloved bride.
The one I love, the one who loves Me;
The one who delights in My Word and grieves not the Spirit of the living God:
I dwell within you, and I have set My stamp of approval upon your heart.
You are Mine, and I am so happy to announce that our waiting is nearly OVER!!!
The Wedding is nearly here! The Bridegroom is emerging from His prepared chamber to fetch His prepared bride. OH GLORY, THE TIME HAS COME! The waiting, the longing of the Spirit and the Bride has become intense beyond description, intense beyond understanding.
GLORY! GIVE GLORY TO YHWH WHOSE PATIENCE KNOWS NO BOUNDS;YET WHOSE JUSTICE REQUIRES SWIFT ACTION!!! The sins of the world have reached to the skies, and IT IS TIME for the King to come out from His Holy Habitation...and ACT!!!
Blessed, so blessed is My bride, My beautiful one, who has been cleansed in the blood of My righteous Son, Yahushua. She is adorned in white robes; she has not soiled her garments by fornicating with the world. She obeys My Word by the power of the Spirit of the living God who abides in her.
Oh My bride, are you ready to fly?!! We are so eager together, dear one. The Spirit and the Bride are ONE, and we have been longing for His appearing, haven't we, dear one. You have made yourself ready by continually welcoming Me into your heart, giving Me complete reign in your life. You have allowed Me to purify and refine and mold your heart so that you can be ready to see your Savior's glorious face when He beckons His bride to His side!
Did you know, beloved, that HE IS EVEN MORE EAGER TO SEE YOUR GLORIOUS FACE THAN YOU ARE TO SEE HIS?! He is deeply yearning to receive you into His embrace! He is overjoyed at the prospect of seeing you in your transformed body-- healthy, vibrant, bursting with the SHEKINAH GLORY OF YHWH GOD!
Tell them to put all their hope in the LORD JESUS CHRIST, God's own precious Son. He is their ONLY HOPE!
Scary times are near, so very near.
Tell them to CRY OUT to the One who made them; and if they are sincere, I will show them the Way to My Salvation. I will NOT forsake any who earnestly cry out to the LORD, the true God, to save them!
You can be sure that I am a GOOD, GOOD GOD.
the Holy Spirit of the living God
I emailed her the following.
Dear Charity,
Is it really day's away in terms that we think of
Mary, I believe in my heart that "days" is exactly what He meant...
Love, Charity
Wow, days away, indeed!!
Thanks for sharing...
What's happening with the 99.8 dream you had SuperKitty?
Email: gknight333@gmail.com
Just love hearing about your update SuperKitty.
Me, too!!
From what I observed so far, that SuperKitty's dream involving sudden destruction actually will take several days for the ENTIRE dream to be fulfilled completely.
I am just waiting for the final portion of his dream to come to pass.
These 2 prophetic messages received by Virginia Arnke are directly related:
i had a dream of the rapture when i was a freshman-sophomore in high school, during the summer break. im now a senior and i still remember it to this day.
when i had this dream i was started to get interest in bible prophecy, and i was immature in the rapture and related things, open to many kinds of doctrines and teachings about the end of times and the last days though i was leaning towards to the pre trib. (now i know its pre trib).
the dream started as me getting ready for school. it was early in the morning and i remember me washing my face at the sink that where i always do in real life. and i remember going to go dry my face with the white towel that i always use in real life like i always do.
i remember in the dream that every single part of the bathroom that i had seen was extremely accurate to what is there in real life.
i remember the wood floor i remember where things are placed and how the bathtub is shaped EVERYTHING in my dream its the same in real life. now there was a window across from where i dry my face (as also in real life and it has binds and curtain just like my dream) and seeing out the window u can see a huge view of my city, the freeway and the hills. im blown away how similar it looked to now considering i live in a semi suburban and rural area with a bunch of trees and bunch of stuff outside yet so accurate.
then the moment i put the towel back down, while looking at the window, i looked at the freeway and suddenly a huge and super loud SHOUT was yelled across the whole place. soooo loud yet i remember my ears can handle it like it wouldnt go deaf or something. this part im not sure but it sounded like “GET UP HERE” in a reaalllly loud yell.
in my dream, it seemed this really woke me up cuz its really early in the morning and im always sleepy but when i heard this shout in my dream i became wide awake and i knew this was the rapture!
the same instant the shout was made, i saw on the freeway many car crashing and many sounds of cars colliding into each other. then i felt joy and knew it was finally it, and then in the dream i remember myself running to the room where the bathroom was connected, i remember i didnt feel no fear but joy.
again the room looks EXACTLY 110% same as in real life and as of today. the TV, the wood floor, the coffee table, the couch right behind EVERYTHING to the very exact detail was the same in my dream. so then i ran to the coffee table next to it, fell on my knees and bowed and i remember saying “IM READY!” or something.
but all the while after the shout and while i was running and then onto my knees, i remember a looooooooong trumpet sound, it was a sustained note, didnt sound like the trumpet i hear in school band but some sort of those trumpet i hear in those movies about ancient times or something… that too was super loud and super vivid. but during this, i didnt see my body.
during all this, the morning light was bright enough (6:30am is when i start getting ready for school) so that i didnt need to use the bathroom light. in regular dreams, things should be distorted a little bit, i barely even remember any dream except this one.
so i remember during this part, the whole bathroom and the bedroom that is connected to it, the morning light stayed the same, it was as if in real life. the darkness and lightness of the room was completely accurate to what it looks like in real life when i get ready for school.
so i remember when i fell on my knees and the trumpet was still blowing a sustained note, couple seconds later i was immediately taken to what looked like clouds, like the earth’s atmosphere but i didnt see a sky.
i saw myself bowing on my knees in complete worship and honor to this super infinitely bright light, so bright think of the sun but heck of a lot brighter but yet my eyes didnt sting or burn, it was so bright but the color was whiter than any kind of snow on earth yet it was a colorless white but intense, but i felt overwhelmed, on my knees bowing to this light, im thinking this is Jesus and the bema seat? (when i had this dream, i didnt know about the bema seat of judgement btw)
then i remember some kind of things going in front of me, from this light but i dont remember what it was, looks like words? i dont know, but then after that (this light wasnt too long) i remember briefly passing through these gates, gates of white yet so clear and yellow.
and i remember passing into heaven in my dream and immediately i felt overwhelming infinite joy and peace yet i was dancing like a little kid with 0 stress, i felt alive again, so overwhelming, NOTHING ON EARTH COMPARE IT WAS SO GOOD SO AMAZING, i cannot describe this feeling of joy and fulfillness with words.
while this, i remember lush green pastures, wide huge fields, super bright sky yet it was golden in color but clear, no trace of shadow, i DO NOT REMEMBER any kind of black color or shadow or some sort, the grass was brighter than the lightest kind of green u can find on earth, yet the huge flowerbed that covered it all seemed to not get hurt when i step on it yet so unimaginable.
i also remember seeing some tree off in a distance with a stream flowing between me and this green pasture and the tree, i dont think it was the tree of life though. and i remember being reunited with some person up there in my dream. but then it was a time of oh my goodness….
then i was skipping like some kid in happiness, yeah i just cant describe this, but before more happened, i abruptly woke up without warning, then it was august before school starts and after my church summer retreat (which was when i was have a severe mental attack of me going to hell and that im not a christian and that i should bow to satan that evil one which i was struggling with cuz my LORD was JESUS) and i remember my mom cooking breakfast…. lol
and yes there were people around me as well in my dream.
in the part when i was on earth, its funny cuz everything is similar, no joke. to this day, it looks exactly as how my dream looked.
right now, its end of november or getting there and STANDARD TIME came in for Los Angeles. during sept. and oct. before we fell back 1 hour, the morning time where i get ready for school at 6:30 am, it was too dark to see anything without using the bathroom light but now after standard time, its bright enough and whats more, the tone or intensity of the morning light is like matching what i remember in the dream.
and since this is my senior year in high school, ill be off to college next year. that would mean i would no longer get ready for school in my bathroom in my house, i'll be in the dorms.
i also remember in my dream when i was on my knees on the wood floor of the bedroom, that i faintly remember seeing doors on the wall next me, i was like “huh?” cuz it was upstairs and it wouldnt make sense for that. but now 2 years after the dream, we got a balcony with a door, (for those wondering which bedroom, its my mom’s bedroom, yeah i get ready in her bathroom haha)
so this is crazy and considering all the things pointing to this year or around, this is really making pay a whole lot more attention.
now as of this date of posting, everything is set for my dream to take place, now i must watch for the shout. nobody can know for sure exactly when the rapture would take place but this is totally the year it seems.
I have to say this was a surprise for me. On July 1, 2010 I had a very detailed dream, in two parts no-less, which framework was very similar. I can tell you that re-reading it is making me think.
I'll summarize quite a bit. It started with a few personal elements but quickly became an adventure unto itself. There was a road through the woods, many types of menacing predators AND a bear on the left (twice actually)! Also, the animals were unable to attack when they were exposed or looked upon, especially by more than one person. This dream made a big impression on me, but I was unable to make a lot of it. I wrote it down and waited.
Eventually, I came to a conclusion that the animals represented countries, as in prophecy. When I realized the bear was on the left, presto. The left is also with the bear! I saw no wolf. I will mention two more elements. The most notable animal was a sort of hybrid combination which turned out to be one type of predator wearing the hide/skin of another. Also, both times I lacked a weapon(gun), but was saved. However, at the end of the dream is a resolution to get a multi-shot weapon/gun.
I guess this is a sort of confirmation for me. I hope this is useful for you. God's blessings to you.
Sometimes in my dreams I fly where I want to go. I love the flying dreams because it always feels so free to me except sometimes when someone is chasing me I fly also to get away from them...
Anyway, last night I was flying in an old city somewhere and I figured out it was Jeruselum or around there. I was searching for someone and everytime I went to a place I thought they were they had just left. I am not sure who "they" were actually and I was carrying some little boy with me everywhere trying to get him there and I don't know for sure who he was either.
The last thing I remember was someone telling me "They have gone to the Northern gate...go this way and you will pass a lion, then the gate is shaped like this...(he made a motion with his hands like 3 sided thing" He reached into some kind of little box in the ground and handed me a gold key and told me, "The walls are very high, you will need this." So I grabbed this little boy and took off flying again.
I had never even heard of a Northern gate before and looked it up on the internet this morning when I got up and sure enough, there it was in old Jerusulem. It said it went to damascus and it used to have 3 sides but only one stands still and the "wall is very high"...it showed a small door on the left and said in the picture that it would have been the door Jesus came through with the cross .
I don't know if this was too much mexican food before I went to bed or if this was actually something given to me by the Lord last night but thought it was interesting. I wish I knew what the key I was given was and who I was carrying and who I was looking for.
Hi Brenda,
it was a very interesting dream. I could notice some connection to letter to Philadelfia church in Revelation 3:7-13. There is as well the key mentioned, Temple and New Jerusalem. It is interesting that this letter mentions the saving from the hour of trial which is coming to earth.
I looked a bit on the lion and found that on the temple which Ezekiel was measuring in his vision there were all around on inner and outside wall a pictures of cherubims with two faces. One man and one of a lion. See Ezekiel 41:18-19.
I had a rapture dream which I posted here and in it there were two birds in a room, one changed into a little boy and flew away through balcony to the sky. The second stayed as a bird and flew caugth in the room (two birds Church and Israel - church raptured, Israel going for seven more years).
In your dream you flew with the boy - it could mean we SOON BE RAPTURED as in my dream only the boy flew.
I believe that this Chanukkah period is the season for the Rapture. Maranatha, I hope He comes and we do fly up.
By the way, when I was child I had many flying dreams and remember them untill now. There were so strong that I nearly believed that I can fly in reality. I was growing up in unbeliving family, never hearing about Jesus. In those dreams I knew that flying was connected to faith, I had to jump down with faith and then it worked :)
I had those dreams myself. It always came down to believe you can do it and then it 'worked', I could fly. In all of them I was scared I would fall, except the last one, when I looked down I was so high in the sky, but I wasn't afraid anymore and everything was ok. The feeling of flying... My soul's desire...
... and one more thing I experienced in my dreams is a supernatural precision, it was not only flying but great managing of ones body and movements.
As well I had already as I believer a dream in which I was fighting against wordly army (probably Armageddon army but could be prophetic meaning of spiritual powers)
and as I was in a renewed body, there was no chance that I would lose any figth. I was so quicker then they were that it seemed I am out of time - so before they could struck me with a sword, I was able to do hundreds way what to do against it and used a great wisdom (not available here now). Matrix is nothing in comparison with this
This is looking at "5" years ago and considering Robert Rose's post!!!!
Rapture before December 21, 2010
(29 Dec 2005)
"Psalm 21; Jesus' "APPEARING"!!!"
On 12/21, I woke WIDE awake very early (around 2:00 a.m.) and
it was as if the Lord KNEW that I had a lot to do (wrap presents,
pack, etc.) for a trip of about 11 hours to South Carolina. I left before
the sun came up and was headed east from the Mississippi Delta.
About 1 1/2 hours later I was in the hills of Mississippi and, JUST
BEFORE the sun came up, the sky looked like a "CURTAIN" of orange.
I decided to stop on top of a small hill and take some pictures. I took
a few pictures for 3-4 minutes and then started again through the hills.
I kept looking over at the sky because the sun had not as yet come up.
As I looked just after starting back up, I saw an "11" at the horizon
which was made up of clouds "SITTING" on the horizon. The "11" was
an almost EXACT copy of the Twin Towers in shape and appearance
and there was NOTHING else on the horizon. It was like the orange
CURTAIN had risen and was giving me a look at these "towers" of clouds.
As I mentioned, at the FIRST look there were only the clouds in the
shape of the "11", my NEXT look and the clouds were rimmed with
ORANGE like the color of FIRE! As I went a little further (again, I was
driving and looking through "some" trees but VERY interested), my
NEXT look and the "11" was LIKE IT WAS COMPLETELY ON FIRE!!!
What was so VERY "TELLING", to me, was that it was like the Lord
"WANTED" me to notice this because the sunrise was about to come
As I continued just a little further, the large portion of the "curtain" of
clouds became like an orange blanket with "feathers" printed on it.
It was as if the large feathers of a bird that had been "hit" causing them
to be dislodged and scattered and like they were printed onto and part
of the orange curtain of the sky. One very large feather (an "Eagle"
feather?) looked EXACTLY like one of the large QUILLS that had been
used in the early days of America to write letters, etc. It reminded me
of the very godly Christian people (like George Washington) who had
SO MUCH to do with the founding history of America.
The date of the occurrence above was "12/21" or a "CHIASMUS" / holy
"style" of writing a message which can be read backwards or forwards.
The number "21" can be seen "inside / out". Psalm 21 says.
...Psalm 21
...8 Your hand will lay hold on all your enemies;
...10 You will destroy their descendants from the earth,
... their posterity from mankind.
...11 Though they plot evil against you
... and devise wicked schemes, they cannot succeed;
...12 for you will make them turn their backs
... when you aim at them with drawn bow.
... 13 Be exalted, O LORD, in your strength;
... we will sing and praise your might.
Calvin, thanks for sharing all your dreams/visions with RITA!!
God bless...
my husband had a dream 3 or 4 years ago in which he was in the presence of the pope. The pope was seated on a chair. He looked at my husband and ripped off his (the Pope's) face and it was the devil under the mask. The pope laughed and said "it's been going on for centuries". The dream sounds funny but it was the worst dream my husband has had. btw, he is protestant. I think the pope is maybe the false prophet. Maybe someone else will fill that role.
The following dream is by Buddy Baker:
Here’s the rapture dream this week and the vision I had last Sunday.
I had an amazing Rapture dream this past week. Although it’s been a while since I had a rapture dream, the Lord did say He would give me more visions and dreams before He comes and I give Him all the praise, honor, and glory. Halleijuah! Well here’s what happened:
In my dream, my wife and I were at this huge cafeteria (like you would see in a shopping mall) and we were in a buffet line getting food and then we sat down at a table to eat. I looked to my left to see a huge opening in a wall, like the wall was missing. Next, I see streaks of light in the sky, like you would see when you see a shooting star streaking across the sky, and how it vanishes within a second. It was day light outside and while I was seeing this, I would hear what sounded like a popping sound that reminded me of what you hear when popcorn is popping, but the popping sound was like a very soft pop. While I was seeing and hearing this, I knew somehow that it was the rapture!
So then, there were a lot of people with their children there and the people were wondering what was going on. At first they just kind of ignored it, but they became more curious and casually got up to look out the opening in the wall and they were wondering what they were seeing and hearing. My wife got curious also and got up. Then all of a sudden, the children started to disappear, and the instant they vanished it would make that soft popping sound. Then the people and even my wife started to panic. While all this was happening, I believe the Lord showed this to me to see what people that are left behind will experience the moment the rapture happens. Then I woke up, thanked, and praised the Lord Hallelujah, we’re going home!!! Thank you Jesus!!!
I had a vision this past Sunday. I asked the Lord if I could see Heaven and when I closed my eyes I was standing on Jesus’ left side. He had His left arm over my shoulder and He waved His right hand to show me countless beautiful white mansions. Many of the mansions I saw had round domes on them and they were so shiny and beautiful. I opened my eyes and thanked the Lord.
Buddy Baker
All the things I experienced I saw with my eyes. what I call a "vision" refers to actual images I saw with my eyes open. God bless.
I was twenty-six at the time when God spoke to me through the Bible, through the radio, and in the sky. His holy spirit that dwells inside all believers was stirring something great inside of me and called me to the beach. Upon arriving at Ocean Beach (San Francisco) the spirit told me that I was where God wanted me to be, overlooking the ocean, cliffs, and rocks. I had been fasting for 3 days and fervently praying to God.
I climbed up into a tree on the heights of a cliff that overlooked the whole beach. This vantage point was an old navy lookout. I was perched in the tree for four hours before the vision came. Looking down on my black camera visions of heaven unfolded. An angel dressed in armor like a roman warrior was holding a scroll in his hand and running backwards down a cobble stone path. The angel finally reached a wall with stairs that led up to an Asian looking building. At the base of the steps was an angel who received the scroll and brought it into the building while the original angel took his spot guarding the steps. Thus that vision ended.
As the sun went down, the round sun became squared with edges and horn like spikes shot out from it. At this point I knew God was revealing something to me.
After many hours night came, and thick fog rolled in blocking the view of the moonlit ocean. God opened up a window through the fog and I saw a red light surrounded by two white lights hovering on the water. Out of the red light came three green lights that were jumping over each other like leaping frogs. The white lights rounded up the green and red ones and took them away, and the fog filled in again.
It was now late in the night and some people had come to have a party right under my tree, unaware of me. They began to play music and a song came on that told me to leave. I was in a tree, and the artist of the song just happened to be a man called "2-short", Like Zacheus who was in a tree because he was too short.
The next morning I was roused by the spirit before sunrise and outside I saw a strange moving star in the night sky. The spirit told me fallow the star and so I drove while it guided me to the Antioch peer. Exiting my vehicle I had a clear view of the delta river and where the sun would rise directly over the water. As I stood waiting for the sunrise hundreds of birds began to fly past me single file just feet away from me, all traveling away from the sunrise. As the sun rose it remained a dim red but with a bright yellow band around the center like a large blindfold.
As the sun rose higher the blindfold slowly fell off the still dark, dim, red sun. At that instant I saw a face in the sun and fell to my knees. The Sun’s rays hit my eyes and instantly I could see many people in heaven praying as if in a trance around a throne. At this moment I was involuntarily brought down to my knees in praise of God’s mighty power. As the sun rose its face became more and more angry and the sun boiled over from the top down with fierce heat. I left the docks that morning the only one who had perceived such strange things. And that day, the day of angry sun, began the freak heat wave of July 14 2006 that killed over one-hundred people across America.
Email: michaeljbdvc@yahoo.com
Well, I never saw myself posting a dream here, but here I am!
My daughter called tonight. Some of you will remember that months ago, I had asked for prayer for physical issue's she was having, along with panic attacks that were keeping her from needed medical appointments.
At any rate, she called late tonight to tell me about a dream she had last night. I am hoping tomorrow should we still be here, that she will send me more descriptive details.
But tonight I can only give sketchy details. This is the gist of it:
In her dream, it began with the appearance of a hugh angel who was speaking, and what the angel was speaking was truth, or was turning into truth.
Next she saw a set of golden gates! They were gold, silver gold she said. The gates had some kind of tier's, 4 to 5 tier's, that she said were almost in the shape of a harp which also had the appearance of harp strings which she said were actually thin bars.
When she saw these golden gates, she just took off running as fast as she could toward them, knowing that Jesus was coming.
As she ran with her children running with her, she said the only thing there was time for was her loud scream "BELIEVE!"
In other words, there was not time to talk, walk, discuss explain or witness to her children about what was happening, because of the SUDDEN aappearance of Jesus.
So she saw Jesus and ran fast toward Him, hoping her kids were in tow, and she screamed to them, "BELIEVE," as they ran with her.
That propelled her to the other side of the golden gates. She looked around to see if all her children were there, and only one was not.
End of dream!
I will add to this if after receiving her email, there is anything in addition to or different.
Her son who was not with her on the side of Heaven, is Ryan, her eldest son.
It is unusual for my daughter to have dreams like this. And my daughter doesn't normally talk in these terms EVER!
But she told me tonight that she believes this dream was a warning to people. She stated very strongly that she knows Jesus is coming SOON! She said that something within her just knows He is coming very soon!
If you really knew my daughter, and our history, you would be assured that this is out of the norm for her. So just wanted to share! I am still amazed at what she shared tonight.
She also said that afew days ago, she saw a large shadow of an angel who guards over her. She said she always senses their presence, but last week she saw the form. She has never wanted to see the dark side in any way and so has avoided looking for or even reading about angels. But she said when she saw the form of this angel, she was not afraid, and knew he was a protective angel.
In anticipation ~
Kolleen dear Sis,
Getting to know you Sis I know in some small part how you think. For you to come out and say this, speaks volumes.
Thanks Sis
Love ybiC / Paul
My mom called and had a vision of Michelle Obama and Nancy Pelosi.
The two women were having a conversation. Nancy Pelosi had just came out of the House of Representatives and was talking to Michelle like, you want power, you want to make a name for yourself....
And the two women said, BUT HE WILL TURN ON YOU!
Do you guys remember Mercer on 5Doves? Remember on 11/5/2010 there was a supernova in Leo? And he posts this!
Mercer (5 Nov 2010)
"I too was given the thought"
Interesting the number of believers that have been given the info they would see the "Rapture".
I was a young mom in the mid 80's with only a very basic bible knowledge......I remember exactly where I was.......in my family room, standing at the corner of the fireplace and really, out of the clear blue I had the thoughts put in my mind that I would not experience physical death.
Last year on December 9th I had my first ever vision/dream where I actually felt the rapture. I truly is "in a twinkling of an eye" !!!!!!!
December 9 this year is the last day of Hanukkah.......Hmmm
What a beautiful dream Kolleen by your daughter I pray that He will come this month. I pray fervently every day and moment that I can, to come Lord Jesus, please come for your children we want you so badly! Our souls and hearts yearn for you, our precious King, come for your children, please come.
My son dreamed we were all in Heaven and we were blown away. There were shops with dresses, furniture, jewelry and everything was free....but we would say, how much does this cost? And the person would say at the store, take it, I made it for you.
And we would say, well won't the manager or owner get mad?
And the person would laugh! And say, I am the manager! (Because God is the owner!) Ha Ha Ha
Ah, thank you for posting this encouraging dream of your daughter, Kolleen! I love the word, "BELIEVE!" It encourages my faith of His imminient return! (You saw my post where I was vascilliating between hanging onto my faith and enthusiam of His soon return and having doubts because of the negative dreams and prophesies I have read.)
And I love the fact that the angel appears to her to encourage her. Praise the Lord!
Got this from another forum:
December 8, 2010...
Brace yourself. The miracle of translation from one place to another is at hand. You will be a part of this if you believe, have faith for the revelation and discipline yourself in complete obedience. I have already been passing thoughts through your mind concerning your being in one place but then finding yourself in another. You had no explanation for what happened but you could see and sense it taking place in your mind. Well, it is about to happen in reality. There are other places where I have need of you and you are willing to go. I am looking for such a one as Philip of Biblical times who made himself totally available for My purposes. Are you such a one? Philip of Biblical times was such a one. Think and pray on these things.
during the last 30 days I've had a couple dreams and visions.
First was a dream were I saw the Earth, Moon, and another large planet-like object in between the the Earth and Moon. I saw them first from outer-space, then I was back on the earth and the planet-like object was about to hit us. Before the strange planet hit the earth, it broke apart into many pieces and thousands of small pieces fell onto the earth.
*I had this dream before I knew about other dreams like it!
I saw a man walking up to me. the man was white but he had no face. He had a head but no facial features. As he walked toward me dread and terror fell on me and I knew he was the Antichrist.
*I hope this dream is telling me that the Antichrist is about to be revealed or that we will be gone before he is revealed.
+eyes closed vision while still awake+
I saw an army marching with weapons. the whole ground was covered with soldiers and they were marching towards a battle.
+eyes closed vision while still awake+
there was a house with an open door. Bright light was coming through the doorway and Jesus reached out and began to pull me in.
May God's spirit be fall anew and unite all His children. Amen
Email: michaeljbdvc@yahoo.com
you wrote
I saw a man walking up to me. the man was white but he had no face. He had a head but no facial features. As he walked toward me dread and terror fell on me and I knew he was the Antichrist.
*I hope this dream is telling me that the Antichrist is about to be revealed or that we will be gone before he is revealed.
You could have knocked me over with a feather BECAUSE I too recently had a dream/vision...
In it I was in a room with other people watching a T.V. suddenly a very bad feeling filled me like something horrible was about to happen. Then, a man came on the T.V. and my entire body went ice cold. I knew instantly the identity who the man on the T.V.
Shaking like a leaf I shouted OMG!!! it's the Antichrist. The strange thing was that I could not tell you at the very moment who the (ac) is but the second I saw him every cell in my body, every fiber in my being knew instantly who the man was.
I know for a fact that when the (ac) steps on the scene I will know him without question. There won't be any doubt in my mind.
I haven't told anyone of this dream/vision I had, which only happened 2 weeks ago. I believe that the (ac) is getting ready to step on the scene. Your dream is a 2nd confirmation to me that the (ac) is very close.
I really believe that first destruction must happen first then the (ac) will come on the scene. For the Illuminati's motto is "Order from Chaos"
So, something is going to happen, something big, then the (ac) will step on the world stage to fix things, to make things right. The (ac) will bring order from chaos.
It is very close.
Oh my God, Dear Lord...When you wrote this about that vision of the planet in front of the sun, check this out..
This has happened on the 7th they don't know what it is...
Oh my God.....I have no words now just complete shock..
When you also mentioned about the AC on tv just last night I had two visions after my worship to the Lord Jesus, and my songs of praise. My first vision was a tv set turning on, then my second was word or whisper in my spirit it said the fires are coming..That was all. I have had a vision in the past of giant fireballs falling from the sky and everything on fire and people running around screaming in terror I believe this is the big thing that will happen for the AC to take the stage sudden destruction...
I am feeling numb..
Those solar pictures are said to show the Moon passing in front of the satellite "camera". While many strange things are happening this may not be one.
However, I have been watching these solar images for the last month or so. Signs in the Sun for sure; so vivid I really was not comfortable mentioning them.
Below is an analysis of the Rapture dream by Gooner
school starts winter break at December 17. but I leave the US and head to China on the 15th. i head over to LAX airport and leave my house at 8:15am because of the scheduled taxi.
6:30am is when i actually get out of bed to get ready for school. not washing my face or something. that is, i usually do that by like 6:45am or something.
6:48am-6:53am is literally the exact time when i get done washing my face, and i head on over to the window where the towels are (just like the dream, where then i heard this insanely loud shout causing all the cars down at the freeway to screech and get into accident, it seems)
in my dream, it was early morning and i was washing my face when it happened, so I ASSUME it happen when i get ready for school because it looked like it, but it may mean that I was getting ready for other things like me getting ready to pack and leave to LAX airport? yeah many things fit.
now things are starting to get a little dark in the morning than it is in my dream. i can still see everything without needing the bathroom light but it looks like dawn is like 10% darker than my what i saw in my dream. keep watching because I'll wake up on the 15th a litttttttle later than i normally do for school so that should make the things fit into piece.
just a hypothesis. maranatha
just wanna add into this dreams and visions section of the forum
My son dreamed on the 7th he was wearing a tuxedo and going to see the Lord for the wedding feast. It was EXTREMELY FORMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful, beautiful!
My husband who is not saved had a dream last night of things that are going to come soon. WOW!
He was not with me, so he had been left behind.
He saw that he sold his cars and he was driving a "beater" car. He was driving down the freeway in the USA and there were military checkpoints.
He saw the military use a scanner to see through the cars (including your body!) and he was allowed to pass.
Then something must have happened in the USA because he was working in a warehouse that was huge. I guess there was no work, and he got employed with this huge operation.
Flash forward he said he saw himself in Israel. There were huge revivals/meetings. He went to a revival and he saw that satan had "planted" evil people to look like Christians. There was a woman who pretended to get hit by my husband and then it was a trap to get the authorities on him.
OH WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had a dream last night that Jesus was in my kitchen! And He was talking to me and He was upset, frustrated and angry at one thing. That many people who are not saved are sitting on the fence. They will not CHOOSE a master. They want to be saved by grace and not go to hell, and believe that they can run up to the front of the church to make a confession and be saved. However they are not being transformed and picking up their cross and following Him. They are not becoming born again.
He said that many people would not choose a master, so He has allowed them to die and experience Hell so that they would choose in this life. This is not His way to do things because He wants people to choose by faith. He has sent many levels of Christians to them to preach, teach, prophesy, tell of their dreams, bring them gifts, show them love, bring them money and they refuse to pick a master.
So with this, the tribulation is coming so they will be forced to CHOOSE!